10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mae_1

Hi, I'm working on a website for a school project and I'm stuck on setting up the login. The set-up I have for the login is when the user entered the wrong password five (5) times, they will then be redirected to the password reset page. My question is can …

Member Avatar for Testt
Member Avatar for Amaina

I have two mysql tables namely tableA and tableB. tableA +-----------+--------------+---------+ | tableA_id | title| month| +-----------+--------------+---------+ |1 | malaria| january | |2 | pneumonia| january | |3 | HIV| january | |4 | tuberculosis | january | |5 | dengue fever | january | +-----------+--------------+---------+ tableB +-----------+-----------+--------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | tableB_id …

Member Avatar for Amaina
Member Avatar for andrian.mutua.7

hello A newbie in database constuction, need help in adding automated sms functionality in mysql database. A user needs to sent a certain sms with certain keywords like 'location' to the system. the system refines a search according to the location content then sents back the data back to the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for SirMahlon

i am trying to loop rows from my database but i want to loop the first three rows and place an ad on the fouth row then i continue with my main loop.Aany help will be helpful. Thank you

Member Avatar for SirMahlon
Member Avatar for Vusumuzi

I was trying to add a text file through an iframe in order for my lecture to be able to see and mark my php code. The problem is that 000web.com where I hosted my site does not allow txt files for security reasons. As a work around I tried …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Munchii_2014

The Scenario Wyndham Summer Houses are a construction company based in US. The company specialize in building summer houses and outbuildings such as sheds. They want you to design and implement a database that meets the requirements for their data. These requirements are specified in this scenario and the examples …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi... Is there any other solution to use map but not google map, which works in offline also?

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for blueguy777

The following table query is not executing properly, what is the correct syntax? $m_query = 'Insert into'.$job_id.'(`mobile`,`routeID`,`status`) values ('$mobile','$routeID','Sent')';

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Liang_1

Dear all, I am developing a website which can upload photos and also uploading Name, Descrptions etc using one form and one "submit" button. I found this below: http://plugins.krajee.com/file-advanced-usage-demo#comments The Example has some codes but I am not sure how to put it into a HTML Form and submit to …

Member Avatar for Liang_1
Member Avatar for farah ashikin

hi i just want to ask and ask your help . can you guys help to make timer in my quiz page. seriously i have no idea how to do it. plus im still new in this field around 7 month , so i dont know where to put the …

Member Avatar for farah ashikin
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, Created a query for getting users list excluding the logged in user well I thought about creating a simple one but huh that didn't worked for me. Okay so what logic and for what did I created for. I tried to show the users that are friends with each …

Member Avatar for UK-1991
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

I need some help with creating a simple search engine for website. Basic idea is that user will enter a string in search bar, which will compare in database key_word and get the reuslts. Lets say I have the following table on sql server database. |----|----------|----------------------| | ID | URL …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for laguardian

Hello guys! I need advice. So I'm working on a Reservation feature of a system. I have created a DAO's for Customer, Employee, and CustomerInquiries. I will explain to you how this works first. The customer creates a "customer inquiry" on the company website to inquire about rental of buses. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Vishnu_5

**Plz provide me a complete example of "Passing specific table row data in Bootstrap Modal" i.e on clicking edit link of a specific record, details for that record should be displayed in modal Table data is fetched with PHP from MySQL database. Plz help me out...**

Member Avatar for Tpojka
Member Avatar for Ventech_IT

Hi I have two tables property and property_images I join these tables with the following query: function get_residential(){ $query = $this->db->query("SELECT property.ID, property.property_name, property.property_slug, property.property_size, property.property_beds, property.property_bath, property.property_garage, property.property_type, property.property_state, property.property_price, property.property_address, property.property_description, property.date_created, property.active, property_image.image_name FROM property AS property INNER JOIN property_images AS property_image ON property.ID = property_image.image_id WHERE …

