16 Topics

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Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, I have a mask text box with the mask as $9999999999.99 as money. when i type in a value as 12345.67 it appears as $_____12345.67 and when i save it to the database it is saved in the correct format as 12345.67 as money as the data type. …

Member Avatar for Renathu
Member Avatar for Siberian

I'm attempting to mask out the circles with the gearMiddle, it is as straight forward as, what you want to mask out, you make black, what you want to keep you make white (punch out effect). How do I keep what is white to which I want to keep, visible; …

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi all I have a table with a Masked column. How can I INSERT or UPDATE data into the masked column at run Time with out Loading the column into a textbox. The column is as Folows ID Process 1 StartY CompleatY 2 Start_ Compleat_ Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for VIPER5646
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am looking for a way to place an automatic . (dot) or , (comma) for every multiple of 3. I only find the mask to do so but it requires the user to input the exact amount of numbers: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $.mask.definitions['~'] = "[+-]"; $("#numbermask").mask("999,999,999",{completed:function(){alert("completed!");}}); $("input").blur(function() …

Member Avatar for matrixdevuk
Member Avatar for Kingcoder210

Hi! I am learning about subnet mask. How should I get 12th subnet from this IP address? To do it I guess first of all I have to know block address of 20. Ok block address of 20 is 16. So 256 - 16 = 240. So subnet mask …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Inshu

I have this programme to discuss and I think its a challenging one.. Here I have a yml file which contains the data for an image. The image has x,y,z values and intensity data which is stored in this yml file. I have used opencv to load the data and …

Member Avatar for NoCodeMonkey

I can subnet and im going for my CCENT exam Aug 20 and im a little stuck on this question, can someone show me in a really easy way on how the answer is got. I know the answer is but how?: What is the last Usable host address …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for geekdevil

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int z[33]; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter any Password (32 character max): "; for(int i=0;i<33;i++) { z[i]=getch(); if(z[i]==13) { break; } cout<<"*"; } cout<<"\nYou entered : "; for(int j=0;j<=32;j++) { if(z[j]==13) { break; } cout<<(char)z[j]; } getch(); }

Member Avatar for VRamone

Hi,i´m having a terrible time to discover how can i create masks to some field. Like for example,i would like that when someone fills a phone field,would appear (00)xxxx-xxxx, and such. I already tried to make a javascript function,but it seems that it doesnt work with EXT,because the field is …

Member Avatar for dcalladi

Hi Guys, I'm looking the syntax for a input mask that will allow me to input 1.23, 12.34, 123.45 into the JFormattedTextField i found something like ###.## but that doesn't work but something like ###-## wud work. just wondering if anyone knows how to do this with a mask or …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for sarah49

i'm trying to write a code that masks red and blue channel from the image inputted.I have retrieved r,g,b values but however stuck up in proceeding further.I'm just a beginner.Can anyone help me in this please? [CODE] public class Green { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { BufferedImage …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for rexdon

by default i want to ask the user to enter text in textbox in pattern: _x_____. for example : 0x81A00. User should be able to allow both [B]numeric [/B]and [B]alphabet[/B]. for this i used TextBox.Mask="0x00000"; but this allows user to enter only numeric values..but i need to enter alphabet also.

Member Avatar for Munnazz
Member Avatar for MoZo1

So I get the error CPU has been disabled by guest os. Power off or restart. But if I power off, it shuts down. I wana run it. Then error again... I tryed: - Disabled all unnecessary hardware. - Turned off USB Legacy support in BIOS. - Found no explicit …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I am making a diplomacy tool, for the board game diplomacy. I need to make a map of each territory. I have a 75 #define MAP_"NAME" lines but I don't know how to set them to a mask value that can be checked since I don't know any 75-bit or …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, can some one explain what is happening the below code: [CODE] if (amt == "0.0000") txtPAmt.Text = ""; else { decimal d; decimal.TryParse(amt, out d); txtPAmt.Text = d.ToString("$0000000000.00"); } [/CODE] thankxxx

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for Moirae

Hello, I'm working on a flip page gallery in Flash (AS3). I have this video tutorial from Cartoon Smart and one problem. How to mask a text box, is it possible in Flash using AS3? Cheers!

Member Avatar for Moirae

The End.