Neuron Visual C++ Programming Software Development by neuronco My company, Neuron Computing, started a beta program for our suite of developer … to have etc. Some of the key features of the Neuron Visual C++ IDE are: - integration with free Microsoft Visual C… Re: Neuron Visual C++ Programming Software Development by neuronco …://[/url] The new version also includes new Neuron Visual Debugger for C/C++. The link to the product… Help with Brian neuron simulator basics Programming Software Development by toll_booth … trying to teach myself the very basics of the Brian neuron simulator before attempting to modeling realistic networks. Any of you… Neural Network won't learn Programming Software Development by OffbeatPatriot …delta; bool updated; string group; vector<Neuron*> connections; Neuron(string name); void update(); }; class Neural_Network …; else return -in; } Neuron::Neuron(string name){group = name;} void Neuron::update() { //Update neuron's activation activation = bias;… Re: Neural Network won't learn Programming Software Development by OffbeatPatriot …return in; else return -in; } Neuron::Neuron(string name){group = name;} void Neuron::update() { //Update neuron's activation activation = bias; for(map…(*it2)->bias += learning_rate*(*it2)->delta; for(map<Neuron*, double>::iterator iter = (*it2)->weights.begin();iter !=… 1 out of 4 (or 9) identical objects gets special treatment? Programming Software Development by miturian … nconnect; int i; int j; neuron(); neuron(neuron** incconnctions, int incnconnect); ~neuron(); void introduction(); }; neuron::neuron(): i(100),j(100) { //booh } neuron::neuron(neuron** incconnctions, int incnconnect): nconnect(incnconnect… Re: 1 out of 4 (or 9) identical objects gets special treatment? Programming Software Development by dusktreader …] ); } } //Printing functions ommitted }; class network { public: std::vector<neuron*> neurons; neuron*& slot( int i, int j ) { return neurons[ i… j=0; j<w; j++ ) { slot( i, j ) = new neuron( i, j ); } } for( unsigned int i=0; i<neurons… Can't link to GSL binary? (possibly installed it wrong) Programming Software Development by miturian …/usr/lib -I /usr/include/gsl -o main main.o neuron.o network.o synapse.o dataAnalysis.o [/CODE] Resulting in…: [CODE]neuron.o: In function `neuron::updateSpikeTime()': /home/kaare/LIFnetworks/neuron.cpp:123: undefined reference to `gsl_root_fsolver_set' /home… Function pointer suddenly causes segmentation fault Programming Software Development by OffbeatPatriot …normal(range, values_normal); class Cluster; class Neuron; boost::mutex m_mutex; class Connection {… total_neurons = 0; bool cull_threads = true; Neuron *neuron; for(unsigned int i = 0;i &…u++) { neuron = new Neuron(tmp, id++); tmp->neurons.push_back(neuron); thread_neurons[thread].push_back(neuron); thread = … Re: 1 out of 4 (or 9) identical objects gets special treatment? Programming Software Development by daviddoria That garbage value is most likely caused by an uninitialized variable. Any time I see '**': [code] neuron** connections; [/code] I cringe... Have you considered using: [code] std::vector<std::vector<neuron> > connections; [/code] instead? Re: Function pointer suddenly causes segmentation fault Programming Software Development by OffbeatPatriot …<> > normal(range, values_normal); class Cluster; class Neuron; class Connection { public: Cluster *target; double density, size; double…lt; tmp->neuron_num;u++) { neuron = new Neuron(tmp, id++); tmp->neurons.push_back(neuron); neurons.push_back(neuron); } } printf("building neurons\n… Re: Function pointer suddenly causes segmentation fault Programming Software Development by OffbeatPatriot …well. I wanted to have a multithreaded program so every neuron in my simulation had a vector of integers, one integer… for each neuron that could send input to it, this vector was …to, call this vector post. So when a neuron sent input to another neuron it dereferenced each pointer in in the post… Abstract Class is declared but not defined Programming Software Development by F2guy ….h eventqueue.cpp: eventqueue.h event_storage.h neuron.h simulation.h config.h eventqueue_local.cpp: eventqueue_local…cpp: brain.h simulation.h config.h neuron.cpp: neuron.h connection.h config.h eventqueue.h …eventqueue_remote.o: eventqueue_remote.cpp main.o: main.cpp neuron.o: neuron.cpp simulation.o: simulation.cpp # combine utility … 1540-0063 (S) The text "eventqueue_t" is unexpected. Programming Software Development by F2guy ….cpp: potentialqueue_local.h event_storage.h eventqueue_remote.h neuron.h config.h eventqueue_local.cpp: eventqueue_local.h…cpp: brain.h simulation.h config.h neuron.cpp: neuron.h connection.h config.h potentialqueue_local.h….o: eventqueue_remote.cpp main.o: main.cpp neuron.o: neuron.cpp simulation.o: simulation.cpp # combine utility… Artificial Intelligence Programming Computer Science by iamthwee … brain consists of literally millions of neurons. Each neuron are inter connected with synapses. These pass electrical signals… to the neurons. Now an individual neuron by itself is pretty useless. Learning