7,368 Topics

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Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi Not the first time Ive wondered about this, just the first time Im asking the internet :) I have a list of 'users', and there is a table of 'photos'... each matched to a user via a 'link' table... When I use a left join, and the 'user' doesnt …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for AdriftUniform

Hi, I am looking for some information about using Underscores ( _ ) in usernames. I currently have a friends system where a user can become friends with another user and this is placed into a database. I then have a query to display all of the users friends, which …

Member Avatar for AdriftUniform
Member Avatar for DJWK

Hi, I guess it's time for my first post here :) I've managed to create a php script that can run through a MySQL table and print out OPTIONS for a HTML SELECT tag. That was Google 101. But I want to keep my php and HTML separate so i've …

Member Avatar for DJWK
Member Avatar for ben.marks

Hi all, I am trying to output data from a MySQL database from the column, 'category', however what I have at the moment isnt working. Any suggestions please? [CODE]$catrow = mysql_query("SELECT category FROM tuck"); $cate=array(); while($category = mysql_fetch_assoc($catrow));{ $cate[]=$category; } echo $cate[0]; echo $cate[1];[/CODE] Thanks

Member Avatar for ben.marks
Member Avatar for zlloyd1

I have an html file that is supposed to do a search and return of a database I have created in phpMyadmin but is giving me nothing but one error after another!!:'( This is the html form[CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Directory List Request</title> …

Member Avatar for zlloyd1
Member Avatar for radujit

I have two tables Banks(Bank_id, Bank) FX (ID, Bk_id, currency, trans, value) Banks and FX are innerjoined on Banks.Bank_id=FX.Bk_id. in the original table in database: [CODE]Code: ID Bank Transaction type Currency Value 1 X Buy EUR 1 2 X Sell EUR 2 3 X Buy USD 3 4 X Sell …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for vedro-compota

Hi guys! Please - tell me -how to perform the following task. There is a table- [CODE] table SUBJECT ( SUBJ_ID NUMERIC not null, SUBJ_NAME VARCHAR(100), HOUR NUMERIC, SEMESTER NUMERIC );[/CODE] I need to count the number of items. studied in each course. I had already counted number of subjects, …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Eneswar

Hey all, my first post in this brilliant website, got a lot of ideas from here. So I'm a student and currently we are learning a bit of php and right now I'm stuck. I have a database with URL adresses, there is 3 fields, id, name and adress. I …

Member Avatar for Eneswar
Member Avatar for zlloyd1

I am trying to write a PHP script to connect to a database I have created in WAMP Server 2.0 but no matter what I do I keep getting the same error message: Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\database.php on line 5 I have looked at this for over an …

Member Avatar for HG&C
Member Avatar for tape enterprise

I need to know how to sort my authors into their respective categories I have a mysql table with the authors details and another with the categories this is my code to get the info from the tables (i realize I spelled category wrong in my database) [CODE]$sql = 'select …

Member Avatar for jrivera
Member Avatar for muppet

I am running an automated script that generates a CSV file from a query every 24 hours which works well, but I must use root login. As soon as I change it to the user login (who has the same rights to the schema as root) it gives me the …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for lit108

I have created a login system with some validation which all works fine, however I want to be able to create a session when the user logs in and then store this session information in a table that I have allready created. The table has the following values id ip_address …

Member Avatar for ice_k99
Member Avatar for axes2t2

First the table [CODE]create table customer( no int NOT NULL auto_increment, cust_id varchar(15) NOT NULL, cust_name varchar(50), cust_address text(150), cust_phone int, cust_email varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY(no));[/CODE] Then the trigger [CODE]DELIMITER | CREATE TRIGGER trig BEFORE insert on customer FOR EACH ROW BEGIN set new.cust_id=concat(new.cust_name,new.no); END; DELIMITER |[/CODE] Then the insert query …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for nyler01

Please help.. i need a script for this problem. i have 2 different departments, one is accounting and the other is payment. it should be the accounting page will create a transaction and when the transaction has been done, the webpage of the payment department will automatically show that there …

Member Avatar for rje7
Member Avatar for EPierre

Date: January 22, 2011 Hi, Need some help to solve this error. Nothing similar in the forum, IMHO. [B]Environment:[/B] [QUOTE]phpMyAdmin – 3.3.9 with this info: # Version MySQL client: 5.0.51a # Version MySQL: 5.0.45 # Server: Localhost via WAMPSERVER 2.1 # PHP 5.2.6 # Apache 2.050 [/QUOTE] [B]TABLE [/B] DROP …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for ON_Jtharpe

