31,001 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

How can I read a string in from the user? For example, I am writing a console-based java application which prompt the user to enter a string and then reads that string in. What is the opposite of System.out.println? ;) System.in.readln? I can't get it to work and I'm a …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for mauriciorein

Hi, my problem is: Need execute a application and not display this application on screen, but need save the main Frame as image (JPG or other format) in one archive, or draw it in a variable in memory to use her as a texture of an object 3D. Please help …

Member Avatar for serluc

do you have simple code client and server for a smal example of chat multithreaded? :p

Member Avatar for Vinoth
Member Avatar for Ronnie

I have two classes. The first collects input data and calls a second class for inputing data from a file. After the data is read I would like to use it inother classes but am having problems getting the data back. To save space I will only show part of …

Member Avatar for Ronnie
Member Avatar for HiTleR83

Im new to java programming. I want to establish a connection to my MS-sql database using java. How do i do it?

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for hakeem46

I wrote a program that was compiled successfully. I wrote another program to use it but it will not see it. I am using JDK 1.4._2 "import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; class RunPM4DataAdmin{ public static void main(String[] arg){ PM4DataAdmin trythis = new PM4DataAdmin(); int requiredSize = trythis.getSize(); System.out.println(requiredSize); } } Trying …

Member Avatar for doronsha

Hi All I am a c++ programer tring to run my exe from a java interface. But the java interface that i wrote run on windows and the c++ exe is in unix. This is not helping me: Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("\\bmdth01\\ddef03\\ksh_sh"); the unix is mapped to my comutere via …

Member Avatar for redelao

I am pretty fresh in the java environment but i am working hard to learn. I wrote the code for a calculator, however I am having problems in making the memory buttons function properly. I have to create 4 memory buttons that function in the following way: When the memory …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Radahl

I'm currently working on a program that's like target practice. You literally hit...targets! However, the constant blinking that occurs when the repaint method is called has become quite annoying! :mad: I have a Timer method coupled with the ActionListener to update the screen. The need for the update is because …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for johnroach1985

My problem is that :After using the program once how could i re-use it again? For axample :After i push "datalar"(meaning datas) and put the datas in after that you have to push "

Member Avatar for johnroach1985
Member Avatar for Radahl

Hi, this is my first post and I need help with a project. I'm trying to create a target with a recognizable boundary so when you click anywhere inside the circle, a point is added to the top-left corner of the applet. I've succeeded in being able to click inside …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Ronnie

Hi I am working on an application with many arrays and the output needs to be in differnt formats on a page. That is I will have tables, graphics and regular lines of text. It would be nice to view the information and than have the ability to print it …

Member Avatar for Ronnie
Member Avatar for heifetz

hi, I have a little problem in my project that I came-up with this morning (programming a simulation of a 24h-pizza-dispencer) [COLOR=Navy]I need to count the decimals after the comma of a double[/COLOR] how do I have to write this? ex.: 12.12 -(outcome)-> 2 decimals 12.123 -(outcome)-> 3 decimals (the …

Member Avatar for cordobucs

I wrote a program, and when I compile I keep geeting cannot resolve symbol in four locations. Is there an easy way to fix the problem

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for parisa

Hi all :) I'm trying write an email program in java which can send an SMS when an email is recieved. However, I dont know much about this like for example, do I need to have any authorisation from a telecommunications company to do this? Also, I want it to …

Member Avatar for maxim_kh
Member Avatar for Dstoner

Can someone help me design the algorithm for this project. I am not asking for any code, just a plan of atack. [b][font=Arial][color=#8f0000]Option 3[/color][/font][/b] [b]Purpose:[/b] The purpose of this programming assignment is to pull together all the programming skills of this semester. The assignment will be an exercise in problem …

Member Avatar for Ronnie

I am (very) new to Java and am trying to convert a large VB 6 program to Java. My program does a lot of calculations and then outputs the information to screen, file or printer. My problem is outputting the data in a certain formate and viewing/printing the info. The …

Member Avatar for Ronnie
Member Avatar for elna

[size=3][font=Times New Roman]What parts of the client code if any need to be changed in a client-server system (i.e. code using sockets) if the server is moved and why? [/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]What parts of the client code if any need to be changed in a system using RMI if …

Member Avatar for 5334221234555

Ihave an application that is written using JSP and Java Servlet. Now I need to add more functions to the application. I need to allow the users to upload word files, and send it as email attachment. Please help. Thank you in advance for your help.

Member Avatar for clobbasaurus

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=4]Hi Everyone,[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=4]I am a student and I have been asked to make a program to create business cards. At the moment I have made a fully working application with file IO. The program basicly takes any input into the text fields and displays them on …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for johnroach1985

there are two examples which are seperated by"-------" sign to use them just put them through a java creator.post for comments ------ "A rational anachist believes that concepts such as 'state' and 'society' and 'government' have no existence save as physically exemplified in acts of self-responsible individuals.He believese that it …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for johnroach1985

well it actually works but the circle kind of slides instead of staying put.Help with the algorithm would be welcomed.(actually i need help:sad: ) ---------------------------------- import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class hata{ public static void main(String args[]){ Pencere pen=new Pencere(); pen.setVisible(true); } } class Pencere extends Frame { int xcoor,ycoor,width,height, …

Member Avatar for sdr
Member Avatar for Nics

I am studying Programming and trying to get my assignment to work the problem is with the MAINTENANCE PART in red I can get it to work! Can anyone help!!!! public class Assignment2 { static final int TotalCans = 50; // The total number of cans avaliable static String Drinks[] …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for beginmatt

Alright i have the code [b]shapes[i][/b] Ahat would the equivalent of that be for a linklist named list? I tried [b]list.getdata(i)[/b] but it's not working. Can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for Iron_Cross

Ok, this is an extremely stupid question, and I feel retarded for asking, considering how much I've been studying Java. But anyways, here goes. Let's pretend I've created three classes, Class A, Class B, and Class C. Now in A I create an instance of Class B, let's call it …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for eltel1982

Hi there, I'm currently writing code for a translator. The task is to open a file from anywhere on my network, then display it and then allow to save the file. So far I have a window that allows a user to browse for a file, open the file and …

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for butterbloom

Don't know if you can help or not. I play a game called "literati" on Yahoo! The game applet is too small. I've never had a problem before on my other computers but I have a new Dell Laptop that is displaying the applet too small. Everything else seems okay. …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for Scotty72

Hi all, I have copied the following Java IO example from a manual: public class Act2_15 { public static void main (String args[]) throws java.io.IOException { int v = System.in.read(); System.out.println("Value read was " + v); } } but find that, when I compile and run it under bash, the …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for kalpana_shukla

Hi, I have a problem that my program is writing only single line from the dataset whereas I want to write whole data from the data file to be read and written on the screen. Somebody help me. This is my program: import java.io.*; import java.util.*; class QueryAnswering { int …

Member Avatar for BountyX

The End.