Re: How to Access Command Button of One Form onto Another?? Programming Software Development by WaltP mdiParent.cmdPrint.disable -- specify the form. MDIParent button Click to Display MDIChild form. Programming Software Development by kipslem …one? I have developed a small application. It has a MDIParent form on which the other childforms are displayed. I have… a Panel on the MDIParent on which there are buttons to call up the MDIChild… However, when there are no active MDIChild form on the MDIParent form and if the button is clicked, the 'Else' part… MDIparent Print button Programming Software Development by ses03 is it possible to print the whole form contents by a click of a (print) button from the toolstrip of MDIparent? how? Displaying MdiChild ToolStrip into MdiParent during runtime. Programming Software Development by priyamtheone …Visible = True ToolStripManager.Merge(Me.StatusStrip1, CType(Me.MdiParent, Home).StatusStrip1) End If End Sub Private Sub …parent.ToolStripPanel1.Controls.RemoveAt(lastIndex) ToolStripManager.RevertMerge(CType(Me.MdiParent, Home).StatusStrip1, Me.StatusStrip1) End If End Sub… working with mdiparent form Programming Software Development by srm2010 … I have three forms where in Form1 is MDIParent form.From this MDIParent form another form FOrm2 is getting open which remains… within the bounds if mdiparent window.Form2 has a button, when clicked opens Form3 …which I want it to get open as child of MDIParent form(Form1).it does not remain within the bounds … How to disable the MDIparent form when a child form is active Programming Software Development by jeffrey4u … the child form doesn't open within the MDIparent form/container 2. under MDIparent call button frmViewStuList childForm = new frmViewStuList(this); childForm…; } makes the child form active but freezes the MDIparent when the child form closes 3. ChildForm child = new ChildForm… Re: How to disable the MDIparent form when a child form is active Programming Software Development by tinstaafl …to just disable the controls on the MDIParent. First set the MDIParent property insted of the Owner property. Second…() != typeof(MdiClient)) { c.Enabled = enable; } } } } In the MDIParent when you show the child also call this new method… Controls position when is shown in mdiParent Form . How to Resolve this Issue? Programming Software Development by nauman_gcu …a mdi Parent Form. UI1 frm = UI1.GetInstance(); frm.MdiParent = this; frm.Show(); frm.Focus(); frm.ShowLabelCoordinates(); …UI2 frm = new UI2(); frm.MdiParent = this; frm.Show(); frm.Focus(); [/CODE] Any … Re: working with mdiparent form Programming Software Development by catherine sea Try [CODE]f3.MdiParent=Form1.MdiParent;[/CODE] Re: working with mdiparent form Programming Software Development by bhagawatshinde Try this, [CODE] Form3 frm = new Form3(); frm.MdiParent = this; this.ActivateMdiChild(frm); frm.Show(); [/CODE] Hope this will help you How to load a form after a different form was click inside the MDIParent? Programming Software Development by selle05 In MDIParent, in my formload in MDIParent, one form is load. And i want the form when i click a button, there is another form will be loaded INSIDE the MDIParent? how is that? Can somebody teach me the code? Thank You! Call childForm into the panel of MDIparent form from another childform. Programming Software Development by wahwah_hk I have a MDIparent form with a panel inside. Now I had already call a childform_No1 into the panel. But some how I need to call another childform_No2 from childform_No1 to the panel in MDIparent. How can it be? Kindly help! thank. Re: Call childForm into the panel of MDIparent form from another childform. Programming Software Development by kvprajapati [b]how I need to call another childform_No2 from childform_No1 to the panel in MDIparent.[/b] [code] .... Form a = new Form(); a.MdiParent = mdiObj; a.Parent = mdiObj.panel1; a.Show(); ..... [/code] Re: How to load a form after a different form was click inside the MDIParent? Programming Software Development by Luc001 Hi, Add a button and a new form to your application and name it Child1, then you can try something like this inside the button click event: [CODE] Dim f As New Child1 f.MdiParent = Me f.Show()[/CODE] C# login status display in MDIParent Form Programming Software Development by lianpiau I want display username in MDIParent form after login. Who can teach me and give coding to me. Hope every expert help me. Re: C# login status display in MDIParent Form Programming Software Development by lianpiau … user click login button will bring username textbox data to MDIParent form and display in label. but i search internet not… Re: open a form as a child of MDIParent Programming Software Development by k.d.m Add this code inside the button click event form2 frm2=new form2(); frm2.MdiParent = mdi1.ActiveForm; frm.Show(); Creating a custom solution to link a new instance of a form to a DB? Programming Software Development by CharlieHolt … reset properties to new values Content = contentTextBox.Text; ((Form1)this.MdiParent).NotifyChanges(this); // notify parent form that there are changes on…(); // Declare the childform as a new one. childForm.