7,368 Topics

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Member Avatar for AndreRet

I have been so stupid to hit go at the bottom after I added a new user, deleting all users including root. I have re-installed xampp twice, tried to change the password via the xampp security, still with no success. xAmpp loads perfect on [url]http://localhost[/url], phpMyAdmin though shows the following …

Member Avatar for WebStudio
Member Avatar for Sorcher

[ICODE]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-userfile WHERE id='642' AND userid='459'' at line 1[/ICODE] This is the code [ICODE] $query = "SELECT * FROM ue-userfile WHERE id='$imageid' AND userid='$userid'"; $result = …

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for shahbaz13

Hi, I am trying to display images from my db with the following code.. [CODE] <?php include_once("scripts/connect.php"); if ($q == "All Images") { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gallery"); $q = "All Images"; } else { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gallery WHERE caption LIKE '%$q%'"); } $limit = 7; …

Member Avatar for shahbaz13
Member Avatar for edn_781

Hello.. Everyone.. I am very new to PHP world.. I have got a lesson to Saving images in folder and paths to database.. I have tried a lot.. I have tried various websites but there has no complete solution! Will you provide me the proper code?

Member Avatar for edn_781
Member Avatar for Sparhauoc

Greetings all. First of all, let me say I am NOT asking for code, just to be pointed in the right direction. I’m a newbie in php and mysql and have been teaching myself what I could learn from online lessons and tutorials (mostly w3school.com). I have found plenty of …

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Member Avatar for klenne

Hi, Actually I don't know if my question belongs in this topic or in the mysql topic. But I'm making a VB.net application with a mysql database and i have to make a trigger but I don't know where I have to use or implement it in my application. I …

Member Avatar for klenne
Member Avatar for Upoma

I need the dates in a specific range.And i want to get the result in java manipulating from a MySQL database.Now how can i do so. Suppose there are 3 days 17.08.2011,18.08.2011 and 19.08.2011 .I want the dates in the range 16.08.2011 to 18.08.2011 .So how can i manipulate it …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for dr.4030

Hi I create some tables in EasyPhp>>Phpmyadmin>>test(db name)>>((localhost)) and it works correctly with my designed page in dreamweaver but i wanna upload all of tables into the mysql db in cpanel So, the question is How can I move all of the tables with saving details to mysql db in …

Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for dashawk

Hi guys, I have a problem on getting the selected radio button and save it in the database. Here is my code: [CODE] <div id="container"> <div id="question1" style="display: inline;"> <p>Question 1</p> <ul> <li><input type="radio" name="q1" value="1" id="ans1" />Answer 1</li> <li><input type="radio" name="q2" value="2" id="ans1"/>Answer 2</li> <li><input type="radio" name="q3" value="3" id="ans1"/>Answer …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for kheijhei

hi, please help in my project in visual studio 2008 and connecting it to mySQL, I'm going to create a simple identification system, can you please help me with the codes? (Form1 - Log-in, Log-out) Here's my project proposal, I need to identify an ID number and a password. Like …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for ranu jain

hello, i wrote some commands in notepad and saved it as .sql and i m running these commad at my sql by command- [COLOR="Red"]mysql>source C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\script.sql;[/COLOR] then its run.. but hat to do if i write it without giving whole path. i ren this command-- [COLOR="Red"]mysql> \. filename[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for RvSon
Member Avatar for peter_carlos

Hello, I have a problem with update in MySql database. In a university system a student apply for what is called a petition then the admin signs it and adds a note. When the admin signs for the first time and enters his note it works. But when the student …

Member Avatar for peter_carlos
Member Avatar for heshanm

In the below query,the "Account has been successfully approved" message dispayed. But in the database still approved_status remains '0'. [CODE] <?php $connect=mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); mysql_select_db('bank',$connect); if(isset($_POST['account_number'])) $account_number=$_POST['account_number']; else $account_number=''; $query = "UPDATE account_details SET approved_status='1' WHERE account_number='$account_number'"; $result= mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if ($result) { echo "Account has been successfully approved"; } ?> …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for dina

Hi, I am creating a database for a car hiring service and would like to produce reports. I know these are simple to create in MS Access but i dont have the fainest idea if these are at all possible in MySQL. I have created tables and queries to which …

