523 Topics

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Member Avatar for naphets

I have a bash script that executes @ init level 3. I would like to "wrap" (for lack of better word) this bash script in a php script. Use the power of php to supress any output from the bash. Also display only the splash logos (like what you see …

Member Avatar for naphets
Member Avatar for ashiiiish

Hi I am generating a summary of useraccounts present on around 160 linux servers. I am retrieving the data through a script and storing around 160 csv files in a directory. I want to import all these 160 csv files to one excel worksheet. Can someone please tell me how …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for markstylor

please suggest the best vps provider company in india. i urgently need virtual server hosting provider ...so help me

Member Avatar for code739
Member Avatar for loidz123
Member Avatar for jealii.jealii

I'm creating a password protected Volunteer Database and everything is going well. I have created a 'password protected' form before entering the hidden database(seperate form). How though am I able to prevent a 'user' to find out the password by going through "Build Event" in Access?

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for rch1231

Why is it people who have never used Linux are so sure it is not any good? The impression I get from most of the people I run into running Windows Server is that they are experts on how Linux does not have the same capabilities as Windows. They seem …

Member Avatar for david.phillips.902
Member Avatar for ziyaddinsadigov

I saw that github commands in linux terminal always uses word "git" before all it's commands. How to use my own word for my shell script? for example, $ git commit or $ git status

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for DJWK

I have several files to include from a subfolder and I just can't get this to work. I'm propably missing something here... The Makefile and .cpp with main function are located at /path/to/ and files to be included are at /path/to/src/buffer and /path/to/src/hash. Both of these folders have .cpp and …

Member Avatar for rxlim
Member Avatar for mmpal78

Hi, Im new to programming and to Python. Im making a program to get weather information from online, parse it the way I want to, then have Festival read it aloud to me. I got the weather info and parsing done exactly how I want but am getting an error …

Member Avatar for mmpal78
Member Avatar for shujat132

**My academic assignmentt ** **Please help me in coding for this assignment** In Linux Ubuntu flavor, write a program in C language to do the following tasks. 1) Use fork ( ) system call to create a child process. 2) Child process should first take student name as input and …

Member Avatar for khudayar
Member Avatar for rizzi143

hi. i have a html form that allows user to browse and upload the code using the upload button ( which runs php). the files gets uploaded. now i need to either change that existing php file or add a new button in html file and compile and run the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for pigrabbit87

I's running this on visual c++ and it runs without error. However, when I tried to run this on Linux, it kept giving me this "segmentation fault" message without any output. There is no pointer and is a quite simple program so can anyone please tell me what is wrong?? …

Member Avatar for pigrabbit87
Member Avatar for Dani

Hi, Due to Hurricane Sandy, my office currently has electricity but no Internet access, with no ETA (it's been nearly a week, and they are saying it might be another week). I desperately need to move our SVN server, hosted in our office, to our off-site servers hosted in Texas, …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for Rileyh

I am writing a program to get an integer from the user, and then print out all the numbers from 0 up to the number. My code gets the input fine, but when printing it out, it prints continuously in what seems to be an endless loop. Here is my …

Member Avatar for dancie reeves
Member Avatar for lenash

how to access a web service from a mobile POS Device application in c and to store the accessed data in the device to use it (like printing bills for a collection) when it is required.can anyone please give any guidance for the above requirement iam totally new with POS …

Member Avatar for stefan.s
Member Avatar for stockton

LAMP install Postby Stockton on Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:31 pm I have followed the procedure at http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/486 to install LAMP on my Mint 13 laptop with a view to developing locally & once working emigrate to my server but ...... the following simple HTML only displays the title(No image). …

Member Avatar for stockton
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

This could be a PHP issue or a linux issue. My form uses the following code to allow users to upload their banner and worked fine on my old server: if ($_FILES["banner"]["name"]!="") { $folder_path = "images/server_banners/"; $myfileext=substr($_FILES["banner"]["name"], - 4,4); $banner_file_path=$username."-".$server_id.$myfileext; $file_path = $folder_path.$banner_file_path; if (file_exists($file_path)) { unlink($file_path); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["banner"]["tmp_name"],$file_path); } else …

Member Avatar for radow
Member Avatar for Borzoi

I am trying to write a shell script but I only want it to run if there are no files with a specific name found on the server. I know how to check for a specif file which would be done like this: if [ -f /path/to/file ] then echo …

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

I cant use a cron for this task as the script should always be running. I have a loop that does the following: 1) Gets a SQL row 2) Runs the values through some functions 3) stores new values 4) gets the next row and repeats This script has to …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for blaisemcrowly

Hi guys I been programming in c++ for past 2 years and is fairly good with it. First of all I dont need the code or anything but need some resources which i can use to get the basic idea so I can start developing. Had been googling for the …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for BlueDevil

Hello! I made a program in Dev c++ in windows that does several string functions.It works perfect in windows but when I tried to use it in Linux(ubuntu and CentOs), linux make the executable file which means it has no syntact error or something but when I try the several …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Mahkoe

I've used malloc countless times, but as far as I know, reading and writing to memory that isn't expressly yours (which is in fact done by the malloc function) causes a segfault. If I wanted to make my own dynamic allocation functions my computer would probably just laugh at me …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for np complete

This is a simple password implementation. void getPassword() { int i = 0, flag = 0 ; char c ; char password[100] ; cout<<"\n Enter Password : " ; while(1) { c = getch() ; if(c! = 13 && c! = 8) { cout<<"*" ; Password[i] = c ; i++ …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for leokin

I quit using Windows last year, except occassionally (XP). My hobbies and love is music (playing jazz guitar and using editing software, my favorite programs being Ardour and Audacity) and photography (favorite programs are Darktable, Gimp and Shotwell), using the Linux distros, Ubuntu and Lubuntu, which I am happy with. …

Member Avatar for sbesch
Member Avatar for janet@123

Hi, I have a topology (attached with this post) in which: Linux machine 2 has two virtual interfaces eth0 and eth1. eth0 is connected to the external switch. In Linux machine 1, I've added the default gateway as: route add default gw so that all the packets leaving Linux …

Member Avatar for msrikanth

Hi Everyone, I need a perl script to create a word document in linux (in my system i have openoffice(oowriter) 1.1.5) with some text as header(left aligned) which is taken from a "file.txt". contents of the file.txt are HariKrishna 1200 Srikanth 1201 Madhav 2345 So based upon the no of …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for learner_new

> this is my udp server code #include<iostream> #include<arpa/inet.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<sys/socket.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; void error( char *msg) { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int main() { int sockfd; sockfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); struct sockaddr_in serv,client; serv.sin_family = AF_INET; serv.sin_port = htons(53000); serv.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; char buffer[256]; socklen_t l …

Member Avatar for BobS0327
Member Avatar for rajshrimohanks

I came across [this](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/189901/screen-capture-program) program in the C++ section. How to do something similar in C? Let me elaborate. I want to read the colour values of individual pixels in at the rate of at least about 25Hz. I have a nVidia GeForce GTS450 graphic card and Windows 7 64-bit/Linux …

Member Avatar for rajshrimohanks
Member Avatar for Bheeman89

Hello Daniweb users. I am a security analyst who needs to currently audit the compliance rate of machines for my client. He is having both Windows and Linux machines including AIX. I want to know rather than doing a manual check i.e. document to document, is there any tool (preferablly …

Member Avatar for Bheeman89
Member Avatar for niyasc

Hi, I'm trying to make a simple applet that will display battery status using gtk+ . For that purpose I have written code given below. It continously check for battery status using acpi command and display it. Do you think that I have done things in proper way? I want …


The End.