523 Topics

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Member Avatar for lenzo

excuse me if this question has been asked before than i am sorry i couldn't find it. so i am ruining Ubuntu on my desktop computer and i have started c++ using code blocks i was wondering how do you make a GUI window for Linux or am i using …

Member Avatar for Celtrix
Member Avatar for _neo_

Is there a way to get current date and time from remote windows machine on linux? On remote windows machine ssh not enabled, there are no powershell. Can we achieve result via telnet or smbclient?

Member Avatar for _neo_
Member Avatar for jgtech

HI all, I am not c++ expert. Just a beginner. I have few requirements to design the pattern. Simple requirement is 1) i have a table in sqlite say T1 with ( name, version ) 2) I daemon which has is watching specific directory with inotification for the event IN_CLOSE_WRITE. …

Member Avatar for airbourne

I am writing a simple shell script to automate a simple backup of a website and it's database. This is the working code: [CODE]#!/bin/bash # creates a backup of the mysql & webdata for a specific website. TODAY=`date +%A` # these variables cannot contain any spaces and must be modified …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for jbennet

Ok, in a very simplified version ive got to write a C++ app to interface with a joystick and play various sounds depending on its position - Its a USB joystick and I will have a QT GUI. This app already exists, for Windows/C# . I just need help porting …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hi there, I've installed the Android SDK on my Linux (Ubuntu 10.04) machine. I don't have internet connection on my machine so I couldn't simply go download and install the required stuff through Eclipse. Everything worked out pretty well, I'm able to run a virtual device, and I'm also able …

Member Avatar for sacros

hey there i just started learning informatics and im currently learning pascal and im liking it a lot, its my first time with programming too, only problem i have is we dont have any computer in the classroom to try the code and unfortunately i dont have a laptop or …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for _avishek

Hello, world! This is my first post on DaniWeb, though I have frequented it quite often. I'm using gcc and make (on Ubuntu 10.10) with GVim for creating a foundation library in C. Within my code I've built in rudimentary profiling and assertion policies that are enabled through a symbolic …

Member Avatar for _avishek
Member Avatar for rhuffman8

I am working on a project using HTML, PHP, and LINUX shell commands to create a dynamic web page but I seem to be having some trouble figuring out how to run the .cgi file with the shell commands in it using either HTML or PHP (if they are both …

Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://www.mozilla.com"]FireFox[/URL] 3.5 is due out by the end of June and includes some pretty interesting new features--and not a moment too soon. Some of these new features include the ability to play videos in the browser without the need to download and install a third-party plugin. It also includes [URL="https://wiki.mozilla.org/JavaScript:TraceMonkey"]TraceMonkey[/URL], …

Member Avatar for mhanry
Member Avatar for agrothe

A friend of my recently asked me to help him set up a web based radio. Upon doing some research I found he has only original content (not copy right stuff), all static mp3 files, not live talk, and wants to loop the audio. I've found sites like radionomy and …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for jintujacob

Hey friends lets checkout a small, simple and cute python program for taking photos with with your webcam without the help of any third party application programs. [CODE] import os import datetime import opencv.adaptors from opencv import highgui import Image def get_image(camera): im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera) # Add the line below …

Member Avatar for jintujacob
Member Avatar for Kiraichi

me and my team working on a project called Stealth Hunter, Summarize about our project: Stealth Hunter is a thief catcher, It will silently take a snapshot of user using a stolen notebook or pc with webcam and send the information via email. how it work is: The scripts will …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for BLUEC0RE

My original plan was to pipe "ls -l", get the permission string that represented the file in question. Translate the string of 'r's 'w's 'x's '-'s into 0s and 1s then convert it from binary to octal. This seems really cumbersome and annoying and I gotta figure there is some …

Member Avatar for BLUEC0RE
Member Avatar for Sudo Bash

I am adding a secondary hard drive to my dell tower. I am wanting to duel boot Windows XP and Slackware Linux. I currently have only Windows XP on my computer, but I am not sure what formating it has on it. My question is: what format should I use …

Member Avatar for zelkea
Member Avatar for khess

I saw a report that read, "Video game sales plunge in April." Software sales dropped by 22 percent and hardware sales dropped by 37 percent. What's the story, folks? Do you have all the gaming miscellanea that you can afford? Are you satisfied with your current array of video games? …

