35,586 Topics

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Member Avatar for sciprog22

Hello, I am testing the following applet on my webpage: import javax.swing.*; public class Hello extends JApplet { public void init() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Hello World"); } } My Hello.html file from BlueJ: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <!-- This file automatically generated by BlueJ Java …

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Member Avatar for skyyadav

This is my output { { d: { a e } } { e: { b c d } } { b: { a e } } { c: { a e } } { a: { b c d } } } I used this to_string to print this …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for gustav.cajander

Hi! Im looking for the easiest way to include a couple of non jar-files in my java webstart bundle. I also want my code to look for the resources in the codebase rather than in my user.dir. At the moment i can't change the webstart working dir and that makes …

Member Avatar for hamza.khan.5473894

address book holds a collection of entries, each recording a person's first and last names, address, city, state, zip, and phone number. It must be possible to add a new person to an address book, to edit existing information about a person (except the person's name), and to delete a …

Member Avatar for Nguyễn Đình Đại
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am trying to let my website create a cookie on the user's system so that it will know if the user is logged in or out. But it doesnt seem to work. Here is my javascript cookie code: function createCookies() { // Creates a cookie on the user's computer …

Member Avatar for MasterHacker110
Member Avatar for Ed87

How do i set up netbeans IDE for use on Windows 8 Enteprise Are there any download links?. I want to use netbeans with the latest oracle database in development. ..How will i set up the connection strings to the database in such a case .Finally how can i use …

Member Avatar for manel1989

hi all! i have to send a whole vector as a parameter from a code java (eclipse) to a c++ code(VS2010)i have some quations about that: 1. how can i send the whole vector in once? i already know how to send it element by element so i want to …

Member Avatar for Denmbithi

hi everyone i need your help, i ave a project where by i have to create a simple mortgage calculator. the problem is that i have to create a login frame where it will redirect me to the main frame which is the calculator.Could someone show me how to switch …

Member Avatar for Seldar
Member Avatar for XTMercenary

OK my original idea was to create a revision application for android using flashcards that a user could create. the application would provide statistics for how well the person was doing with their revision eg. no of cards correct/incorrect etc. I was then hoping to have an online database where …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for lauraroxi

Is it possible/compatible to use Session Types in Java for a cloud-based application using Windows Azure (SDK for Java)?

Member Avatar for Pyler

import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Stack; public class StackList<T> implements SomeList<E>{ /* Comments * only use offer(), poll()/remove, isEmpty(), and size() methods*/ private Stack<T> stack=new Stack<T>(); public StackList(){ Stack<T> stack=new Stack<T>(); stack=stack1; } public void push(T thing){ stack1.push(thing); } @Override public T pop(){ if(this.isEmpty()){throw new StackOverflowError();} return stack1.pop(); } @Override public void …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for chdboy

I am trying to update with this code Result.updateInt("bank_ac_no",Integer.parseInt(acnotxtfield.getText().trim())); //this is the line I'm getting error. Here is the Trace java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2737383928291819" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:495) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:527) What's wrong?

Member Avatar for chdboy
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am making a website that will keep online records of the users gaming data. But my problem comes in here: The user can create an account, if they dont have one, or login to an existing one. <a href="login.aspx">Login</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" id="loginstate"></a> Now my link tag with the id "loginstate" …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Benjamin_4

i want to write a function which calculates the Monthly depreciation and accumulation of an asset but i am having difficulties writing it to calculate and insert it into my datebase.I will appreciate the help private double getAccumulation(){ double Accumulation = 0; double Monthly_Depreciation; int Estimated_Useful_Life = Integer.parseInt(eul.getText()); double Cost_Of_Acquisition …

Member Avatar for london-G
Member Avatar for Om Prakash_1

Is java a platform Independent language. I think its no? My question is in what respect java is totally platform dependent. Is there any case? Share with Us. I have seen this question. So please reply quickly. Java is probably one of object oriented programming. Does it purely object oriented …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for cakka