Member Avatar for elmobo
Member Avatar for shobe089

hello there. i was just wondering.is it possible to get the text display of your div and place it in a variable? if so, how should i do it? i've been searching for a solution in this problem but i can't find anything.thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for musicmaker001

I created a Javascript application that collects user data to calculate a moving quote. ([url]http://economymoving.net/get_an_online_moving_quote.php[/url]) When submitted, it inserts a new record into the database then it displays a personalized moving quote on a new page. The application also collects personal info (name, phone number, email, address, etc.) How can …

Member Avatar for extemer

hello guys...i have a class table in which there are two fields [B]class_id[/B] and [B]class_name[/B] and a student form in which there is a text field in which user will mention the student class and then hit add.this will retrieve class_id from class table instead of class name into student …

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Member Avatar for gdawkins

I want to have a setup where users from hundreds of sites hosted elsewhere will all be pulling information from my one master database that I host. I don't want to allow them to make any changes to the databases, just pull information from it to display on their site. …

Member Avatar for gdawkins
Member Avatar for extemer

hello friend...want to ask something after completing my [B]student form[/B] now i am up to [B]classes table[/B] so i make a table in DB which consist of two fields [B]'class_id'[/B] and [B]'class_name'[/B].[B]class_id [/B]is auto_incre.so i thought to add a field in the same [B]student form [/B]in which the user will …

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Member Avatar for stephen_UK

I have written a mysql database using PHP which uses a multi-field form to collect descriptive information about archaeological finds/features etc. Some of the fields are text or medium text in length. It is common when describing things to include references, which frequently now take the form of a url. …

Member Avatar for stephen_UK
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Do anyone see what im doing wrong with the update query? i get this mysql_error message; You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-xxx WHERE id = '616' AND userid = '15'' …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for heshanm

This is my 2 tables. [B]account_details[/B] (account_number, nic, full_name, phone_number, address, gender, date_of_birth,__) [B]account[/B] (account_number, name_with_initials,account_type, fd_period,__) I want to select records in both the tables. This is my SQL line. [CODE] $query ="SELECT account_details. nic,full_name,phone_number,address,gender,date_of_birth,account.name_with_initials,account_type,fd_period". "FROM account_details,account". "WHERE account_details.account_number=account.account_number"; [/CODE] The following error occurs. You have an error in …

Member Avatar for Anuradha Mandal
Member Avatar for blotind

Hi I get my data posted from another form.html page i receive it just fine and decode the json just fine, and the validation works just fine, the only problem is the part where i have to insert the values into the database.. any suggestions.. [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for ranu jain

hello..., [CODE]SELECT DISTINCT store_type FROM stores s1 WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM cities WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM cities_stores WHERE cities_stores.city = cities.city AND cities_stores.store_type = stores.store_type));[/CODE] please any one help me to understand this query... and what would be the output of this. and please …

Member Avatar for prof php
Member Avatar for silvercats
Member Avatar for tatarao25

hi evry one, my problem statement is i have table as follows [CODE=text]jobId | stagename | Count 623 Technical Screening 5 623 Technical InterView 3 623 Second Interview 6 623 Final Interview 7 623 Hr Interview 1[/CODE] i want Query To Display result as given below [CODE=text]jobId |Technical Screening | …

Member Avatar for tatarao25
Member Avatar for spivey

I need to update database table fields that contain URLs based on evaluation of the those URLs. Specifically, I need to eliminate the empty the fields of any URL that contains the directory "img_ours", and I need to take any URL that contain UPCs and change the URL formula, but …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for harikrishna439

I have field date_of_birth.... If I want to calculate age "select floor((to_days(curdate())-to_days(date_of_birth))/5) as age from table" So I can use the above one... instead of executivg this at every time I want, Is it possible to create a field named age with above structure so If I store the date_of_birth, …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for turt2live

Hello, What I am trying to do is use the following query: [CODE] SELECT * FROM players WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM raidgroups WHERE players.name=raidgroups.player) AND itemlevel>=346 AND level=85 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM verification WHERE players.name=verification.username AND verification.organizer=1) AND suspended=0 ORDER BY RAND(); [/CODE] What the above …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for ppohlmann

Hello there, I need some help with a query .. Table gamedate cutofftime 2011-08-25 13:55 I want to list games that are today +7 days but today games where the cutoff time has passed should not be displayed. Can anyone help me with this query please. Thank you for any …

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The End.