Member Avatar for Heyzaneretro
Member Avatar for vdx

Dear friends, I am trying to compile the linux kernel 2.6.33. I need to incorporate a patch into this. The patch creates a directory and 3 src files as below, [CODE] ~/linux-2.6.33/net/core/[B]netchannel[/B] ~/linux-2.6.33/net/core/[B]netchannel/netchannel.c[/B] ~/linux-2.6.33/net/core/[B]netchannel/storage.c[/B] ~/linux-2.6.33/net/core/[B]netchannel/users.c[/B] [/CODE] Now, among the above users.c file uses a function named 'get_empty_filp()', which is defined …

Member Avatar for biswajit_cs07
Member Avatar for John Linux

Hi, I need to create a program to do a threaded merge sort (kinda), but in the meantime I am trying to pass a struct through the the Merge method (thread runs this method), but I keep getting seg faults. I am sure its something obvious, please help me out. …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for manish250

Hello all i have created a java application which is writing to log files to specific path.logs are created successfully.When i use cat command to show the contents it is showing the correct data but when i use vi to open the file it is showing the contents like binary …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for sajidtariq

hi every one i want to ask is there any way through which i can retrieve column number of csv file using c programming. those number which are by default set in cvs file also the row name i-e A B C.............. Z AA AB AC........... thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jainpratik2

Hi Folks, I need help to generate keystrokes in my existing application in LINUX environment. I am fully aware that there are libraries in Dev C++ which do exactly what I want but in Windows and I need something like that in Linux. I have googled a lot, but could …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for cmaheshwari16

Hi I have not installed mysql on my own, its the default one that is coming with fedora14 at /usr/local/mysql I am giving you some screenshots, please check if you can find out something. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* The first issue is while I login using command mysql -u root -p it asks …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for <LDJ>

Hi guys, I'll try to keep it as short as possible. Basically, I love the webcomic [URL="http://www.xkcd.com"]xkcd[/URL]. And recently, I've been browsing around for a downloader, and have found one written in Perl that works great. It even grabs the Alt-Text (text that pops up when you hover your mouse …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for happygeek

Microsoft [URL="http://www.zdnet.co.uk/blogs/davey-winder-10015443/microsoft-staying-silent-over-security-patching-10015776/"]recently admitted[/URL], via the Director of it's Security Response Centre, that it doesn't report every Windows security vulnerability discovered and subsequently fixed via patches and updates. No big deal you might think, as long as the holes get fixed that's all that matter. I happen to agree, however that …

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for jkoske

This is giving me a segmentation fault in the noBucket() function. I don't see why. Does it having something to do with it being a const function? My other accessor functions are working fine and they are declared exactly the same with just a different name. The files are longer …

Member Avatar for jkoske
Member Avatar for kkathman

Greetings, Like many people in the US, we've had some very extreme cold weather here that caused the state to implement rolling blackouts. Of course, this was done without notice. I went to bed two nights ago, with four computers on as I rarely shut them down. You guessed it, …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for nxt200

Hello DaniWeb Software Developers :D I have a problem which exceed my programing capabilities and i need your help! Problem: I am somewhat new to c++ and i have been making some useful console applications in windows GUI visual Express. I thought i would give building in Linux a try …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for malli123

Hi, I want to create a text file with the name as SYSTEM DATE... for example---28/04/2008:9:11:50.txt The File name should be allocated dynamically. Can you provide the c code for this? Plese help me.

Member Avatar for malli123
Member Avatar for amit_tare1

hello, I am Amit tare (India) currently i am working with the C++ server. which having the facilities of:: run on all the platforms(Operating systems), memory management, thread safety, and handlers.... pooling features...... I am using VC++ IDE on Windows platform.... [B]please help me to build the core features of …

Member Avatar for seanbp
Member Avatar for shinsengumi

Hello all. Can anyone here help me create a separate function for the socket() API in socket programming? I successfully created one in Linux before but so far I can't do the same in Windows. The Windows version can't successfully connect using the separate socket() function. My primary suspect is …

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The End.