Re: Detect backspace keyascii in Maskedtextbox Programming Software Development by zaeemabbas20 maskedtextbox can't be empty because it holds " -" value which has length 5. Re: C# -- Mask Text box Programming Software Development by Momerath MaskedTextBox doesn't have a mask for hexadecimal characters, you'll have to use a normal textbox and intercept the KeyPress event to validate input (and to insert the spaces as needed). Maskedtextbox C# Programming Software Development by Jimmalmquist i need help with a maskedtextbox in a C# applikation. I want want it to display … Re: Maskedtextbox C# Programming Software Development by Jimmalmquist You're right the control doesn't know it it's a date or another type of mask. It read the decimalseparator from the culture wich for finnish so need one of two solutions. 1. owerwrite the comma and set it to "." this is not so easy. 2. Get the maskedtextbox to validate the input as a date. Re: MaskedTextBox Validation Programming Software Development by codeorder … to check and compare the Date value in a MaskedTextBox. [B]1 MaskedTextBox[/B] [CODE]Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal…(2))) If dtUserInput = dtToday OrElse dtUserInput = dtTomorrow Then '// check if MaskedTextBox is Today or Tomorrow. MsgBox("Correct date, proceed with… Read value of dynamic MaskedTextBox Programming Software Development by nertos … gb1 = new GroupBox(); MaskedTextBox mtb1 = new MaskedTextBox(); MaskedTextBox mtb2 = new MaskedTextBox(); MaskedTextBox mtb3 = new MaskedTextBox(); mtb1.Location = new … Size(53, 20); label1.Name = "maskedTextBox" + id_3.ToString(); gb1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle… Re: Read value of dynamic MaskedTextBox Programming Software Development by nick.crane … y, int id) { GroupBox gb1 = new GroupBox(); MaskedTextBox mtb1 = new MaskedTextBox(); MaskedTextBox mtb2 = new MaskedTextBox(); MaskedTextBox mtb3 = new MaskedTextBox(); //... int id_3 = id * 3; //... mtb1.Tag = id_3… Re: Detect backspace keyascii in Maskedtextbox Programming Software Development by zaeemabbas20 …is still there, when i press backspace key in maskedtextbox while tracing in keypress event, nothing happens, but … it then cursor moves in the previous textbox or maskedtextbox, the code below works fine with "Textbox&…quot; but not with "Maskedtextbox". ElseIf keyAsscii = Keys.Back And txtAddress.Text = … Detect backspace keyascii in Maskedtextbox Programming Software Development by zaeemabbas20 … moves to the other text box or maskedtextbox, but when i press backspace and maskedtextbox is empty with length "5"… Re: Detect backspace keyascii in Maskedtextbox Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim >and maskedtextbox is empty with length "5" If the maskedtextbox is empty then the length is 0, not 5. Re: Detect backspace keyascii in Maskedtextbox Programming Software Development by zaeemabbas20 … that when i pressed enter key and at that time Maskedtextbox seemed to be empty but when i calculated length it… Re: Detect backspace keyascii in Maskedtextbox Programming Software Development by Luc001 Hi, You need the Keydown event from your Maskedtextbox for that. Here's an example with 5 textboxes: Private … Re: Detect backspace keyascii in Maskedtextbox Programming Software Development by mahdir8 hi im approve TnTinMN's answer you should set textmaskformat prop of maskedtextbox to excludepromtandliterals this is your solve C++ maskedtextbox (IP address) Programming Software Development by Sphero Hello, I created a new maskedtextbox and gave the mask property the value, which should act as an IP address box. Now, when I open my configuration panel and configure my IP address, it jumps to the next mask while pressing the . key. Is there any way to achieve in C++ using Visual Studio 2008. Problem with MaskedTextBox Programming Software Development by gsmdreams … I use this code to open a new form, My maskedtextbox on the new form can't allow the user user… vb - 2008 maskedtextbox Programming Software Development by markdean.expres Guys I need to store the exact value (including the mask) from my maskedtextox into my database. My maskedtextbox has 5 digits (ex. 20000) but when I am saving it and checking it into my database, only the first non-zero digits are being saved. How do I deal with this? For loop Programming Software Development by Rhuntsman21 …;]; MaskedTextBox timein2 = (MaskedTextBox)Time.Controls["txtTimeIn2"]; MaskedTextBox timein3 = (MaskedTextBox)Time.Controls["txtTimeIn3"]; MaskedTextBox timein4 = (MaskedTextBox)Time.Controls["txtTimeIn4"]; MaskedTextBox timein5 = (MaskedTextBox)Time… Re: For loop Programming Software Development by sknake [code=csharp] for (int i1 = 1; i1 <= 7; i1++) { MaskedTextBox[] tbList = (MaskedTextBox[])this.Controls.Find("textBox" + i1.ToString(), true); if (tbList.Length == 1) { MaskedTextBox textBox = tbList[0]; textBox.Text = i1.ToString(); } } [/code] Usercontrol please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Programming Software Development by naina.m …define a sub add() this subroutine is dynamically creating a maskedtextbox in windows form i have used this usercontrol and add….Load End Sub Public Sub add() Dim txtDataShow As New MaskedTextBox txtDataShow.Height = 19 txtDataShow.Width = 50 txtDataShow.TextAlign = _ … Re: Masked Text Box Programming Software Development by serkan sendur …InitializeComponent() { this.maskedTextBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox(); this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();….PerformLayout(); } #endregion private System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox maskedTextBox1; private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;… Combobox and Masktextbox in Visual Basic Programming Software Development by bunnyali2011 Well I have a combobox with 3 items namely: Product Size and Cost. I have also a maskedtextbox. If I select "Product" and "Size" on the combobox, I want to disable the maskedtextbox from filling, how must I do it? How to get numeric value from a masked text box Programming Software Development by TeaYou … I have a user control called Course which contains a maskedtextbox for users to enter in grades and a listbox to…. I'm having trouble getting the numeric value in the maskedtextbox. If Convert.ToInt64(Courses1.NumericGrade.Text) >= 80 Then Courses1… Compare date value obtained from Masked Textbox with Date from Excel Programming Software Development by alex.alekan I'm trying to compare a date obtained from maskedTextBox accepting short date, with a date from an excel sheet. … excel file that are equal with the date from the maskedTextBox and display them in datagridview. The problem is that i… Formatting TextBox Programming Software Development by Eager_Beever … as "005". I don't want to use MaskedTextBox. In VB 6, it was as simple as TextBox1.Text… MaskedColumnType Programming Software Development by darab Hi How I can set ColumnType to MaskedTextBox in DataGridView? Re: MaskedColumnType Programming Software Development by ddanbe I believe a maskedTextBox is a bit of an old fashioned kind of UI style of programming. Use Validate and Validating events if you want to check the input in a TextBox or use a DateTimePicker for a date. Masked Text Box Programming Software Development by Rhuntsman21 I have a maskedtextbox. I am trying to convert the contents to DateTime but … Problem in Custom Mask Programming Software Development by Dajer Hi I want to Mask my MaskedTextBox.I used Custom Mask in design.but when it shows my preview Mask,it's quiet different.I attached the pic.plz Guide me. thx. Textbox format Programming Software Development by tqmd1 Dear Experts, How to display INT value in textbox1 in this format 45,75,147.45 I do not want to use MaskedTextbox Please help Listbox back color change while adding data with text box Programming Software Development by jallan2010 … box and listbox last two textbox i.e. txtlani and maskedtextbox. Now the problem is when the user put the data…