8 Topics

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Member Avatar for IchibanXD

Hey guys, i'm a bit of a new programmer taking a class.So in my code what im trying to do is to select three random numbers, and see if it matches with the numbers that the lottery throws out. The problem is where the 1st number and 3rd number selected …

Member Avatar for IchibanXD
Member Avatar for filipgothic

I have this database and I need to display data from koncerti (koncertnaziv,karte,mesto,datum) based on what grupanaziv is sleceted before, and grupanaziv is in different table called grupe, grupa_id from koncerti has same id as id from grupe, so that is connected in that way, so I need to match …

Member Avatar for filipgothic
Member Avatar for silverdust

I have tried a written a code like so re.findall(r'[A-Z]{3}[a-z][A-Z]{3}',string) to find the solution for this python challenge http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/def/equality.html it seems so hard to figure out. I'm getting 527 matches and none takes me to the next level. Help or close hints will be appreciated

Member Avatar for silverdust
Member Avatar for jayamandalapu

I have written an application to send ecards 1. It has a drop down to select a ecard, to, from, date,message, preview, finish options. 2. After entering details and clicking on finish able to save data into datbase 3.Able to send the ecard immediately 4. Unable to send the ecard …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Gus_19

I am having trouble getting a correct response when searching through each of my datarows. While stepping through during debugging, I am seeing the boolean response is getting triggered even if one row does not match my selected string. I just want to search all of the rows and if …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for AtillaKahuna

Hello all, I have an XML string that I need to tear down and process. Sorry for what may be a simple problem, but I'm new to XML processing. Here is a sample of the XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <CCSMessage Type="4" Name="CustomerFetchResponse" Source="CoremaContextServer" Destination="WSA0205" UserID="LoyaltyBatch" IncludeLoyaltySummary="true" LimitLoyaltyTransactions="0" > <Result> …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for toxicandy

Over the past month I have been working on a certificate generation system and one part I have still yet to get working is the part that probably is one of the easier parts. All I need to do is check the email that someone enters against the email of …

Member Avatar for toxicandy
Member Avatar for linezero

I'm trying to use this url as regex but it doesnt seems to be working 'sorry of my bad english' Full code: [CODE]Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("http://localhost/pos/leftpanel.html") Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()) Dim rssourcecode As String = sr.ReadToEnd Dim r As …


The End.