7,368 Topics

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Member Avatar for hallyvaux

Hi. I am stumped when trying to figure out how to make it so the name in one column is just listed once with nulls values underneath until the next column name. I'm sorry if I don't explain this right. I have this script: [CODE]SELECT NAME, SELLPRICE "Price Sold", COSTPRICE …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for keyroche

This question is more specific than general. I understand SQL a good amount, and understand JOINs and UNIONs etc, but I am having a real problem with a query I need. I have three tables: [CODE] ITEM: ITEM_ID ITEM_NAME WISH: ITEM_ID CUST_ID SELL: ITEM_ID CUST_ID [/CODE] What I need from …

Member Avatar for keyroche
Member Avatar for cheekycroak

Dear all..before i give up after multiple trial and error attempts,can someone please help me with below query. I am trying to replace the path name D:\Downloads\Music\ (note the slash) to [url]http://mysite.com/Music/[/url] in mysql field name called "filename" under "songlist" table. Below is the query code that I tried ,but …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for michaelzip

Hi. I'm having a problem on deleting a record using a function on SQL. DELETE FROM tblServices GROUP BY ServiceID HAVING MID(ServiceID,1,2)='SG' This query shows and error saying: Cannot group on fields selected with '*'. I tried adding a specific field, like this: DELETE ServiceID FROM tblServices GROUP BY ServiceID …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for designalex

Hi, anyone know how i can find the last added entry in mysql db. i am aware of: mysql_insert_id(), this function returns the last id but I need to select the last row where $username = username.

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for Joe34

Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-type) VALUES('1',' [CODE]$Query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO wp_posts(post_author,post_content,post_title,post_status,comment_status,ping_status,post_name,post_parent,menu_order,post-type) VALUES('1','$HTML_Content','$Page_Name','published','closed','closed','Contact-Me',0,0,'page')");[/CODE]

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for extemer

hello guys i want to get the month in single numeric value e.g 5 i sort this way but it print me 05 e.g [ICODE]date('m')[/ICODE]..help me

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for DeIntegro

I am having problems loading images from my database. I think it's something with the variable...i am new to PHP and have a project i need to finish by Tuesday. Your help is appreciated. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> …

Member Avatar for dos_killer
Member Avatar for extemer

here is my code want to get records between two dates [CODE] $sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `expense` WHERE `date` BETWEEN '2011-04-26' AND '2011-04-28'") or die(mysql_error()); echo $r=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); [/CODE] i getting "Array" in output instead of the data please sort it out for me i am not getting it right

Member Avatar for jonnysmiths
Member Avatar for thijscream

hey people, i have the following problem, i'm setting up a webshop with over 2k items and every 6months the prices are changing(wines) so i was wondering how to import an xml file into a mysql database without having to go in phpmyadmin. this because i don't want the people …

Member Avatar for jonnysmiths
Member Avatar for initialise

Hi all, I'm stumped and can't seem to find an answer on Google. I am running a java application through Eclipse and it connects to mysql. It connects fine if I run it through Eclipse but if I make a standalone jar file and then run it through Window's Vista …

Member Avatar for initialise
Member Avatar for Hakoo

Hello all, I have three table name with same data structure. So, I want to insert my data through store procedure by passing table name as variable with my data. Is it possible? Thanking You. Hakoo Desai.

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Member Avatar for abhigame

I'm using mysql 5.5.9 I used create database query to create a new database but this new database is not coming in mysql.db table can anyone tell me the reason y and even how to get the database in that table.

Member Avatar for abhigame
Member Avatar for shinysherbina

Hi, I am new to MySQL scripting. I used tee command to append my logs. But I wanted the log file to be cleared every time i execute the script. Is there any command to do that? Thanks Shiny

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Member Avatar for caierhui

i am using netbeans and MySQL. i made an inventory application with a server host name "local host:3306". how do i distribute it to other computer? should i change the server host in mysql?