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; // Set the mainform as a parent form. childForm.Show… Help With MDIParents And Child forms Programming Software Development by Mike Bishop …I would use Dim ChildForm As New FrmComponent ChildForm.MdiParent = Me m_ChildFormNumber += 1 ChildForm.Text = …from from FrmComponent which used the same MDIParent. at the moment I am using …below but this opens the form outside the MDIParent Dim ChildForm As New FrmComboMaint ChildForm.Text =… Can't open a Modal (showdialog) form Programming Software Development by elmbrook …new myModalForm (); myform.TopLevel = true; myform.MdiParent = this.mdiparent; myform.ShowDialog(); Result: 'Form that is not… the MainForm and set that as the MDIParent this.Close(); //Close Current Form MainForm topform… new myModalForm (); topform.TopLevel = true; myform.MdiParent = topform; myform.ShowDialog(); Result: 'Form that … VB.Net Insert Data SQL Db Programming Software Development by kipslem ….Click Dim frmChr As New MDIParentForm frmMainMenu.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent frmMainMenu.Show() Me.Close() End Sub Private….Click Dim frmChr As New MDIParentForm frmChangePassword.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent frmChangePassword.Show() Me.Close() End Sub Private… Re: subform that will open another sub in main form Programming Software Development by symeramon …Name = "xxx"; m.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; //this.MdiParent.mdiparent.mdiparent bla bla m.Show(); } } …out Form found) { foreach (Form subform in this.MdiParent.MdiChildren) { if (subform.Name == name) {… Re: subform that will open another sub in main form Programming Software Development by kapojian …Name = "xxx"; m.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; //this.MdiParent.mdiparent.mdiparent bla bla m.Show(); } } …out Form found) { foreach (Form subform in this.MdiParent.MdiChildren) { if (subform.Name == name) {… Background Image for MDIform Programming Software Development by chotep … I've just put a pictureBox the size of the MDIparent form to make it look like its background. But when… it doesn't have to be maximized in the MDIparent form) inside the MDIparent form, the form just go under the picturebox… to see the small form, but the background of the MDIparent form is just so plain and dull. do you have… binding each selected row in listview to existing form. Programming Software Development by vishal anand.s …user_id", pUserID); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ((MDIParent5)this.MdiParent).updateUserActivities(vPatientID, 1, txtFname.Text + "…user_id", pUserID); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ((MDIParent5)this.MdiParent).updateUserActivities(pUserID, 2, txtFname.Text + "… Re: subform that will open another sub in main form Programming Software Development by MagnetoM I finally got it too work by using the code posted by symeramon above [CODE] m.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; //this.MdiParent.mdiparent.mdiparent bla bla[/CODE] Not sure how I overlooked it. Re: subform that will open another sub in main form Programming Software Development by kapojian [QUOTE=MagnetoM;1596888]I finally got it too work by using the code posted by symeramon above [CODE] m.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; //this.MdiParent.mdiparent.mdiparent bla bla[/CODE] Not sure how I overlooked it.[/QUOTE] can you post your code here mr magnetom???? thanks... Re: Help With MDIParents And Child forms Programming Software Development by GeekPlease I dont know if I understand your problem right but I think this would help you. FrmComponent.MdiParent = Me 'Me is your MDIparent Form name FrmComponent.Show() Don't forget to mark this issue as solved :) Good luck Re: Help With MDIParents And Child forms Programming Software Development by Mike Bishop … me try to explain in more detail I have a MDIParent called FrmMain which is set as IsMdiContainer=true I open… FrmComponents) using this code Dim ChildForm As New FrmComponent ChildForm.MdiParent = Me m_ChildFormNumber += 1 ChildForm.Text = "Add & Edit Components… Re: Help With MDIParents And Child forms Programming Software Development by tinstaafl … an example of how my sub would work: Form1 is MDIParent: Public Class Form1 Public Shared m_ChildFormNumber As Integer = 0 'Start…(ByVal Title As String) Dim ChildForm As New Form2 ChildForm.MdiParent = Me m_ChildFormNumber += 1 'I made the name the same as…