541 Topics

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Member Avatar for ktunisia

i need some docs, help i wanna write a script to change the graphics used by nagios by other used by our company how can i start and what should i use , im new with nagios can i use php if yes how ?? i want to make a …

Member Avatar for questionX

I am usng ubuntu 10.04 I have installed on both computers sudo apt-get install ssh I have the problem I want to connect from comp1 to comp2. I crate my rsa. comp1@laptop$ ssh-keygen -b1024 -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/comp1/.ssh/id_rsa): …

Member Avatar for tlkummell
Member Avatar for prvnkmr449

[B]Problem in connecting internet on ubunto 10.04 through idea netsetter.............[/B] Hello I try a lot to connect my netsetter usb modem but it ubuntu 10.04 os not detected as modem..........please help me Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for suntom
Member Avatar for +_+man

see if the case is just for example how can i find its port number need immediate reply Thanks In Advance

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for kc12286

Hi, I'm a newbie, as I just joined this community. I live in the New York Metro area. I'm interested in exploring IT related fields and found a program in Networking offered through a local community college. I realize these are different areas, however, I've noticed that they're often lumped …

Member Avatar for kc12286
Member Avatar for lionaneesh

[B][I][U]Hey Guyz I am currently using :-[/U][/I][/B] 1. WINDOWS 7 32bit x86 intel 2. WINDOWS XP SP2 2002 32bit x86 intel [B][U][I] MODEM :-[/I][/U][/B] ZTE ADSL Modem Model : 531B Splitter : 4KHz [B][I][U]The Problem :-[/U][/I][/B] 1. There was no problem till today morning...I faced some problems after 12am today.. …

Member Avatar for dbrookins
Member Avatar for therstonsplace

i can vncviewer and vinagre from the local machine and that makes sense... cuz its that machine... but whenever i ssh in i cant run it remotely and it seems to me that would be the point... ssh -X -l <user > <ip> is the command i use to get …

Member Avatar for popin

Okay so most people these days have a home hum (a wireless rooter) and the last year or so has seen the begining of the rise of home cloud computing with prducts like the seagates goflex network shareing device etc. My question is what can you link up to you …

Member Avatar for popin
Member Avatar for overlook

Hi, I have 2 notebooks, one using vista and one using 7. I just set up the ad-hoc (win 7) and connected sucessfully using other notebook (vista) I set up the IP for wireless in win-7using subnet and the client(vista) using subnet The win7 is connected …

Member Avatar for PaliGap

I am running APF 9.6. There is an IP address I cannot ping if APF is enabled. But it's OK if I stop APF. The IP is not listed in /etc/apf/deny_hosts.rules. It doesn't help if I add the IP to allow_hosts either. I have also tried disabling realtime lookups: USE_DS="0" …

Member Avatar for Master Rattley
Member Avatar for pittpaguy87

Hi, I have a Compaq and a gateway computer. I also have 2 network cards. In both computers, I have tried the following distros of linux: Ubuntu 10.4 Xubuntu 10.4 Ubuntu Server 10.4 Puppy Linux 5 Damn Small Linux In all combinations of computers, os, and network card, I have …

Member Avatar for pittpaguy87
Member Avatar for thosecars82

Hello there I have this problem. The signal of my router does not get long enough to get my wireless card in my laptop on the other part of the house. That is why I am thinking about the choices that I know: buying either an access point or a …

Member Avatar for ryan461
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Does anybody know how I would use sockets to tap into the SMS protocol for sending+receiving SMS messages. Basically, all I want to be able to do is setup a php script that will be able to act as the SMS server and send+receive the SMS's directly through the SMS …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for SpOOKy.Is.GoD

Here is my Prob- we have a main router from which we use a distributor or hub for internet connection distribution, ever computer connected automatically obtains IP address of format say - 180.50.50.xxx to access net connection. if any connected computer has different IP format than the given one, it …

Member Avatar for ÃœnLoCo
Member Avatar for W1ND0W5

So, here's the big deal. I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS alongside my Windows 7 install. It's great, all of the drivers are working, and I love the graphical effects! Anyway, I can't get it to connect to my home network. It is in range (sitting right next to it …