Hi Guys I am new to PHP and slowly learning. I have a piece of code that I need some help with. I am trying to take user input and use it to query data from a table in MYSQL. I know all my connections are working because I can …

Member Avatar for lyrico
Member Avatar for ben.marks

Hi there, I am having a Javascript problem and any help would be apprecated. I am trying to test the input for if length = 1 then add on a 0 as this would mean if the user wanted £1.20 if would come out as £1.20 and not £1.2 as …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for ctkam

hi, I want to import a text file which delimited by tab to mysql. 1) using phpmyadmin => results ( exceed time limit even i've extend) 2) open using excel file save to .csv but still couldn't save all the record 3) using ms access with odbc connection => almost …

Member Avatar for ctkam
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

I have created my personal login system. I am kinda newbee here. When user log in it creates cookie as 'user'. I've seen some sites to which creates password cookies too. So i need to verify both the cookies in mysql database every time with the every page loads? And …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Dani

When is it appropriate to use InnoDB table types? What about for a forum such as this one with huge post and thread and memberlist tables? I was reading on dev.mysql.com that it is more efficient than MyISAM for large table types? Is this always the case? Would it make …

Member Avatar for devpk
Member Avatar for tcollins412

i am trying to register 2 sessions. one is supposed to get the id of the user logging in, the other is supposed to get the persons username. here is the login page: [CODE]<?php session_start(); include "dbconnect.php"; $myusername=$_POST['user']; $mypassword=$_POST['pass']; $myusername = stripslashes($myusername); $mypassword = stripslashes($mypassword); $myusername = mysql_real_escape_string($myusername); $mypassword = …

Member Avatar for kohyar bolvary
Member Avatar for sagar2911

hey friends...i request you all to pls help me out...im damn confused... im planning to make a website by March,2011 in which i will be using HTML/JSP and Mysql as d/b. however, i have a few doubts abt. Mysql.... 1) on the mysql site, there are many packages available to …

Member Avatar for codewall
Member Avatar for noniterum03

I am new to SQL and databases in general. My problem is that I am trying to create a table that will store information about users in each row based on the date of that activity. So I need to create a table with 365 columns representing with one representing …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for ben.marks

Hi there, I am looking for some help on PHP/MySQL please :) I have a site where you add an item via a form which is then put into a mysql data base. I was wondering if there was anyway so that on this inital form there could be a …

Member Avatar for ben.marks
Member Avatar for axes2t2

Hello, I am using a code to generate an id for a table.But it is giving 'Conversion from type dbnull to type integer is not valid' exception. Now I know that this is due to the table being an empty set.But it works properly if there is already a row …

Member Avatar for axes2t2
Member Avatar for captain.don

I have an html form which has 2 fields realuser and useremail it then submits on the php page .i have a database table named auth .my database has 3 fields i.e realuser,useremail and details ,in which i have filled "details" field already and rest 2 fields are blank.i have …

Member Avatar for lyrico
Member Avatar for tcollins412

How would i upload image files to a database and then display them using [CODE] <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE email='$username' AND id='$id'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); ?> <img src='<?php echo $row['pic']; ?>'> [/CODE] and also, what kind of field should i use in the …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for MDanz

the following should return 1 row [code] $search= "Timothy"; $query4 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM test1, test2, combination WHERE test1.IDONE = `combination`.IDONE AND test2.IDTWO = combination.IDTWO AND test1.NAME LIKE '%$search%'",$this->connect) or die(mysql_error()); [/code] instead it returns zero. the query should take values from all three tables according to the where clause. …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for loopylou8

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can help me with a query? I have 3 tables in phpmyadmin, vehicles, drivers, and bookings. I need to make a booking in the bookings table (primary keys are DriverID, VehicleID, BookingDate) this will ensure its a unique booking and the DriverID, VehicleID need to …

Member Avatar for loopylou8
Member Avatar for daviddoria

There are lots of stand alone programs (sqlitespy, sqlitestudio, etc) that give you nice spread-sheet style access to tables: [url]http://www.yunqa.de/delphi/lib/exe/detail.php/products/sqlitespy/sqlitespy.png?id=products:sqlitespy:index&DokuWiki=2oa8egb90q7fck3t3q2uk9nv61[/url] but does anyone know of a web based way to do this? Thanks, David

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The End.