Re: Read csv file into NSString Programming Software Development by hericles [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: encoding: error] will read your csv file. Once you have your file into a NSString you can use componentsSeparatedByString: to split it as you need. For example, to split it into an array based on line feeds: `NSArray *lines = [csvString componentsSeparatedByString:@"\r\n"];` Hope that helps. NSString initWithFormat - memory mgmt Programming Software Development by badboy11 Newbie Question: Does NSString's instance method(s) initWith... return an autoreleased object or does receiver take ownership? - (id) initWithFormat: arguments user input NSString Programming Software Development by MareoRaft … //#import <string.h> @interface Numbers : NSObject { NSString *name; int age; NSMutableArray *list; } //-(void) setName;…quot;%s", &n ); // name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:n]; name = [NSString stringWithCString: n encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]; } ... What could … Objective Objective C: Find and copy substings from NSString. Programming Software Development by hiddepolen …string in between? My code: [CODE]NSString *googleString = @"http://www.mypage.… URLWithString:googleString]; NSError *error; NSString *googlePage = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:googleURL encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:&… Re: user input NSString Programming Software Development by Moschops … array of char) and how to use them. Secondly, the NSString stringWithCString method wants a char pointer, and you're trying… Read csv file into NSString Programming Software Development by VUEKID Need help reading a csv to NSString and then to NSMutableArray. I need to output the name of a certain row base on car. file ex: car, bike, wheels toyota, mountainbike, rims .. .. .. how to parse json from a file inside folder? Programming Software Development by silent lover …;ArialMT" size:8]; label15.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @" %@", json[@"halaman1&…;ArialMT" size:8]; label50.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @" %@", json[@"halaman1&… Problem with NSMutableArray & object retrieval from it, populated using NSXMLParser Programming Software Development by KunalPatel … = [elementName copy]; } - (void) parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didEndElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName { // if([elementName isEqualToString:@"FirstName"]) self… Re: NSTableView is not updating correctly Programming Software Development by dancks …0) d="0"; return [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:d]; } /*-(NSString *)converttonsstring:(int)a { int size=1…/=10) { *b-- = (char)((c%10)+48); } return [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:b]; }*/ -(void)awakeFromNib { NSIndexSet *indices = [NSIndexSet… iPhone - properties of a list of files Programming Mobile Development by akilank …directoryContent = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (NSString *path in paths){ NSString *documentsDirectory = [[path lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension]; [… = [attrDir objectForKey:NSFileSize]; filesName = (NSString *)directoryContent; filesType = [path pathExtension]; createdDate… Objective-C noob: EXC_BAD_ACCESS with simple print method? Programming Software Development by dancks …return self; } -(void)dealloc { [self destroy]; } +(que *)get_new:(NSString *)str { que *nnew = 0; if(!(nnew = malloc(sizeof(que)))) …top!=0) { [linkedlist pop:&top]; } } -(NSString *)stringAt:(int)i { NSString *b = @""; if(i<count) {… Grabbing video path for each video in iOS device's Camera Roll Programming Mobile Development by nocoded … == PHAssetMediaTypeImage) { [[PHImageManager defaultManager] requestImageDataForAsset:asset options:nil resultHandler:^(NSData *imageData, NSString *dataUTI, UIImageOrientation orientation, NSDictionary *info) { NSURL *url = [info objectForKey:@"… Learning/Tutorial/Problem Set Programming Software Development by MareoRaft … an integer", num); //@"string" is a constant NSString object //"string" is a constant C-style string… %.2f", var, var, var, var); NSString* formattedNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.02f", var]; NSLog(formattedNumber); NSString* stringy = @"we use a string… Question: What are Properties and how to use Them and When to use them ? Programming Software Development by Harvey_10 …example. for example: @interface coffeeShop: NSObject { NSString *coffee; NSString *icedCoffee; } // In my opinion, i believe… them. @proiperty (strong, nonatomic) NSString *coffee; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *icedCoffee; @end @implementation coffeeShop //… NSTableView is not updating correctly Programming Software Development by dancks …IBAction)setAt:(id)sender; -(int)converttonum:(const char *)a; -(NSString *)converttonsstring:(int)a; @end .m: #import "…10) { b[--size] = (char)((c%10)+48); } return [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:d]; } -(void)awakeFromNib { NSIndexSet *indices = [NSIndexSet… Working with Class, properties