Help with Object Programming Software Development by Samyx … implement toString() i++; listPtr =; } } // Membership method. public boolean memberOf (Object obj) { ListItem listPtr = front; while (listPtr != null) { if (…quot;PeeWee", "555-54-5454"); if (L.memberOf (p2)) System.out.println ("PeeWee is in the list… Re: Help with Object Programming Software Development by Samyx …toString() i++; listPtr =; } } // Membership method. public boolean memberOf (Object obj) { ListItem listPtr = front; while (listPtr != null) {…quot;, "555-54-5454"); if (L.memberOf (p2)) System.out.println ("PeeWee is in the… Re: Help with Object Programming Software Development by Samyx …toString() i++; listPtr =; } } // Membership method. public boolean memberOf (Object obj) { ListItem listPtr = front; while (listPtr != null) { …", "555-54-5454"); if (L.memberOf (p)) System.out.println ("Rambo is in the…", "555-54-5454"); if (L.memberOf (p2)) System.out.println ("PeeWee is in the… LDAP multi-group memberships select one high priority membership Programming Software Development by click_Apply …,DC=com</DN> <attribute-value name="memberOf">CN=CONFID-2,OU=Groups,DC=Lab,DC…=com</attribute-value> <attribute-value name="memberOf">CN=PRIVATE-2,OU=Groups,DC=Lab,DC…=com</attribute-value> <attribute-value name="memberOf">CN=Public-3,OU=Groups,DC=Lab,DC… Re: LDAP multi-group memberships select one high priority membership Programming Software Development by iceandrews …,DC=com</DN> <attribute-value name="memberOf">CN=CONFID-2,OU=Groups,DC=Lab,DC…=com</attribute-value> <attribute-value name="memberOf">CN=PRIVATE-2,OU=Groups,DC=Lab,DC…=com</attribute-value> <attribute-value name="memberOf">CN=Public-3,OU=Groups,DC=Lab,DC… Re: LDAP multi-group memberships select one high priority membership Programming Software Development by click_Apply …,DC=com</DN> <attribute-value name="memberOf">CN=WFM-CONFED-1,OU=Groups,DC=Lab…=com</attribute-value> <attribute-value name="memberOf">CN=WFM-PRIVATE-2,OU=Groups,DC=Lab…=com</attribute-value> <attribute-value name="memberOf">CN=WFM-PUBLIC-3,OU=Groups,DC=Lab… Active Directory Authorization -Group membership Programming Web Development by titos97 …;] ."<br />"; $_SESSION['memberof'] = $data[$i]["memberof"][0] ; echo $_SESSION['memberof']."<br />" ; echo '<… LDAP group status Programming Web Development by toxicandy …=" . $_POST['username'] . ")"; $attr = array("memberof","givenname","sn","mail"… //var_dump($givenname); //var_dump($entries[0]); // check groups foreach($entries[0]['memberof'] as $grps) { // is manager, break loop //if (strpos($… LDAP Server Access Programming Web Development by sanbal …"]; string CATEGORYTYPE = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CATEGORYTYPE"]; string memberOf = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["memberOf"]; DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(LDAPpath, domainAndUsername, LDAPPassword… PHP LDAP not showing group membership Programming Web Development by titos97 …=" . $user . ")"; $attr = array("memberof"); $result = ldap_search($ldap, $ldap_dn, $filter, $attr) … $result); ldap_unbind($ldap); // check groups foreach($entries[0]['memberof'] as $grps) { // is manager, break loop if … Windows Script Host question (WSH logon script) Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by mujtba …("LDAP://" & ADSysInfo.UserName) strGroups = LCase(Join(CurrentUser.MemberOf)) If InStr(strGroups, ENGINEERING_GROUP) Then wshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "g:"… dsmod/dsadd Active Directory Programming Web Development by Josha1138 …;CCU Guest%i" -pwd g5%i2%i9 -disabled no -memberof "CN=Guest,CN=Users,DC=my,DC=domain,DC… dsmod/dsadd Active Directory Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Josha1138 …;CCU Guest%i" -pwd g5%i2%i9 -disabled no -memberof "CN=Guest,CN=Users,DC=my,DC=domain,DC… Re: dsmod/dsadd Active Directory Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by knsljo …;CCU Guest%i" -pwd g5%i2%i9 -disabled no -memberof "CN=Guest,CN=Users,DC=my,DC=domain,DC… Re: dsmod/dsadd Active Directory Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Josha1138 … to what I posted that would modify what the primary memberOf group is so that Domain Users can be removed. WARNIG, could not bind to binddn 'Ivalid credentials' Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by josedias … "telecom" -f "(&(objebtclass=person) (sAMAccountName=%v) (memberof=cn=%a,dc=corp,dc=timortelecom,dc=tp))" -h… Help with vbs code for login script Programming Software Development by clpease …) strSubFolders = "" strSubLocations = "" strGroups = UCase(Join(CurrentUser.MemberOf)) '************************************************* ' Drive mappings '************************************************* 'General Mappings for all wshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "G… Active Directory 2003 Script Programming Software Development by grandprix …" -pwd 123456 -u RED\administrator -p 123456 -samid ATEST001 -memberof "CN=rdp-admin,OU=local-admins,DC=red,DC… 2003 Logon VBSript feedback Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by VonPitter …("LDAP://" & objUser.UserName) strGroup = LCase(Join(CurrentUser.MemberOf)) bForce = "True" bUpdateProfile = "True" on error… I'm in trouble over deleted users Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by cyndijames …. I just totally don't get all that ManagedBy and MemberOf stuff. We're all just in a Users Group called… Problem migrating Tomcat 5.0 app to 5.5? Programming Web Development by probedb …=***,DC=com***" userSearch="(sAMAccountName={0})" userRoleName="memberOf" roleSubtree="true" userSubtree="true" />… Re: Powershell - Last logon script with multiple filters Programming Software Development by BitBlt You have to use the "memberOf" query segment (with the appropriate exclamation-point to indicate &… the innocent): $Searcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(memberOf=CN=Domain Admins,OU=High Security Access Groups,OU=Information… Re: file sharing Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Paladine … Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Users and Groups - > MemberOf Tab Hope this helps..? Re: how to sort out 'active directory cannot be found in cache' error Programming Software Development by techniner … - 1 Set oPropEntry = oUser.Item(i) If oPropEntry.Name = "memberOf" Then For Each v In oPropEntry.Values Set oPropVal… Re: How to list SECURITY TAB content of group in AD? Programming Software Development by skatamatic … when you double click a user and go to the MemberOf tab you will see all the User Groups that user… Re: Help with Object Programming Software Development by moutanna you have to overide the method equal in tha appropriate class inside the class definition and not outside. Re: Help with Object Programming Software Development by Samyx But it is inside the right class, in this case Person Re: Help with Object Programming Software Development by bentlogic Quick Answer: Yes, you have to write your own equals method in the Person class so that you override the inherited (java.lang.Object) default equals method. Reason: the inherited method will only compare the references (memory addresses) of the 2 objects which is almost meaningless within the context of your program. You as the designer gets to … Re: Help with Object Programming Software Development by bentlogic so you will compare with [ be careful here as Strings are objects so you will need to do that kinda like this: name.equals( inPerson.getName() ); which will return a boolean... if you just do this (I've assumed you have or will write a getName() method to access your name class variable as it should be private … Re: Help with Object Programming Software Development by bentlogic here is a version of an equals method (sort of) in the context of your Person class... assuming a few things: 1. that you make your class variables private (and you should!) 2. that you add the following accessor methods ('getters'): [code=java] public String getName() { return name; } public String getSsn() { return ssn;…