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Member Avatar for jefferlyn92

create a method sumOfDigit(String str) compute and display the sum of the digits found in str Example: String str = "1234hello12678"; sumOfDigit(str) -> returns 34 ---need some codes guys! can you HELP me?!

Member Avatar for ANDIEniable
Member Avatar for Mikey12345

Hi, Is there a frequency function in C# like there is in Excel. I need to show a distribution chart in bell curve form. Thanks

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for midget66

I am working on a program in c and I am trying to declare a ten element array, using a for loop to insert the elements. I am also using a second for loop to acquire the sum of all the elements in the array. I'm new to programming so …

Member Avatar for midget66
Member Avatar for cadtel

Hi all, this is my first post. A couple days ago, in preparation for a math final, I attempted to code a program which would allow me to solve triangles (law of cosines, sines, etc.). Now that the test is over, I am now interested in getting it working. [CODE]#This …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for freiheit

Hello all I have this query [CODE]$query_Totals_i = "SELECT (kinisis_1c + kinisis_1e + ((kinisis_1c / kinisis_1b) * kinisis_1a)) * (1 - fpa) * 1.005 AS kinisis_1, (100c+ 100e+ ((100c/ 100b) * 100a)) * (1 - fpa) * 1.005 AS `100ara`, (super_1c + super_1e + ((super_1c / super_1b) * super_1a)) * …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Tvirusx1

I just can't seem to solve this. Heres what I want to do: I want my program to calculate movement, from one point to another. The function _updatepos is the main function, where I have troubles. It is supposed to, as the name says, update the position (posx and posy), …

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Member Avatar for nwhitesel

Hi everyone! I am working my way through some problems from projecteuler.net and came across one that has stalled me. The task is to find the sum of all primes under 2,000,000. I am attempting to use the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm for identifying prime numbers. Here is my code …

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Member Avatar for SanjitVigneshS

I was attempting a problem on [URL="http://projecteuler.net/"]Project Euler[/URL] - Problem 20. Since 100! could not be stored as ulong, I was thinking of using hexadecimal. Though I find a lot of example of converting hexa to decomal and vice - versa, I cannot find any info on using it in …

Member Avatar for SanjitVigneshS
Member Avatar for scripter_tmrage

Hi buddys at school we are now working with functions and derivates (or how you spell it) and im getting kind of tired to write the same thing the hole time in the calculator and on the paper plus the fact that i need something to program. So i was …

Member Avatar for scripter_tmrage
Member Avatar for Santho786

Presently in this below code, I have 4 dynamic values, end user will be select degree from combo box, entering the values semester, Max marks and Obtained marks as numeric values. Once entered dynamic rows will be created and it also calculate the percentage by the formula (om/mm)*100 for each …

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Member Avatar for aldm

Hi to all, I'm solving some numerical analiyse problems in C#. Is there any C# implemented function similar to eval() in Matlab? So, user type the function that he wants to evaluate in text box, and eval(String s, double x) evaluate value of that function with argument x. For example, …

Member Avatar for aldm
Member Avatar for Santho786

Hi, I have an array of integers I like to retrieve the max number and index of max number from that array without using Math.Max() function.. Presently in this below code, I have 4 dynamic values, end user will be select degree from combo box, entering the values semester, Max …

Member Avatar for Santho786
Member Avatar for kjock002

[CODE] # PURPOSE: to calculate the sum of the first (n) counting numbers # # INPUT(S): the number (n) which will be the last number added to the sum # # OUTPUT(S): the sum of the first (n) counting numbers # # EXAMPLES: input: 4 ; output: 10 # input: …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for PRINCE01

I need instance method(s) within the class am writing that convert from any base to base 10 & vice versa WIThOUT USING ANY LIBRARY ROUTINE. //this is what i have so far private int DecimalToBinary(int Decimal, int BaseNumber) { int Reminder; do { Reminder = Decimal % BaseNumber; } while …

