toString() Method for a LinkedStack Programming Software Development by Pyler … onto the current stack. So I have something like public LinkedStack<T> copyStack(){ //code goes here } To …test my code I created a LinkedStack<String> object and pushed items onto it. I… then used some of the LinkedStack methods to modify and printed the final results But … Defining a generic LinkedStack Constructor Programming Software Development by Pyler I'm having trouble pinpointing the exact definition of a generic linkedstack class Suppose I have public class LinkedStack<T> { //some variables //would this be right LinkedStack(){ } //for a generic constructor of type T for the LinkedStack class of type T? } is it possible that a LinkedStack will be full? Programming Software Development by l_03 hello...i am confused,,it is possible that a linkedstack will be full??i only implement a method that isEmpty(),,and it reads the method if the stack is empty..but if the stack is full, it do not even read the method i made....would someone help me?/,,,thank you ahead... Re: is it possible that a LinkedStack will be full? Programming Software Development by Antenka I hope, this may help you: [url=,M1]Object-Oriented Data Structures Using Java[/url] Re: is it possible that a LinkedStack will be full? Programming Software Development by verruckt24 …;774868]hello...i am confused,,it is possible that a linkedstack will be full??i only implement a method that isEmpty… Re: is it possible that a LinkedStack will be full? Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ …;774868]hello...i am confused,,it is possible that a linkedstack will be full??i only implement a method that isEmpty… Integer Stack Copy Function Programming Software Development by SHWOO …"; } linkedStack::linkedStack() { stackTop = NULL; } //end constructor linkedStack::linkedStack(linkedStack &otherStack) { stackTop = NULL; copyStack(otherStack); } // end constructor linkedStack::~linkedStack() { destroyStack(); } //end destructor void linkedStack::copyStack(linkedStack& otherStack… Reversed method won't work Programming Software Development by Pyler … } return this; } } Here's my LinkedStack class public class LinkedStack<E>{ @SuppressWarnings("hiding") … node protected Node<E> upnode; public LinkedStack(){ upnode=null; } //isEmpty method public boolean isEmpty… Re: Integer Stack Copy Function Programming Software Development by thekashyap … you can implement the copy like this: [code=c] void linkedStack::copyStack(linkedStack& otherStack) { node* currNode = stackTop ; int* stack_contents = new int… Re: Integer Stack Copy Function Programming Software Development by SHWOO … that number is being copied to the new stack. void linkedStack::copyStack(linkedStack& otherStack) { node* currNode = stackTop; int* stackContents = new int… Reversed stack returns one item Programming Software Development by Pyler … only get one result. public LinkedStack<T> rev() { LinkedStack<T> revStack=new LinkedStack<T>(); final int SIZE….push(this.pop()); } return revStack;} For example LinkedStack<String> newLS = new LinkedStack<String>(); newLS.push("noid"… linked list - converted to stack using linked list Programming Software Development by tones1986 …have class/struct/union driver.cpp(32) : error C2039: 'linkedStack' : is not a member of 'Student' student.h(10…have class/struct/union driver.cpp(56) : error C2039: 'linkedStack' : is not a member of 'Student' student.h(10…i be doing this: Student.h - line 20: [code] linkedStack<CourseInfo> courseList; [/code] Changed to this: [… Linked Stack Help Programming Software Development by cecsFTL …; } public Node getPrev ( ) { return prev; } } public LinkedStack ( ) { top = null; } public LinkedStack (T elem) { top = new Node (elem,null); } public… { public static void main (String [ ] a) { LinkedStack stack = new LinkedStack (); Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; //Clear stack … Re: Reversed stack returns one item Programming Software Development by Pyler … stack leaving input stack from argument empty public void push(LinkedStack<T> stack){ final int SZE = s.size(); for… here's my node class (it's nested in my LinkedStack class) public class Node<T>{ private T data… Re: linked list - converted to stack using linked list Programming