19 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

This code generates an ascii maze of up to size 30x30. If you try to generate a larger maze then you will likely run out of stack space. There is no way to increase the size of the stack in vbscript. Each cell in the maze is represented by a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

Hello Everyone, I am creating the maze game in vb.net I found the way of creating the maze game is easy way. But now I want this to access the auto updates. - Fine I can do this. Now the ## problem is: ## How can I set the levels? …

Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra
Member Avatar for DS9596

* I have to make a maze with 21 rows and 77 columns, allow some for the user's input and for messages. * It also has to have A multidimensional array containing the board. * A function to print the board. * Find the user's starting location (i.e. the location …

Member Avatar for DS9596
Member Avatar for Adak

Demonstrates the Right Hand Rule maze solving algorithm, with some sweet console colors and text display and erasing, in Windows. Note that if the Start is moved away from all the walls in the maze, the right hand rule fails, circling endlessly. Also, a similar failure happens if the Start …

Member Avatar for rfrapp

I'm writing maze traversal for a school assignment, and I've got an issue. The X will move through most of the maze, but then it will get stuck at a position and keep cycling through. This is probably because I'm not checking properly to see if it hasn't been to …

Member Avatar for rfrapp
Member Avatar for nah094020

Ok final project of semester is to make a maze with gui , i started with the disjoint class already but am a bit confused on how the walls or cells will work with disjoint sets, has in how do i go about creating them will this work? , my …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bcassillo

Here is my code.... It is supposed to go throught this maze and can move where there are "." and blocked by "#". I keep getting an out of bounds error. Can anyone help me? import java.io.*; public class ProgramMAZE { public static char maze[][]= {{'#', '#', '#', '#', '#', …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Gsterminator

So here is my problem. My program's goal is to to find the shortest path for a maze in a text file. User inputs a string and then the string goes through a function that reads the file into a 2d array. My problem is that I'm seperating the sources …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for mynameisfish.22

Hi guys just wondering if anyone could give me some tips on starting a moveable char function for my maze game. I wish to create a function that allows me to move the player through the maze shown below. I have a few ideas on how to do this however …

Member Avatar for mynameisfish.22
Member Avatar for Hypnos_16

I'm making a maze game for a project in school, and as such i need to create boundaries for the game. not only for the outer walls but also inner ones of different and sometimes not perfect squares. I was just wondering how i should go about doing this? Is …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for luvsdabud

Working on program to solve a predefined maze. I'm thinking the strings of spaces and #s should be arranged as strings or lists w/in a list, but not sure how to define spatial relationships so program can "move" through the maze. Just looking to help get started.

Member Avatar for hovestar
Member Avatar for begueradj

Hello people, I found a program on internet that reads 2 text files "maze.txt" and "randomMaze.txt" in which we can find *, space, S (for start) and E (for end). It resolves this maze by using DFS algorithm. My problem is that it does not run, it says there is …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for begueradj

Hello people, I have a 2 dimensional array of integers where 0 indicates a road and 1 indicates a wall: can you give me a general idea on how to draw a maze according ot my matrix on JFrame window that has JPanel as its contente pane ? Thank you …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for SQLpower

Hello. I have some problems understanding the code. I'd like to ask for some help. I need someone to break it down for me. Just to explain what's going on and what's happening. Well this is map.cpp: I got the other bits but I am struggling with this one and …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for ac20734

Hello! I am trying to write a program using recursive functions to identify the path to a given maze. The thing that I am confused about is how to move to the next direction in order to check which way the path goes. For example: 000000 011100 010100 010110 0S00F0 …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for altf4

I have written a program that will generate a random maze and solve it. The program uses a multidimensional array of a class that holds bool values for each wall, whether or not to show an * for the path taken, and if it is a dead end. here is …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for sm4ckth3monkey

Hello I am working on a project for my roommate that involves reading in a text file that has x's and o's. The x's mean a wall and the o's mean an open path. The maze begins at 0,0 and ends at 15, 15. This makes the graph 15x15. I …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Ecliptical210

Hey guys, I'm creating a Maze class along with a client class where it allows the user to input a direction (U/L/R/D), and then the validity of the move will be returned as well as the new position of the maze. So far, I've got this, but when I try …

Member Avatar for rue64ja
Member Avatar for xxunknown321

My teacher wrote this code. i am having trouble understanding what is going on in the code. can someone please help me by commenting in the program if you can tell me the importance of the functions and how everything works. please help me.... i'm a noob programmer #include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for Lerner

The End.