Re: change color of linkbutton on disabled Programming Web Development by crishlay linkbutton.Attributes.Add("class", "leftmenuselectedtab") Re: change text of linkbutton Programming Web Development by hericles LinkButton.Text = "Like"; You will want the code to … Re: How to use CommandName for hyperlink control similar to link button Programming Web Development by JorgeM LinkButton controls render as HTML <a> hyperlinks on the … Re: linkbutton Programming Web Development by Aneesh_Argent …; for(rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < myGrdView.Rows.Count; rowIndex++) { LinkButton ObjlnkBtn = new LinkButton(); ObjlnkBtn.Text = "Click"; //Let myGrdView.Rows[i… linkbutton Programming Web Development by dilake Programmatically add linkbutton to gridview in with linkbutton Programming Web Development by pingme hello i am using a linkbutton inside a datalist.what i want is:when a user … I'm trying to change the text of a linkbutton in a repeater Programming Web Development by fiaolle …quot;lkbSort" runat="server"></asp:LinkButton> </th> </tr> <… As System.EventArgs) Dim a As System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton = sender If a.Text = "Visa billig"…to use findControl in page_load to change the linkbutton's text, but the linkbutton isn't found. [CODE] If rptSearch.… Populating Textbox with value in Linkbutton inside a Datalist Programming Web Development by zeetec …is a field from my Database table. My LinkButton has an onclick event which attempts to populate …, "TemplateTitle") %>'> </asp:LinkButton></td></table> </ItemTemplate…Text.ToString(); } }[/CODE] When I click on my LinkButton I get an error:- [B]Object reference not set … HELP -- assign a dynamically created LinkButton to a string value Programming Web Development by lm111 …and once found I put a LinkButton on that word. The LinkButton is what I am struggling with…I can't figure out how to assign a LinkButton to the string. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!! [code]<…:Accordion> public string DisplayPoem(string Poem) { LinkButton lb1 = new LinkButton(); Regex re = new Regex(@"(?<=<term… Change column value using LinkButton in a Gridview Programming Software Development by GrantB …{ GridDataItem dataItem = (GridDataItem)e.Item; LinkButton btn1 = (LinkButton)dataItem["btnChange"].Controls[0]; btn1.Click…{ GridDataItem dataItem = (GridDataItem)e.Item; LinkButton btn1 = (LinkButton)dataItem["btnChange"].Controls[0]; btn1.CommandArgument… How to get value from gridview when click the linkbutton Programming Web Development by psathish2 …ShowHeader="False"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton ID="gdviewlnk" runat="server" >View…;LinkButton1" runat="server">Edit</asp:LinkButton> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> </… HTTP Error 403 on clicking LinkButton to open PDF file Programming Web Development by inAweofOOP …Name"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" …lt;%# Eval("file_name") %>'></asp:LinkButton> </ItemTemplate> <HeaderStyle ForeColor="… Re: HTTP Error 403 on clicking LinkButton to open PDF file Programming Web Development by murugavel84 …Name"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" …lt;%# Eval("file_name") %>'></asp:LinkButton> </ItemTemplate> <HeaderStyle ForeColor="… Re: How to get value from gridview when click the linkbutton Programming Web Development by IbrahemShehata …you can put the id in the commandArgument of the linkbutton and then get the ID from the code behind, …something like this: <asp:LinkButton ID="gdviewlnk" runat="server" CommandArgument='<…;%#Eval("ID") %>' >View </asp:LinkButton> Then in the Code behind to get the ID… connection between linkbutton and map Digital Media UI / UX Design by sbaser …;post" runat="server"> <asp:LinkButton id="link_london" style="Z-INDEX: 130;…server" CssClass="link_city">London </asp:LinkButton> </form> </body> What …is, when I click in the city border, related linkbutton's click event would be triggered. Shortly, it will… Open a Modal Pop Up From a LinkButton In a GridView Programming Web Development by SID.SIL …problem.I have a GridView with a LinkButton. I need to click in this Linkbutton to open a Modal Pop Up … but there is a wrong in anyplace. [code]<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton3" runat="server" CommandName= …);'"><%#Eval("REL_DOCUMENTO")%></asp:LinkButton>[/code] Can you help me please. Thanks a… Re: HELP -- assign a dynamically created LinkButton to a string value Programming Web Development by anuj_sharma how do you