66 Topics

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Member Avatar for umers56

i neez help manz. here is what i have so far: ------------------------------------ Dim x As Integer Private Sub cmdexit_Click() 'this will end the program End End Sub Private Sub picmario_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) 'this will allow the user to use various keys to 'move mario 'this will move the mario up …

Member Avatar for umers56
Member Avatar for hotchkissChris

Hi, I'm reasonably new to C# and even newer to WPF projects in C#, i'm having a lot of trouble getting to grips with how to use the template property and its doing m head in. Firstly an explanation of what I am trying to achieve: I am working on …

Member Avatar for hotchkissChris
Member Avatar for apo

Hi, here is the thing, I'm trying to make my university grading table on C++, when i fill in the grades it should tell me what i have accumulate. the thing is that when i insert the text grades it shows a zero when i click the buttom. the math …

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Member Avatar for duelforce1

Hi, Can someone help please, I really need to get the text on a label to change to what is inputed by the user on the previous login form The text box where the username is entered is called UserNameBox and the label is called Label1 So whatever is put …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for CyberPirate1

Okey, so what I'm trying to do is to set about 5 labels to visible using a for loop. [CODE] int nr_bokstaver = slutt_losning.Length; for (int index = 0; index <= nr_bokstaver; index++) { label+index.Visible = true; }[/CODE] I want the name of the label to change according to the …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Hi all, Left of a TextBox I have a Label and the text changes during a run so I want the text to be right aligned. So I used the TextAlign property of a Label and set it to MiddleRight. It does not work. Looked for an answer, could not …

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The End.