and Initialization Programming Software Development by harde_1 …#import "ClassA.h" @implementation ClassA // part 6d -(NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"a1 = %@, a2 = %@ a3 = %@",…NSLog (@"%@", self.description); -(id) initWithA1:(int)x andA2:(NSString *)s andA3:(int)y { self = [super init]; if (self… How do I search and display results from a plist file? Programming Mobile Development by Shane-dev … *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *cellID = @"cellID"; UITableViewCell *cell =… #pragma Search Methods - (void)filterContentForSearchText:(NSString*)searchText scope:(NSString*)scope { NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate … Help with simple program Programming Software Development by Navlag … INT back to a String NSString *FinalPayment = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", AlmostDone]; //Print to Screen NSString *paymentScreen = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"In order… Re: Question: What are Properties and how to use Them and When to use them ? Programming Software Development by geojia …define a property ie: `@property (nonatomic, strong)NSString *coffee;` xCode actually creates couple of things:…2. a getter for the instance variable - (NSString *)coffee{ return _coffee } 3. a setter for… the instance variable - (void)setCoffee:(NSString *)coffee{ _coffee = coffee } Also in the current… Cant Connect to MySQL server? Programming Software Development by Malymieczek …)backgroundTouched:(id)sender { [nameText resignFirstResponder]; [userID resignFirstResponder]; } -(void) postMessage: (NSString*) user withName: (NSString *) name{ if(name != nil && user != nil) { NSMutableString… COCOS2D help needed Programming Game Development by Dave_5 …runAction:[CCSequence actionWithArray:actionList]]; } - (void) addCollideLayer:(NSString*)name { CCTMXLayer *layer = [tileMap layerNamed:name]; … addObject:layer]; } } - (void) removeCollideLayer:(NSString*)name { [collideLayers removeObject:[tileMap layerNamed:name]]; }… Re: Working with Class, properties and Initialization Programming Software Development by geojia Part c is asking you to make an initializer with the calss. ie. [NSString string] (which is equivalent to [[NSString alloc]init]autorelease]). It's testing your ability to create class functions. Objective C launching NSTask to run a shell script and get output Programming Software Development by bjohnst8 …:[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]]; NSLog(@"%@", Array); NSString* scriptPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"hello"… launch]; NSData *data; data = [file readDataToEndOfFile]; NSString *string; string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSLog (@"got… Error with Game code Programming Software Development by mat0pad … "Transition.h" @interface Design_190_190_Clicktoplaylevel : ActorScript { @public NSString* tempHolder; Scene* _Scenetoplay; NSString* _Levellabel; float _levelnumber; } @end @implementation Design_190_190_Clicktoplaylevel -(void)load… How Do I make This function work Programming Software Development by AndyGuy …. Here is my code. -(NSInteger) RetrieveAscCode:(NSString*) inchr{ NSString *chtable =@"0123456789.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; NSInteger scan; NSString *trim; trim = [inchr substringToIndex:1]; for… how could i do to enable scrolling and see all the rows in UITableview? Programming Software Development by surferbloggy …tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { /////////////////////// static NSString *simpleTableIdentifier = @"SimpleTableCell"; ZRK_RSSItem *item =…quot;MMM d, YY"]; NSString *lastUpdated = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@",[formatter … Actually Swift: Keep getting EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION Programming Software Development by pars99 … } func circle(){ var radius = (length.stringValue as NSString).floatValue var circumfrence = 2.0 * 3.14 *… var rectLength = (length.stringValue as NSString).floatValue var rectWidth = (width.stringValue as NSString).floatValue var perimeter = (2.0 … how to check the getter and setter? Programming Software Development by sing1006 …myText; @synthesize opacity; @synthesize delegate; //getter -(NSString*)myText{ return myText; } -(NSNumber*)opacity{ return…delegate{ return delegate; } //setter -(void)setMyText:(NSString *)_myText{ if(myText!=_myText){ [myText release];… java and objective-c communication help Programming Software Development by Talguy …]; } - (IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender { [socket sendString:@"hi"]; NSString *received = [socket readString]; if(received == nil) { NSLog(@"nothing …received"); } else { Hello.text = received; } } - (void)sendString:(NSString*)string { const char* s = [string UTF8String]; int len = strlen(s… What means CG prefix in ObjC Programming Mobile Development by fibbo … can connect it with something. So there is CGFloat, NSInt, NSString and all that stuff and I'm wondering what these… from the C data type. Example String (the C-String), NSString (the ObjC string). So question remains: what means CG and…