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends I have pasted the code below which i was used in my project. But i am getting mysql_fetch_array() error. For your more information i have attached the screen shot of the error Pls give me solution [CODE]<?php // Inialize session session_start(); include("../config.php"); // Check, if username session is …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for turt2live

Hello, I have a query that needs to perform the following: where verified=1 AND where name is like '%$term%' AND/OR owner is like '%$term%' I have a basic knowledge of SQL and was wondering if the above is possible. I need the and/or because i would like it to return …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for extemer

hello friends i want to sum up my table field data...my table name is fee_info and i the field i want to sum is exam_Fee... i have come out with a query but at last i am not figuring it out yet. here is mine code [CODE] mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("new"); $get= …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for extemer

hello friends i want to add my table fields but i got a problem that when ever i add my field for example i enter two records one of ID 2313 having exam_Fee and transport_Fee and other having id of 2314 having same exam_fee and transport_fee.query for this which i …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi friends, I got a table as follows Name | idNo | started | type | entrytype ----------------------------------------------------------------- Nick | 12 | 12-02-2011 | 0 | 1 Sam | 14 | 13-02-2011 | 1 | 1 Paul | 12 | 14-02-2011 | 1 | 1 Jwal | 12 | 13-02-2011 …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for OldDeveloper01

At the moment i have dynamic list which displays the latest products added to the inventory list. I want to display birthday cards from the category. In my database i have the column 'category', and in a form you can select different options with values one being birthday. This is …

Member Avatar for OldDeveloper01
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

Is there a way to create a program to rewrite a query in an optimal form. If so, how? What can I do to implement this. Rewrite SELECT EMPOYEE.EMPNO, POSITION FROM EMPLOYEE E, JOBHISTORY J WHERE E.EMPNO = J.EMPNO AND STARTDATE <= ENDDATE AND SALARY <= 3000 into SELECT EMPLOYEE.EMPNO, …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for vikaspa

I have details stored in a database of a web site firstweb.com I have created another web site secondweb.com I want to use data from database of firstweb.com Is this possible ... Assume : I have all user id and password for both these databases If YES, how to do …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for poloblue

I'm new in using MySQL and I have to do a project where I should implement 6 queries within the database that I have created. The queries that should be implemented are union query, aggregation query, nested query, and three join query. Here is the script for the database. [CODE]create …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for programmer12

My Alter Table Editor Window Not Coming Up in Mysql Workbench? PLEASE CAN SUM1 HELP ME! ^_^ My Alter Table Editor Window will Not open up.. Is there a way to make it open???? Im using Mysql Workbench Thanks!

Member Avatar for programmer12
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends i am having one master table for category which contain 7 fields, i am having sitename as a table which contain 8 fields, if i create [B]newsite[/B] name then it has to copy all the fields from master table in addition to that it has to display the …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for Josef01

I would like to know how to a use a text box in winform to name the table . can anybody help me please I am using the following statement to create table SQL = "CREATE TABLE tbCatalogue ([Id] COUNTER, [Stock Code] TEXT(10), [Account Number] TEXT(6))"

Member Avatar for Josef01
Member Avatar for labhijitp

I have these two queries which i want to run together and not one by one. How can i do that? Or can it be modified to be one query. [CODE] UPDATE runquery.table1, runquery.table2 SET runquery.table1.`Column1` = (runquery.table2.`Col1`/runquery.table2.`Col2`*100) Where runquery.table2.`itemid` = 3 and runquery.table1.`Userids` = runquery.table2.`userid`; UPDATE runquery.table1, runquery.table2 SET …

Member Avatar for labhijitp
Member Avatar for jfunchio

I'm using mysql and phpmyadmin to create a video rental database and I've been having problems with the auto_increment feature and the numeric data type. I have auto_increment on multiple tables for their table id's. The problem is when i enter data into the tables the counter doesnt reset. So …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for 54uydf

Hi, Need some guidance here parts of my DB need to be updated by data from another system's DB, what I'm gonna get are CSV files with data that isn't exactly the same as my DB, meaning, the tables aren't the same structure, the fields don't have the same name/format..some …

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The End.