2,736 Topics

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Member Avatar for erum

i m working on certain project ,i created some tables in database sql server 2005 .and it created smoothly. for examples users table .so it append it with dbo.users .till there there was no problem i can easily access its object (table,storeed procedure) .but after few days it appended table …

Member Avatar for eralper
Member Avatar for ng38

Hi, I have two tables where both contain the ID number and Date. The first table will always have a date and the second table will never have a date. Basically I want the query to bring back a result set that if the ID is in table 1, then …

Member Avatar for eralper
Member Avatar for s2n

I am trying to implement merge replication locally before using it for web synchronization. My question is "Is it necessary to have two separate instances to try merge replication?" I have been through many web pages and tutorials but couldnt find a definitive answer. and if it required then is …

Member Avatar for WHchaz1027

Hi geeks, I really need your help. I want to query in a table in MS SQL using a data in another table. This might give you an idea on what I am talking about. This is the query I've constructed : "SELECT TABLE1.FIELD1,TABLE1.FIELD2 FROM TABLE1, TABLE2 WHERE TABLE1.FIELD3 = …

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Member Avatar for DCSS

I have a table with one record per certification a user has. So, user SMITH can have multiple records, one for DMV another for CPT and another for ICD. SMITH has three certificates but can have up to 20. The desire is to have a second table with one record …

Member Avatar for DCSS
Member Avatar for lttleastig

Can anyone shed any light on my errors? I got these after transferring some data around what might cause these errors? [CODE]HDB:{call sp_logitemexchange_insert(179,24,0,0,255,6,37742,1,2,1,2,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,65535,65535,0,?)} DB:01000, NativeError:3621, [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated. DB:{call log_serverstate(2,150,0,0)} DB:01000, NativeError:3621, [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated.[/CODE] Thanks...

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Superd00d

Hey there, I was wondering if I could get some guidance on how I could go about handling this problem. I'm creating a simple version control system database. The tables look like the following: [CODE]CREATE TABLE Users ( [UserID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, FirstName VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, MiddleInitial …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for everhett.raman

Hi, As i was experimenting stored procedure's TRY-CATCH with RAISERROR, came across this issue. Would like some opinion on this. Microsoft sites documented as follows: SQL Error 0 - 10: caught in the TRY-Block, i.e. will not reach CATCH-block. SQL Error 11 - 19: caught in CATCH-Block SQL Error 20 …

Member Avatar for fx1250s
Member Avatar for Tank50

Hi Guys I have an application that developed using ASP.net.There is cancel option,user can select number of item code and cancel it,but there is isssue.The issue is once user select more than 200 item code to cancel then it generate the error messsage.Error message is "Time Expird or server is …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi.. i'm trying to retrieve the data from database using ssis package.. database name is employee which contains 48 tables and it is around 20GB of memory.. it is a production database.. now what i want is to retrieve the data for each four hours.. i.e i want to execute …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for tadisaus2

Hello, I am trying to do the student evaluation and stuck in this problem. Each student evaluates himself and all his friends in the same class. I have a sample table below. On the query, I tried to join the table to itself to get a new column calls "StudentID-Change" …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for faintfascinatio

For example, my query is something like: [CODE] SELECT fullName = firstName + ' ' + middleName + ' ' + lastName, streetAddress = address1 FROM Person [/CODE] How would I be able to reference fullName directly without having to type out first+middle+last again? If I just added "WHERE fullName …

Member Avatar for faintfascinatio
Member Avatar for Ycefire

Hi there, I was really hoping I could find a person which could help me with my server setup to get it fully working for ASP.NET web applications under Win 7 Untimate (32bit). I'm trying hard to setup but I still can't get into the database file. I want to …

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Member Avatar for RPM1974

I have a table with roughly 50,000 records. Each record has 25 or so columns. One of which is a phone number column. Some of these records, while most not not the same in any other way (a few are identical), have the same phone number. Id like to delte …

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder
Member Avatar for moone009