want to assign the linkbutton?? I mean which property of the linkbutton you want to set to the word that is found?? How to delete file onclick of linkbutton? Programming Web Development by Pari13 …please bear with me… To Remove file on click of linkbutton I have below code: [B]aspx page:[/B] …[CODE] <asp:LinkButton ID="RemovefileId" runat="server" CommandName=&…" CommandArgument=<%#Eval("filepath")%>>LinkButton</asp:LinkButton> [/CODE] [B]aspx.cs page[/B]… Re: How to delete file onclick of linkbutton? Programming Web Development by amitshrivas …please bear with me… To Remove file on click of linkbutton I have below code: [B]aspx page:[/B] …[CODE] <asp:LinkButton ID="RemovefileId" runat="server" CommandName=&…" CommandArgument=<%#Eval("filepath")%>>LinkButton</asp:LinkButton> [/CODE] [B]aspx.cs page[/B]… Need Help Using Linkbutton Programming Web Development by steve48 … another page. I have made Purchaser1PersonKey the CommandArgument of my LinkButton. I must be doing something wrong because when I breakpoint…;<%=Purchaser1FName & " " & Purchaser1LName%></asp:LinkButton>[/CODE] Here is sub that processes the link command… Can't I add asp linkbutton tag to master page in Programming Web Development by duranvskp …="Header" runat="server"> <asp:LinkButton ID="UserNameLinkBtn" Text="UserName" runat="…="Password" runat="server"></asp:LinkButton> </asp:ContentPlaceHolder> </div> </form… Problem in linkbutton in gridview Programming Web Development by Rohan rawat …='<%# Eval("le_yn") %>' /> <asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID ="l_no" Text='<…l_no_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Fetch the customer id LinkButton lb = sender as LinkButton; string l_no = lb.Text; lblCustValue.Text = l_no; // … Re: How to get value from gridview when click the linkbutton Programming Web Development by expvice I hope this link will help you, but it is not about a linkbutton but you can use hyperlink insteed of linkbutton and that link helps you. <snipped> Control 'LeftNav1_lnkCore' of type 'LinkButton' must be placed inside a form tag with Programming Web Development by C#Novice …'> <li class='navlink3'> <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkCore" Runat="server" OnClick=&…quot; CausesValidation="False" > CCR </asp:LinkButton> </li> </ul> </…error message that "Control 'LeftNav1_lnkCore' of type 'LinkButton' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=&… Re: How to get value from gridview when click the linkbutton Programming Web Development by jbisono you can do something like this [code=aspnet] GridViewRow selectedRow = (GridViewRow)((LinkButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer; //to get the value in the first column string st = selectedRow.Cells[0].Text; [/code] Event handler problem in LinkButton Programming Web Development by navin_raley … tree control in a ASP .NET page, which creates dynamic LinkButton controls with associated event handlers when user clicks on a… is invoked during OnSelectedNodeChanged of the asp:TreeView object: LinkButton test = new LinkButton(); test.Text = "testbutton"; test.Click += new EventHandler… Dynamic LinkButton Event Never Fires Programming Software Development by SBA-CDeCinko … fire and navigate to another page. I tried moving the linkbutton creation to the page_onload event. Problem is, the information necessary…; int i; for (i = startPageForRange; i <= endPageForRange; i++) { LinkButton pageLink = new LinkButton(); pageLink.ID = "Page_" + i + "_Link"… Change the Text of LinkButton cell Programming Web Development by Dajer Hi friends. I have a GridView which has linkbutton column.I Want to change the Text of this linkbutton when user click on it.But when I change the text of clicked linkbutton cell,It will be convert to the label!!!!!!!!! What's wrong?what should I do? THX. Re: Change the Text of LinkButton cell Programming Web Development by kvprajapati [b]>I did it.I Access the specific cell but when I changed the Text of that cell(which is Linkbutton),Linkbutton will convert to Label!!!!!!!!![/b] use FindControl method to get the reference of that linkButton. How to use gridview with linkbutton Programming Web Development by denmarkstan I want to use gridview to output many rows from a table in the database such that each row will have a linkbutton with it; so that when i hit the linkbutton of any row,it will take me to another page that would output the details of the row that i hit the linkbutton. let somebody help me please, because this has been giving me headache.Thank you.