Software Development by Murtan In the ZIP file, student.h still contains: [icode]SinglyLinkedList<CourseInfo> courseList;[/icode] so the student does NOT contain a linkedStack. If you want it to contain a linkedStack, you have to tell the compiler by changing the line. Re: Reversed stack returns one item Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … of the rev method above shows a return type of LinkedStack<T>, so there is zero possibility that it… Re: Reversed stack returns one item Programming Software Development by Pyler I want reverse method to return a copy of the this object by referencing the reverseStack() object in the rev() method of LinkedStack LinkedList Implementation Help SOLVED!!! Programming Software Development by mickinator …; } } [/code] [code=java] public class LinkedStack { private SLLNode top; public LinkedStack( ) { top = null; } public boolean empty… void main ( String [] args ) { LinkedStack ls = new LinkedStack( ); String line; try { Scanner textFile … Re: Converting equation from infix to postfix using stack Programming Software Development by Salem …} [/code] You can then expand the tests with [code] LinkedStack in2post( std::string expr ); int main ( ) { std… i < sizeof expr / sizeof *expr ; i++ ) { LinkedStack result = in2post( expr[i] ); } } [/code] When you…] std::string myExpr; getline( cin, myExpr ); LinkedStack result = in2post( myExpr ); [/code] As far… reverse list in java Programming Software Development by Pyler … in stead. Any clues? public LinkedStack<E> reversed() { LinkedStack<E> revertStack = new LinkedStack<E>(); if(this.isEmpty… Re: reverse list in java Programming Software Development by Pyler … stack is empty. Suppose I create a generic LinkedStack<String> stack1 = LinkedStack<String>() object and populate it with… In desperate need of help with iterative insert method for avl tree. please help Programming Software Development by Shana8426 … in this BST. { int count = 0; if (root != null) { LinkedStack hold = new LinkedStack(); BSTNode currNode; hold.push(root); while (!hold.isEmpty()) { currNode… Converting equation from infix to postfix using stack Programming Software Development by LanierWexford … InOp2='#'; //Holds value for comparison to properly push onto stack. LinkedStack Cal; //stack used to hold info in postfix format void… Node question Programming Software Development by minimi … Integer calcs(String postFix) { StackInterface<Character> stack = new LinkedStack<Character>(); // instantiate Character stack Integer result = new Integer… Problem with stack::Top() Programming Software Development by flowerzink …]; }[/CODE] and also: [CODE]template<class T> T LinkedStack<T>::Top() const {// Return top element. if (IsEmpty… Display array reverse array Programming Software Development by Hector_2 … // // #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include "linkedStack.h" using namespace std; int main() { linkedStackType<int… Re: Display array reverse array Programming Software Development by Hector_2 … // // #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include "linkedStack.h" using namespace std; int main() { linkedStackType<int… Re: Assembler for Little Computer 3 (LC-3) in Python Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … 0 ; / ; create the linked stack pointer LEA R6, linkedstack INLOOP GETC ; loop grabbing input ;; enter denotes the end of… addition and subtraction operations in the stack LEA R6, linkedstack ; back to the top of the stack ASLOOP LDR…-100 buffer .BLKW 6 ; string to store the answer linkedstack .BLKW 92 ; this stack will hold 30 operations before… Re: LC3 calculator with complex number Programming Software Development by huynhminhsang … 0 ; / ; create the linked stack pointer LEA R6, linkedstack INLOOP GETC ; loop grabbing input ;; enter denotes the end of… addition and subtraction operations in the stack LEA R6, linkedstack ; back to the top of the stack ASLOOP LDR…-100 buffer .BLKW 6 ; string to store the answer linkedstack .BLKW 92 ; this stack will hold 30 operations before… Re: Help with stack Programming Software Development by Torf … { System.out.println ( MSG_NO ); } public class LinkedStack { public static void main(String [ ] args) { LinkedStack st = new LinkedStack(); String str; //use for output str…