4 Ways to Insult IT Workers Programming Databases by Lisa Hoover … be the best tool for the job, everyone loses. [B]Micromanage your team[/B] - Presumably you hired your employees or contractors… what tools work best for which job. If you constantly micromanage your workers and insist on having input on every detail… Re: How to write more efficient code Programming Software Development by Narue [B]>I am basically trying to see which is the most efficient way of writing this code.[/B] At this point I'd say that trying to micromanage your memory usage and CPU cycles is unproductive. Both options are extremely likely to be fast enough for your purposes, so it doesn't matter which is faster. Don't excessively optimize without good reason. Re: My program doesnt seem right: Sum of odd numbers Programming Software Development by Narue … I wasn't confident...[/QUOTE] There's little need to micromanage that kind of thing. More often than not your compiler… Re: enum vs #define vs const Programming Software Development by deceptikon … focus on optimizing your algorithms' logic first before trying to micromanage things that will have far less impact. Re: Comparing D-Arrays using Iterators Programming Software Development by deceptikon As far as goes, it's unnecessary to micromanage like that. However, I think that given the awkwardness of using iterators here, subscripting is cleaner anyway. Just make sure to check boundaries of *both* vectors. Re: which consume more time : return STRUCT or return through call by reference Programming Software Development by deceptikon Normally I'd say not to micromanage piddling stuff like this. However, C++ has gotten more quirky … Re: What is the most powerful programming language? Programming Computer Science by Rashakil Fol Yep, it's C++. It gives you better ability to make and use abstractions than almost any other language and better ability to micromanage the low level than any other language (and that includes C). Re: 4 Ways to Insult IT Workers Programming Databases by Rashakil Fol Well this is obvious. Re: 4 Ways to Insult IT Workers Programming Databases by seamallowance These rules are really the same for *any* employee, not just the IT staff.