C improve performance of timeissorted Programming Software Development by salty11 …"); qsort(p, size, sizeof(long), longLess); printf("Timing issorted\n"); x = 1; startClock(); for (l = 0; l <…; limit; ++l) { x &= issorted(p, size); } endClock(); if (!x) printf("Got the wrong… Re: Assembly Improving Sort Speed and Efficiency Programming Software Development by salty11 …"); qsort(p, size, sizeof(long), longLess); printf("Timing issorted\n"); x = 1; startClock(); for (l = 0; l <…; limit; ++l) { x &= issorted(p, size); } endClock(); if (!x) printf("Got the wrong… Re: C improve performance of timeissorted Programming Software Development by salty11 … a mistake in understanding the lab, I need to improve issorted, not timeissorted, I've posted the c code for it… improve is this asm code, sorry about that. .globl issorted .align 4, 0x90 issorted: movl $1, %eax .align 4, 0x90 LBB1_1: cmpq… Re: C improve performance of timeissorted Programming Software Development by Adak … the program is timing is the run time of the issorted(), being called over and over. And we have no code… for issorted() here. You might be able to optimize the sorting function… Re: C improve performance of timeissorted Programming Software Development by salty11 long issorted(long *p, long n) { long i; for (i = 1; i &…[i]) return 0; } return 1; } This is the code for issorted(). I basically want to reduce memory access, reduce dependencies between… (Newbie) Need C++ programming help Programming Software Development by gus7984 … populateArrayRND (vector<int> &, int); bool isSorted (const vector<int> &); void printArray (const…lt;<endl; //wrong number of comparisons if (isSorted(copy_integers_1)==1) cout<<"Insertion Sort …lt;<endl; //wrong number of comparisons if (isSorted(copy_integers_2)==1) cout<<"Bubble Sort … Trying to sort array of random integers Programming Software Development by ray.chappel …[]) new Comparable[DEFAULT_CAPACITY]; listItem = tempList; itemCount = 0; isSorted = false; } // Constructs a list with the default capacity…1. */ public int search(T searchValue) { if (isSorted) { return binarySearch(searchValue,0,itemCount-1); } else {… designing classes Programming Software Development by Hamrick … of T is sorted template <typename T> bool issorted( T array[], const int size ) { bool sorted = true;…lt;"before sort -- "<< boolalpha << issorted( array, size ) <<endl; sorter( array, size );…;"after sort -- "<< boolalpha << issorted( array, size ) <<endl<<endl; // … Re: Expected primary-expression issue Programming Software Development by vijayan121 …it will be an array of some type. bool isSorted( const T* value, int start, int size…functocall)(T*, T*)) { if(start < size) { while(!isSorted(value, start, size)) { for(int i = start; i…? " << std::boolalpha << myCharSorter.isSorted( charArray, 0, SZ ) << '\n' ;… Help with Arrays Programming Software Development by stephenk291 ….println("Sorted: " + isSorted(array1)); // false System.out.println("Sorted: " + isSorted(array2)); // true System.out.println("… i++) { result[i] = random.nextInt(); } return result; } static boolean isSorted(int[] theArray) { for(int i = 1; i < array.length… Assembly Improving Sort Speed and Efficiency Programming Software Development by salty11 I have this issorted code to sort elements of an array. It's very … right direction as I'm new to assembly. .globl issorted .align 4, 0x90 issorted: movl $1, %eax .align 4, 0x90 LBB1_1: cmpq… Re: Help with Arrays Programming Software Development by javaAddict … the errors I know it was pin pointed to that isSorted function and for some reason the first print statement.[/QUOTE… defind in the main method. I am talking about the isSorted method. Shouldn't you be looping the argument? Expected primary-expression issue Programming Software Development by Alex Edwards …, so it will be an array of some type. bool isSorted(T *value, int start, int size) { for(int i = start… size, void (*functocall)(void*, void*)) { if(start < size) { while(!isSorted(value, start, size)) { for(int i = start; i < size… Re: Help with Arrays Programming Software Development by stephenk291 [CODE]int[] array = createRandomArray(1000);[/CODE] wouldn't that suffice for defining it was that setup in correctly? I wish I was home to actually run it to show the errors I know it was pin pointed to that isSorted function and for some reason the first print statement. recursive function to use on linked list? Programming Software Development by dan_e6 hey guys. ive been asked to do this: Write a recursive