4 Topics

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If you're not yet among the percentage of the population people using Mozilla's Firefox browser, which by [url=http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp]one count[/url] stands at 47.5 percent, perhaps the anniversary of its launch will give you cause. Yesterday was Firefox's fifth birthday, and its market share with co-leader Internet Explorer by [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_web_browsers]many counts[/url] continues …

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Writing at the official Windows Experience blog, Microsoft's Brandon LeBlanc refers to the latest NPD Retail Tracking Service data which shows that as of the February 2009 the Windows share of the US netbook market is a staggering 96 percent. That's up from less than 10 percent of US unit …

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I spoke with a friend of mine today who complained on how she thought Bing interrupted her user experience while being on Yahoo. She consulted me since I am considered the tech guru. Thus, I wonder if you have heard similar complaints. What are your thoughts?

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According to [URL="http://www.spreadfirefox.com"]Spread Firefox[/URL] the Internet Explorer alternative has been downloaded 200 million times. Which sounds impressive enough, until you factor in the small matter of downloads not being the same thing as actual users? Yet while Spread Firefox admits as much and reminds us that the 200 million figure …

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The End.