occurs by the… occurs by adjusting the weight matrix in a neuron -A spiking neuron can be modelled with FPGAs which have the… values not being saved in class members Programming Software Development by F2guy …) { color = 255; neuron_p->must_or_just_fired = false; // reset neuron } else color = 0; if (neuron_p->neuron_type == E_NEURON) …; neuron_id++) { if(event_cycle.combine_events[neuron_id].pop_forcefire()) { // Force neuron to fire neurons[neuron_id].force_fire(this, remotequeues_p); cout <<… Neural Networks: same output? Programming Software Development by Cy137 …) * Jesse Bordoe(s0907715) */ class CBackProp{ //output of each neuron double **out; //3-D array to store weights for each…]=sz[i]; } // allocate memory for output of each neuron out = new double*[numl]; for(int i=0;i<… *tgt) { double sum; // update output values for each neuron ffwd(in); // find delta for output layer for(int i… Re: Artificial Intelligence Programming Computer Science by mike_2000_17 …on many aspects of this, from closer to the neuron firing mechanism (like you described) to various network …, especially as people took out the high-fidelity neuron-firing mechanisms and replaced them by simpler and more…t think that further investigations of the details of neuron firing mechanisms are a particularly practical line of investigation,… Re: Artificial Intelligence Programming Computer Science by mike_2000_17 …Learning occurs by adjusting the weight matrix in a neuron Care to explain how? The logic required to update…-speaking exponentially higher in computational cost than the actual neuron firing logic / dynamics, which is quite trivial to… attempts to fly, reproducing the actual mechanics of neuron firings is the equivalent of flapping wings, i.e… Re: Artificial Intelligence Programming Computer Science by iamthwee …in the AI field that the actual mechanics of the neuron firing is not really relevant to the overall schemes (… take on things. Can we assume that modeling the neuron more closely and more accurately will make any difference to…Man's attempts to fly, reproducing the actual mechanics of neuron firings is the equivalent of flapping wings, i.e., … Re: 1540-0063 (S) The text "eventqueue_t" is unexpected. Programming Software Development by F2guy It seems that the problem was [CODE]#include "neuron.h"[/CODE] from [B]eventqueue.h[/B], but I do not see why it gave that error. Questions for reality (or of reality) Community Center Geeks' Lounge by GrimJack … an electromagnetic field affect a neuron?[/INDENT] [INDENT]does an activated neuron generate an electromagnetic field[/INDENT…[/INDENT][/INDENT] Keep in mind that the neuron carries an electrical signal from the dendrites (…chemicals) carry the signal from neuron to neuron (axon to dendrites) and each neuron has a minimum activation potential … Re: Questions for reality (or of reality) Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jonsca … borrowed dime. [B]>can an electromagnetic field affect a neuron?[/B] Yes. Google "transcranial magnetic stimulation" [B]>…;does an activated neuron generate an electromagnetic field[/B] Yes. [B]>if so… Re: Questions for reality (or of reality) Community Center Geeks' Lounge by GrimJack … borrowed dime. [B]>can an electromagnetic field affect a neuron?[/B] Yes. Google "transcranial magnetic stimulation" [B]>…;does an activated neuron generate an electromagnetic field[/B] Yes. [B]>if so… Stack Overflow Error Programming Software Development by Analogsleeper …() { minmaxFS >>; getLines(); } //Gets the next neuron to process void getLines() { statsFS >> >…>> reading.integral; getDeltaT(); } //Prints the id of the neuron, spike frequency, and time differenece between spikes void printDeltaT() { double… vector resize changes content? Programming Software Development by miturian …an element in connections is assigned an address. vector<neuron*> connection; //a container of pointers to neurons,… so my individual neuron knows who it's neighbours are [/CODE] [CODE] int…an important concern. Also, no matter what, my neuron needs to know when it has spoken to all its… work-around to circular definitions? Programming Software Development by miturian … coupling between neurons). Synapses mediate information between neurons, so a neuron has to be able to speak to a synapse, and… to speak to other neurons. To me, that means a neuron has to contain a pointer to a synapse, and a… synapse has to contain a pointer to a neuron. How do I do that? Just writing [CODE] class a… NumberFormatException Programming Software Development by debee …< a; j++) { System.out.println("Enter into input neuron "+ j); String r = in.readLine(); Double qq = Double.parseDouble… Is it safe to have multiple threads add to or subtract from a quantity? Programming Computer Science by OffbeatPatriot … threads could try to change the voltage of the same neuron at the same time. I think I know a way… parking system Community Center by johnyjj2 … self-learning system, maybe with smart algorithm in software or neuron networks). Can you give me any advices or suggest anything…