Hello, I need help transforming a current script into on that can loop through some data for me. As you can see I currently have the ItemName and Address commented out "-- Set @ItemName = '95B046125' Set @Address = '195 WELLESLEY ST E'" and then I have to uncomment it …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi , i have a field in a table with the datatype as datetime. i wrote a query to get that feild but the thing is i want only the date to be displayed, how can i do that, currently the date and the time is being is displayed, how …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for kiranbvsn

Hi All, I am new to sql and also this is my first post in this THREAD, Inline with this I am going to improve knowledge on sql, so below is my query which i desperately needed and don't know it is possible or not? I've Two table Table1: ProblemGroup …

Member Avatar for kiranbvsn
Member Avatar for faintfascinatio

I have an xml file, structure like so: [CODE] <people> <person.1> <fname>brian</fname> <lname>smith</lname> </person.1> <person.11> <fname>joe</fname> <lname>carey</lname> </person.11> </people> [/CODE] I am using openxml to read this file and insert names (and other person information) into a table. [CODE] DECLARE @person xml, @idoc int EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @person INSERT …

Member Avatar for faintfascinatio
Member Avatar for Gdyson

Hi I'm trying to query the following tables to find out the Resource Companyname and Project Title for any Recruiters who have worked on more than/less than 6 projects within a specified period. These are the tables: dbo.tblResources ResourceID Company Name dbo.tblRecruiters RecruiterID ResourceID dbo.tblProjects ProjectID Datecreated dbo.tblProfiles ProfileID ProjectID …

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Member Avatar for potsy

Ok, so I've been looking all over the web to try and solve my problem... I have an SQL 2005 database on a web server which displays information to customers via an asp.net web site which also offers interaction with the data. I also have a Windows .Net application which …

Member Avatar for potsy
Member Avatar for lttleastig

Hello Is there a querry to convert a whole column into MD5 but i only need the first 19 characters of the MD5 thanks

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Member Avatar for RicardoE

Hello Dani Webbers, So I've been given this old-as-hell database, it was designed in 1993 under pick, and it isn't at all normalized, in a good effort I've migrated all the data into MSSQL 2008 server and I have some several to several relations between tables, on of these relations …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for lttleastig

As the title goes how can i transfer a table from one DB to another but first i need to delete the table1 from DB1 coz table2 from DB2 has the same name as table1...

Member Avatar for lttleastig
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a question in giving access to separate table to users. i have a database call Admin and in that there are some tables that the one user should not aloowed in viewing, how can i restric that user in avoing looking at that table i am …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for shok

Hi everyone, I have one problem that i couldn't solve. I'm developing a Web Application. Everyday many user's logg in and work... So, they logg in to my web app. through their MSSQL username and userpassword. HERE, I want MSSQL to deny access when they open their mssql and logg …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a machine installed MS server 2008 and in that it has MS SQL express , how can i connect othe MS SQL express from another PC in the network what is the toll that i need to have appriciate a lot thanxxxx

Member Avatar for Gdyson

This looks pretty simple on the face of it but I can't get my head around it. I have two tables that I'm querying: dbo.tblrespondents RespondentID FirstName Surname dbo.tblrespondentschildren RespondentsChildID RespondentID ChildFirstName ChildSurname ChildDOB ChildSex I am trying to find which Respondents who have only sons - one must be …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for everhett.raman

hi, M'soft sites documented that [CODE]RECEIVE TOP (n) FROM Target[/CODE] should fetch the n number of message from the specified queue. I am having problem with this, and do not know why because not much resource is available pertaining this. Tried finding for an answer on Klaus Aschenbrenner's book, failed. …

Member Avatar for everhett.raman
Member Avatar for thahir

Table name = Contacts. Table attributes = first_name,last_name,email_address,other_email,address,phone,notes. I want to retrieve without repetition(DISTINCT) first_name and address. But, when retrieving these 2 data, i want all the other data(notes,last_name,etc..) associated to this the DISTINCT data to show. Is there any SQL data for this kind of situation?

Member Avatar for huangzhi
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi, i have a problem in login in to the MS SQL server 2008, i installed the MS SQL with the authentivcation mode as Mixed mode and and for the SQL server administrator i added the current user and for the password i gave a different password, which is not …

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The End.