11 Topics

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Member Avatar for bnn678

a1 = 1 a2 = 2 a3 = 3 ....... a10000 = 10000 So, I want to create a function that will autoassign names to numbers. In the the code above, for x in range (desired range): a(quantity of x) = x how do i get my code to call …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for anglwthnati2de

Hi I want to be able to change the name of the JFrame I am working on. It is currently named SwimmingPoolVolumeCalculator. When I go the Company Tab and enter in a name, I want that name to be shown as the new Title of the JFrame. How can i …

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for thedancingbug

Hello friends, I have to create a dense array called "monthName that contains the names of all 12 months starting with "January" So far, I have created this: function showDate(thisDate) { var thisWDay=Today.getWeekday(); var thisDay=Today.getDate(); var thisMonth=Today.getMonth(); var thisYear=Today.getFullYear(); var variable=new Array(monthName[0]="January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", …

Member Avatar for thedancingbug
Member Avatar for praveendasika

How do I name the dll's according to my wish when I publish the website. It just names the dll's into some gibberish name. it creates so many dll's and in the properties of the project there is no dll naming column for websites. is it only for web applications …

Member Avatar for praveendasika
Member Avatar for Jamesiscrazzy

Right now i have 6 files: Main.php = The login page Info.php = The first page seen after login ForgetPass1.php = The first page for password recovery ForgetPass2.php = The first page for password recovery functions.php = Holds all the php functions used in all websites including: -logout() -confirmUser() -SQL_Connection() …

Member Avatar for Jamesiscrazzy
Member Avatar for osm1987

Hello everyone, I have to query a table according to the current item being fetched in the select statement. What I meant, I want to form the name of the table and query it on runtime. For example, there is an item that comes from items table and it has …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for bertm81

Hi, I am new to python and am wondering is it possible to name a method after a variable. I know I can name a variable after another variable using [code=python] test = "temp" vars()[test] = 123 print temp [/code] this will print 123. so I was thinking something like …

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Member Avatar for TySkby

I know a lot of people have their own comforts and styles when it comes to scripting and coding, but... Some language documentations specifically state a naming convention that is considered best practice for their language, like Java specifying camelCase. However, PHP's online documentation doesn't specify a naming convention (from …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for manshipboy

I am trying to generate a new checkbox in a different form. [code] Public Class frmAdd Public Sub btnitemadd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnitemadd.Click Dim chklowerleft As New CheckBox Dim chkhandleft As New CheckBox Dim indexcounter As Integer = 4 If chkleftlowerarm.Checked = True Then frmMain.chklistLA.Items.Add(chklowerleft, …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for qazplm114477

Is there a particular reason as to why some people use .inc and some just use plain .php for include files? Does actually do anything performance wise or does it just make it easier to distinguish between files?

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for revenge2

Hi there, is it valid to have a java class name and file as [CODE]public class DVD extends Items{[/CODE] and [CODE]public class CD extends Items{[/CODE] where its all in capitals? -thanks, sorry for the short question.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

The End.