Re: compare string with text file lines Programming Software Development by bryan69 nth changed. but nvm, ill do more debugging. anyway, from that … Re: compare string with text file lines Programming Software Development by bryan69 nth changed. but nvm, ill do more debugging. anyway, from that … Re: calculate value of PI from the infinite series Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill nth term looks like 4/(2n-1) to me. Nth position of inputted keywords Programming Web Development by hmphf How do I identify the nth position of an inputted keywords (including numbers) through a n html search form? Eg: keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 position of keyword1 = 1 position of keyword2 = 2 position of keyword3 = 3 And then use that nth keyword to query a particular field in mysql tables. Thanks! nth prime number Programming Software Development by FraidaL This code is supposed to find the nth prime number (n being input by the user). I have …'t know how to get the code to display the nth prime number. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void… Re: nth prime number finder doesn't work Programming Software Development by Taywin … a prime number first! Don't attempt to think about nth prime number. There will be many smaller steps for this…, then move on to find how to get to the nth prime number. Then you should get an idea what actually… nth last element with o(n) complexity Programming Software Development by Iam3R written a code for finding nth last element but no idea how to caluculate complexity. how … Nth Root? Programming Software Development by lxXTaCoXxl I'm having trouble calculating the Nth root of a given value. I don't understand what'… nth prime number finder doesn't work Programming Software Development by yup790 I am trying to make a program that displays the nth prime number. I don't get compiler errors but it … Solving Equation to nth series Programming Software Development by JoeD1 …outer loop instead: for (int i = 2; i <= nth; i++) { solution += ((Math.pow(x, i-1)) /…/4! ... x^nth-1/nth!"); System.out.println("Enter the nth value"); int nth = input.nextInt(); …int i = 1; i < nth; i++) { for (int j = 2; j <= nth; j++) { solution += ((Math.pow… Re: Solving Equation to nth series Programming Software Development by JoeD1 … only the one loop: for (int i = 2; i <= nth; i++) { solution += ((Math.pow(x, i-1)) / factorial(i)); } and… Re: How to find nth last element in a linked list using recursion? Programming Computer Science by nc2010 … else { // At end of list - start the count nth = 0; *count = 0; } if (*count == n…) { // Set the val here nth = head; } return (nth); } NODE *nth_from_end_of_list_recur(NODE *head, int n) {… How to determine the nth Fibonacci number? Programming Software Development by flyingcurry … assignment to write a program finding the nth Fibonacci number. On the web, there…out.println("Enter an integer n for the nth Fibonacci number you want to find: "); … fibonacciCalculate method to obtain //the integer nthNumber, the nth Fibonacci number checkException = true; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException a… Re: find the nth prime prime number Programming Software Development by Smeagel13 … primes, and then if it's given an nth that it already knows about it reads it from… the array. The problem is that if the nth numbers start small and go up it's fast…increment takes small amount of time. But if the nth number is huge to start with it takes a…the 4,931,941th prime and then every next nth number is pretty much in the known numbers … How to find the nth prime number (where n is the User input) c++ Programming by ViperVenomHD … user inputs an integer and the program will cout the nth prime number. Unfortunatly when I try to cout just the… nth prime number it doesn't work. However theoretically if I … print out all of the prime numbers up to the nth prime number, it just prints out 3,4,5,6… Re: How to find nth last element in a linked list using recursion? Programming Computer Science by TrustyTony … list and return first element if len=N, else find Nth last or the list minus the first element. This is… function of list is by itself as heavy as finding nth last element). That two pointer version you know should be… possible to express recursively (going to Nth element, when Nth last is the first element, then going forward with… Re: find the nth prime prime number Programming Software Development by Smeagel13 … a formula for calculating the starting number based on any nth number, like ... [CODE]start_number = ((nth * 2) + (nth / 2));[/CODE] compute nth root Programming Software Development by lilpinay write a program that computes the nth root of a number. given a real number X greater … less than -1 and given an integer Y, compute the nth root Z such that Z*Z*Z*Z*Z*Z… Re: How to determine the nth Fibonacci number? Programming Software Development by coil Try doing it with recursion. The base case would be n=1 or n=2, in which case return 1 - the first two numbers of the sequence are 1. For everything else, the nth term is the previous two terms' sum - find those with recursive calls. Re: How to determine the nth Fibonacci number? Programming Software Development by flyingcurry … without any loops to calculate the previous numbers before the nth fib? Re: How to determine the nth Fibonacci number? Programming Software Development by extemer … without any loops to calculate the previous numbers before the nth fib? [/QUOTE] if you look carefully than you will notice… find the nth prime prime number Programming Software Development by cse.avinash … one Can I have a better algorithm to find the nth prime number, where 1<= n <=5000000. for e…;%lld",&q); while(q--){ printf("enter the nth prime number to be found:--"); scanf("%lld"… Re: find the nth prime prime number Programming Software Development by Adak … on primes. Is this OK or dodgy? [CODE]start_number = ((nth * 2) + (nth / 2));[/CODE] Do you mean this in the normal arithmetic… Re: find the nth prime prime number Programming Software Development by Smeagel13 [QUOTE]@Smeagel, I haven't worked with this yet, but I've seen this mentioned on a web site on primes. Is this OK or dodgy?[/QUOTE] Truthfully, I don't know, haven't tested it yet ... The problem is once we have the start number we also need an nth number to start with or the nth number will be displaced by a lot. Every Nth Value Problem... Programming Software Development by jake.jackson.7169709 …". The goal of the program is to select every Nth number of Value starting with the last, and print it… array. But I'm having the hardest time getting the Nth number of value to print out in a concatenation. #include… Re: find the nth prime prime number Programming Software Development by Flashbond … stable version of my original code. int k = "the nth prime you like" -1; int l,m=1,n… a shorter and slightly faster way, int k = "the nth prime you like" -1; int l,m=1,n… Re: Which C++ string function returns nth character of the string? Programming Software Development by dougy83 If you are using char[] array or STL strings, just use the [] operator. e.g. [code] #include <string> using namespace std; ... string mystring = "hello"; v = mystring[n]; // v = nth character of string // or char mycharstring = "hello"; v = mycharstring[n]; // v = nth character of string [/code] Re: find the nth prime prime number Programming Software Development by Adak … techniques to test for primality. I can make up a nth primes array file if you like - any gap is fine… Re: Every Nth Value Problem... Programming Software Development by dx9_programmer … have to do is return array[N-1] for the Nth element. Re: find the nth prime prime number Programming Software Development by Flashbond …(textBox1->Text)-2; // The textbox you entered for the nth prime. std::vector<long> p(1,2); for…