Hello, what is the meaning of System.exit() ? if System.exit(0) = close the program without error But, what is the meaning of System.exit(1) ? Is there is any System.exit(2), System.exit(3), etc ? Thanks you

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Pyler

I'm trying to create a list stack that implements some interface called SomeList The list stack should only use stack with no links. the itnerface has a number of methods that I would like to implement. So for SomeList I have something like public interface SomeList<T>{public void plus(T something);public E …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for andre.hamraee.75

(Total Sales) Use a two-dimensional array to solve the following problem: A company has four salespeople (1 to 4) who sell five different products (1 to 5). Once a day, each salesperson passes in a slip for each type of product sold. Each slip contains the following: a) The salesperson …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Lavanda

/* * GUI Electric Bill Program */ package guielectricbill; //import the package to do GUI input/output import javax.swing.*; public class GUIElectricBill { public static void main(String[] args) { // declare variable to store user input String accountNumber, customerName, address; int KWH; double amountDue; // Welcome customer to the Electric Bill …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

Can someone please tell me why I keep getting a stack overflow when I try to create nodes in a priority queue? class Node { public int frequency; // data item (key) public char character; // data item public Node leftChild; // this node's left child public Node rightChild; // …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for gabby.hunter.50

I am completely new to JavaScript. I do not understand it, even after reading numerous sources of information about it. I am stumpt on a question and really need help. Everything JavaScript is so unfamiliar. Here is what I need: Write a custom error handling JavaScript™ function called processErrors that …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, How do i debug an eclipse plugin project? When I go to the MANIFEST.MF file- > Testing section - > Launch an Eclipse application in Debug mode,it starts debuggin the worspace code. I havent any breakpoints in the workbench code. how to i avoid this. appreciate a response thanks

Member Avatar for anisha.silva
Member Avatar for Benjamin_4

i want to get the value for Accumulation but it returns no value. Any help with resolving it will be appreiated private double getAccumulation(){ double Accumulation = 0; double Monthly_Depreciation; int Estimated_Useful_Life = 5; double Cost_Of_Acquisition = 2000; double Estimated_Residual_Value = 500; try{ Monthly_Depreciation = (Cost_Of_Acquisition - Estimated_Residual_Value)/Estimated_Useful_Life; Accumulation += …

Member Avatar for Benjamin_4
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi all, as much as I don't like the API, it is becoming more and more important for me to start using it. I think I might need a guide of some sort which says what's what and what's where, if anybody has one please let me know. Today I …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for nikolaos

In the following example two threads share int counter. The increment_thread thread increases counter by one . The decrement_thread thread decreases counter by one . I use semaphore to control access to counter instead of making the two methods synchronized. Is this the proper way of using semaphore? When should …

Member Avatar for nikolaos
Member Avatar for garyjuano

guys this is my text box a. <input type="text" id="val" value="1,23|20,70|40,100|64,120" > my question is how can i output something like this.? var chart = [[1,23 ],[20,70],[40,100],[64,120]]; any idea? your help would be greatly appreciated thanx in advance.

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for sehrish_1

i want to develop a web base project. if any one have some web based project names plz give me.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Zdneth_1

Hello Professionals out there, i am making a point-of-sales systems in java. And i have a jTable named "tbitempurchase" wherein I add the ordered items using an add button.I also have a table in mysql database named "itemSold". Now my problem goes like this, I want to insert the data …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for el macho

hi guys, i try write this java code in php using php java bridge: http://www.lucenetutorial.com/lucene-in-5-minutes.html when i found this line: IndexReader reader = DirectoryReader.open(index); i dont get it how to write it in php. i've tried but error result. when it be like this: Query q = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_40, "content", …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, Not sure if this the correct forum to post this question. I would like to know how to implement code completion for an editor in the eclipse plugin project. I created a multiPageEditor and now I am tring to implement code completion. I was not able to find a …

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The End.