Member Avatar for W1ND0W5
Member Avatar for happygeek

The [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story291317.html"]founder of Facebook might be facing the death penalty in Pakistan[/URL] but social media growth is showing no sign of slowing down in India. In fact, it is displaying some of the fastest social networking growth on the planet. [attach]16882[/attach]According to a [URL="http://www.comscore.com"]comScore report on Social Networking Sites in …

Member Avatar for leahmarie
Member Avatar for j0hnmcg

Hi all, Our small business is currently using an online file server for our file sharing needs. Recently, there have been complaints around the office about the server. In particular, the problem people have the biggest issue with is file linking. MS Excel links don't work for files on the …

Member Avatar for mechbas
Member Avatar for happygeek

When it comes to data storage and retrieval the current buzz is undoubtedly cloud-shaped, so why would anyone want to invest in Network Attached Storage? Two words: cost and capacity. Cloud services are great, but as far as storing and accessing large amounts of data is concerned things can get …

Member Avatar for reubenj90

I have ubuntu 9.10(karmic koala) installed on my laptop, i was wondering how i could print a file from my linux system to a printer connected in my network. The printer is connected to windows xp system. I read somewhere that to do this you would have to install samba, …

Member Avatar for WigglesMcMuffin

Hey, I'm running a dual boot Windows 7 and fc13 i686. Until just yesterday everything was fine. Yesterday I downloaded, installed and finally got VirtualBox working on my Linux side, though now my NetworkManager is disabled (so I have to use Windows to get online), and the option to enable …

Member Avatar for WigglesMcMuffin
Member Avatar for gunbuster363

I am using the newest version of ubuntu the network is ok, I can google, I can facebook. But when I try to check my company webmail (internal), it said cannot resolve hostname what is happening? My window vista is doing ok with the webmail. The webmail is microsoft online …

Member Avatar for gunbuster363
Member Avatar for k2k

I am trying to setup a dns server with fedora 11. what I have done: 1. /etc/init.d/named start 2. chkconfig --list named ---> return status ok, both 3 and 5 are on 3. "/etc/resolv.conf" as below // does it look okay? nameserver //my router, nameserver //this machine itself. …

Member Avatar for hyerutko
Member Avatar for asadriz

Can I install a normal Unix OS loaded system as a firewall between DSL and Switch, please let me know if its possible and how?

Member Avatar for hyerutko
Member Avatar for mariner92689

Hey everyone, I am developing code to accept TCP communcations from one computer to another. Basically from this forum, all I need is the ability to send a data string to the other computer. here is the code I have to do so. they both are the same application, but …

Member Avatar for art_st

hello, I've been dealing with ebtables recently. To test if it works at all I set policy to drop on chains: input, output and forward for one of the interfaces. However, it doesn't work as I can ping a host connected to that interface. I use Debian which may be …

Member Avatar for ryan461
Member Avatar for buster2209

Is it possible to view wireless networks using c3? I have tried '[URL="http://managedwifi.codeplex.com/"]Managed with WIFI[/URL]' but have had no luck. Anyone else done this before?

Member Avatar for buster2209
Member Avatar for coud_ren_26

Gud day! I'm using opensuse 11.0 as my operating system. My location is here in the Philippines. How can I install my Sun Broadband Wireless Standard. My device name is E1150. Any help will greatly appreciated. Thank You and God Bless!

Member Avatar for spikes

Hey All, It seems that when ever i install redhat, i get to the firewall section and tell it 'no firewall' but every time without fail i login and there it is firewall set to 'high'. can anyone help me disable this thing, whenever i use the gui security program …

Member Avatar for princealway
Member Avatar for bbman

Hi folks, I am a beginner in Socket Programming. I am trying to do some simple stuff but had a basic query. I would like to implement something like wget in C top of a TCP socket (i.e., without using any HTTP libraries). Just provide a URL (Example-- $wget [url]www.foo.com/bar.pdf[/url]) …

Member Avatar for Jamesbch
Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

Blogetery.com, a free WordPress blog provider, was shut down earlier this month when their [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story297729.html"]entire server was mysteriously yanked [/URL]without warning or explanation. When the site went dark, over 73,000 user generated blogs disappeared and since then there has been little to no information as who was responsible for pulling …

Member Avatar for Major Variola

The End.