Member Avatar for PRINCE01
Member Avatar for pateldeep454

[COLOR="Red"] This is my assignment: [/COLOR] The field of calculus is largely concerned with the concepts of the derivative and the integral of functions. Derivatives and integrals are closely related because they "undo" or reverse one another. If the derivative of a function is taken, a new function is obtained …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Nerathas

Hello, I have writted a prog that generates the values & triangleOf Pascale. But the thing i cannot seem to find, is[B] how to get rid of the Console.Writlines in the middle of my code[/B] (where the values get calculated). I am using a 1 dimensional array for this insteed …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for fabio533

I Got 2 tables: 'Standby' and 'Usage' [COLOR="Red"]Standby[/COLOR] Table got this fields: [COLOR="Red"]PartNº[/COLOR] (equipment id); [COLOR="Red"]Area [/COLOR](physical location); [COLOR="Red"]Stock1[/COLOR] (Nº Total of equipments); [COLOR="Red"]Usage[/COLOR] table got this fields: [COLOR="Red"]Quant_Used[/COLOR] (The times that the equipement is taken from Standby); [COLOR="Red"]Quant_Received[/COLOR] (The times that the equipement is restored to Standby); [COLOR="Red"]PartNº[/COLOR] (foreign …

Member Avatar for navaidstech

Just when I thought I was comfortable with SQL queries, another one popped up that I can't get around with.... I'm ALMOST there but not quite. Here is the situation... I'm dealing with two tables [B]PoolTeams[/B] and [B]PlayerStats[/B] The PoolTeams table has two columns: [B]PoolTeamID[/B] and [B]TeamName[/B] The PlayerStats table …

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Member Avatar for Gribouillis

This snippet defines a class LebsegueSet which instances represent sets of real numbers, namely finite unions of intervals. Set theoretical, topological and measure theoretical operations are implemented in pure python. Use freely and enjoy !

Member Avatar for mingas

Hi forum! I have to find the solution of this system of linear equations: 2x+3y=2 4x+5y=9 I know out to solve the system with paper and a pencil:cool: However I don´t know the way to do this in C# code! Could you give me some tips? Best regards Eduardo

Member Avatar for mingas
Member Avatar for fallopiano

Here I have a simple range function that can use floats as steps or increments. In a time test (using Psyco 1.6, python 2.5, and a basic PC), the normal frange function was able to go up to 1,000,000 from 0, by .3 , and finish that in about 0.5929 …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for sidd.

hi, how to round up a number. e.g. 3.4 to 3 and 3.5 to 4 thanx in advance

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for jballen87

I'm trying to create a program in C# that allows for arithmetic of Complex Numbers. Just adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Anyone got any suggestions?

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk

Hi, I am trying to build a simple calculator to get x^y, I have found that the '^' symbol is not used in C# and I have to use 'Math.Pow' instead. I have a form with 2 text boxes for input, an rtf box for output and a button for …

Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk
Member Avatar for mp.nighthawk

[b]Split from - [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread256380.html[/url] [/b] Someone said [QUOTE]It requires 200 terms to approximate Pi to 2 decimal places.[/QUOTE] how many terms would it take to get to 6 decimal places? 600? or is it a increasing value? - C n00b [I]11111111 is 1 less then 100000000[/I]

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for songweaver

Hey guys, I am brand spanking new to C# and am not only wondering about the syntax, but also the logic of how to do this, my professor just threw us to the wolves with this problem and we haven't gone over any of the syntax or anything, I am …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for naveenreddy61

the code takes each character and stores where and how many times a roman numeral appears and the assess the integer. this is my first code im posting. anything to make the code better is most welcome. roman numeral refers to M=1000 D=500 C=100 L=50 X=10 V=5 I=1 and uses …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ayeshawzd

how can i find value of cos without using math library of c# .......plz send me code example or formula by which it ia possible i thank full to u

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Member Avatar for NargalaX

Hey, I'm making a math bot, and when you type in your equation it converts the numbers to doubles right away. Except, when doing any equation with a decimal, the decimal is ignored. Example 2 + 2 = 4 (No decimals, it works fine.) 2.2 + 2 = 24 (Decimal …

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The End.