function which returns true if the linked list is sorted in ascending order. bool isSorted(nodeType *L) why would we use a recursive function to check if it's in ascending order? can anyone help me with this. Re: recursive function to use on linked list? Programming Software Development by VernonDozier … if the linked list is sorted in ascending order. bool isSorted(nodeType *L) why would we use a recursive function to… Re: recursive function to use on linked list? Programming Software Development by hammerhead … as recursion. Neither does it satisfy the question [Quote] bool isSorted(nodeType *L) [/quote] This is what I would do to… File related problem Programming Software Development by Peter4n31 …[i]); sort(files.begin(), files.end(), SortKnownFiles2); // This launches SortKnownFiles2 isSorted=true; // ... other code [/code] Second problem is a use of… DoubelinkList Programming Software Development by mallak alrooh … the linked list is sorted or not. * @return */ public boolean isSorted() { int N = size(); if (N <= 1) { return true; } DoubleLinkList… Recursive method that checks if the first n elements of an array is sorted? Programming Software Development by matrixcool … it didn't work for me !! [CODE] public static Boolean isSorted(int [] a, int n){} [/CODE] I tried to copy elements… Re: need help with an array project Programming Software Development by maestermoo …been filled with //nonnegative integers read from the keyboard. bool isSorted(double a[], int numberUsed); int flipLocation(int numberUsed, int flip…]; int numberUsed; fillArray(sampleArray, Max_Value, numberUsed); int flip = 0; if(!isSorted(sampleArray, numberUsed)) { flip = flipLocation(numberUsed, flip); int variable = flip; … Re: gcc Compiler errors: Structs Programming Software Development by vaibhav2614 …vector* v, const void *key, VectorCompareFunction searchFn, int startIndex, bool isSorted) { assert(startIndex >= 0); void* nptr = VectorNth(v,… vector *v, const void *key, VectorCompareFunction searchfn, int startIndex, bool isSorted); /** * Function: VectorSort * -------------------- * Sorts the vector into ascending order… Re: Function templates and argument passing Programming Software Development by Hamrick … of T is sorted template <typename T> bool issorted( T array[], const int size ) { bool sorted = true; …;<"before sort -- "<< boolalpha << issorted( array, size ) <<endl; func( array, array + …;"after sort -- "<< boolalpha << issorted( array, size ) <<endl<<endl; // … Re: Function templates and argument passing Programming Software Development by vijayan121 … of T is sorted template <typename T> bool issorted( T array[], const int size ) { bool sorted = true;…lt;"before sort -- "<< boolalpha << issorted( array, size ) <<endl; call_function( func, array, …;"after sort -- "<< boolalpha << issorted( array, size ) <<endl<<endl; //… Re: Function templates and argument passing Programming Software Development by vijayan121 …, *temp ); --from; } } }; } template <typename T> bool issorted( T array[], const int size ) { for ( int i = 1; i…quot;before sort -- "<< boolalpha << issorted( array, size ) <<endl; // get the …after sort -- "<< boolalpha << issorted( array, size ) <<endl<<endl; … Re: Reading data from .asc files starting at a specific line Programming Software Development by AnnetteM …(num) z= x.readline() a=quantile(gq, .25, qtype = 7, issorted = False) print a b=quantile(gq, .5, qtype = 7…, issorted = False) c=quantile(gq, .75, qtype = 7, issorted = False) q1.append(a) q2.append(b… Re: Reading data from .asc files starting at a specific line Programming Software Development by Gribouillis …(num) z= x.readline() a=quantile(gq, .25, qtype = 7, issorted = False) #print a b=quantile(gq, .5, qtype = 7…, issorted = False) c=quantile(gq, .75, qtype = 7, issorted = False) q1.append(a) q2.append(b… Re: sorting strings into alphabetical order Programming Software Development by Alex Edwards …) throws Exception{ int turn = 0; while(!Sort_Kit.<T>isSorted(arg)){ for(int i = 0; i < arg.size() - 1… static <T extends Comparable<T> > boolean isSorted(ArrayList<T> arg){ int count = 0; for(int… Re: question Programming Software Development by ronghel …??** I DONT KNOW WHAT TO PUT HERE } public static boolean isSorted(int[] a) { // returns false unless a[0] <= a[1… Re: Can someone help me to understand the logic of an example in my C++ book. Programming Software Development by Alex Edwards …) throws Exception{ int turn = 0; while(!Sort_Kit.<T>isSorted(arg)){ for(int i = 0; i < arg.size() - 1…