Member Avatar for Ventech_IT
Member Avatar for gogs85

How to make popup login and register from index.php to work and to parse data in mysql I have: Index.php, login.php, register.php In index.php I have modal popup and I want to user can login and register from popup. I try with ajax but not working. Here is my code: …

Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, I tried to created a social networking system in which I created a part of adding friends so the problem I am having if the firend is not in his are like he searched a friend normally so that friend is not in his system so it show as …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Dani

Funnily enough, I have absolutely no experience with MySQL foreign keys. I'd like to change that :) My database schema is rather complicated, and I have a lot of work ahead of me, but let's simplify things. Suppose I have **Members Table:** id (PRIMARY KEY) username first_name last_name company etc …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Focus not working. What is the error in my code Dynamic Textbox Code: select query $i =1; while() { <input type="text" name="class_teacher_entry[]" id="class_teacher_entry<?php echo $i; ?>" class='marks' size="5" maxlength="3" onkeypress="return onlyNumbers(event);" onblur="markValidation(this.value,document.getElementById('marktotal').value,<?php echo $i; ?>);"/> } <Script> function markValidation(a,b,i) { var c = parseInt(a); var d = parseInt(b); if(c>d) { …

Member Avatar for AntonyRayan
Member Avatar for gtel
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for shany0786

I am uploading max 5 images and i want to create the thumbnails of those 5 images i am successful in uploading and saving image name in database but can't able to make thumbnails. //controller $files = $_FILES; $cpt = count($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']); for($i=0; $i<$cpt; $i++) { $_FILES['uploadfile']['name']= $files['uploadfile']['name'][$i]; $_FILES['uploadfile']['type']= $files['uploadfile']['type'][$i]; $_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name']= …

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Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia

I want to upload file using php ajax then insert all the data such as chapter name, lesson name and id on database. How can i do that? pls help me guys. Thank you :)

Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia
Member Avatar for mattster

Hi All, I've just tried to get going with Django using MySQL, but linking them has been a nasty headache. I am using Python v3.5, Django v1.9 and MySQL 5.6. I've definately got MySQL/Python talking, but Django always has the problem: File "X:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\django-1.9-py3.5.egg\django\db\backends\mysql\base.py", line 25, in <module> import MySQLdb …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for skitters

some how mysql database in wamp server 2 got replaced by older database and i am unable to restore the database to the location (before being replaced by old data) from the latest backup i have . is there any way i can restore the data to my required position. …

Member Avatar for ewansmith
Member Avatar for jalpesh_007

Hello all, How can i import my mysql table data to google spreadsheet? Also i want to add data in spreadsheet from particular cell. i have referred following web pages, but i can't get much idea. https://support.google.com/docs/answer/40608?hl=en http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-googledata2/ please help me. Thanks

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for James_43

I am using a mySQL query in PHP to pull content from rows into an array. A simple for statement is then displaying this data: for ($i = 0; $i < ($num_rows); $i++): //Find Author Name $query = 'SELECT firstname, lastname FROM vd_users WHERE id = ?'; $statement = $mySQL_con->prepare($query); …

Member Avatar for James_43
Member Avatar for Ventech_IT

Hi Guys and Gals, Im busy developing a small website for a client but i've hit a little snag, currently when i create a new "property" entry i can upload one picture with it that kind of defeats the purpose because i need to showcase the "property". how would I …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Sahrish_1

**Bold Text Here**hi,Everyone ,please guide me that how i can install MySQL with window 8,problem is that my RAM is of 20 GB and Window8 consume 17GB on RAM .When i install MySQL my pc becomes heavier and slow ,please tell me how i can solve this problem .Thanks

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for blueguy777

PHP Code to create table. $create_q = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . $job_id . '` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `mobile` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `routeID` int(11) NOT NULL, `status` varchar(20) NOT NULL default `Sent`, `handler` varchar(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) '; Mysql Error: You have …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ramsiva

I am not getting records In my DB modify_date structure is timestamp my query is SELECT * FROM table WHERE modify_date> 2015-09-29 13:50:13 any body help me

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.