Re: Add property to standard object Programming Web Development by Dani > $obj->newProperty = "something"; For some reason I thought that PHP didn't allow that without throwing an error?! (Hence the reason for me posting this question). I'm on PHP 8.2/8.3. Re: Add property to standard object Programming Web Development by jkon I completely agree with you with the "hackily" part , but here it is: $arr = [ 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat' ]; $obj = json_decode(json_encode($arr)); $obj->newProperty = "something"; var_export($obj); exit; GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by snah19 … return "NULL"; } static void *urlcontext_child_next(void *obj, void *prev) { URLContext *h = obj; if (!prev && h->priv_data &… Add property to standard object Programming Web Development by Dani I, very hackily, create an object of type stdClass as so: $arr = array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat' ); $obj = json_decode(json_encode($arr)); How can I now quickly add a third property to $obj without PHP getting angry? Paris Olympics Chatbot- Get Ticket Information Using Chat-GPT and LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … directs you to a [PDF document]( containing ticket prices and… into multiple pages. ``` loader = PyPDFLoader("") docs = loader.load_and_split… Paris Olympics Ticket Information Chatbot with Memory Using LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … Olympics ticket information. ``` loader = PyPDFLoader("") docs = loader.load_and_split… Re: Get error please help me the server threw an exception. Programming Software Development by tinstaafl Have you tried looking at the answers on this page? [Click Here]( Re: GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by Reverend Jim I can't offer any suggestions other than to just download the compiled app for your system instead of building it yourself. Re: GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by rproffitt Here's another problem. When we change the OS not only must we setup the compiler, environment and such but sometimes an OS API could be deprecated or removed. You made mention of a possible OS change so that's a possibility. You obtained this code from somewhere. Go back there and see if they updated it for your new OS. Re: GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by toneewa While I haven't used DJGPP for a couple decades, I decided to install the ffmpeg library and do a test program another way. For me, the declarations worked changing: #include "os_support.h" #include "avformat.h" #include "internal.h" #if CONFIG_NETWORK #include "network.h" #… Re: Getting project error: ( probably due to code) Programming Software Development by mitrmkar obj must NOT be const because you intend to modify it, so use only plain gydytojas& obj i.e. [icode]friend fstream& operator>>(fstream& fs, gydytojas& obj)[/icode] Re: Using struct in a Class Programming Software Development by vijayan121 > obj.baseInfo::SlotCount[0] = 5; > This compiles fun but gives … of the enclosing class. [code=c++98]int main() { base obj; //obj.baseInfo::SlotCount[0] = 5; // error base::baseInfo info_object ; info_object.SlotCount… Re: Which is Faster? direct or indirect access? Programming Software Development by techniner obj theObj; theObj.DoSomeThing(); return 0; } In my opinion.... Re: Inheritance and static variables in classes Programming Software Development by Trap910 > obj.x will only allow me to use the x of class S2 I think its because you created the oject of class S2, it seems like variables are overriding cant refer the variables of the base class without their ojectes Re: admin adding post Programming Web Development by AARTI SHRIVAS $obj->add_content($_POST['add']); use this may be help Re: Please help with passing data from one form to another form Programming Software Development by fawadkhalil Obj As New Form2 Obj.PassedText = TextBox1.Text Obj.Show Hi i tried this code and it really works.But without obj.Show it didnt. Whats the function of this line of code? Re: Bound Crystal report controls at run time Programming Software Development by kashy! …As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject rptTxtGroup = obj.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects.Item("Text1")…= "HaloooO" obj.SetDataSource(rec) CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = obj CrystalReportViewer1.Refresh() __________________________________________________________________ It … Re: Please help with passing data from one form to another form Programming Software Development by sacarias40 makes the text entered in form1 appear visibly in form2 Re: Passing Variable to another form Programming Software Development by afaque_khan1 will show/open the other form.... so you have to assigne that before doing this as i have shown previously Disassemble and use a .obj file Programming Software Development by tamas.vincze.714 …and i have a homework. I got a .obj file (which was compiled with visual studio 2008… second question: how can i use this .obj file in a little sample C program? How…no fb3 function with this signature in the .obj file which i declared with that extern keyword…set the linker input (vs2010) to f3.obj as well. Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated… own .obj parser in C++ . Programming Game Development by diamondfist … an opengl scene. For this I've read about the .obj format and how the vertex cord's and etc are… with how to store and manipulate various parameters in the .obj and .mtl file. Re: own .obj parser in C++ . Programming Game Development by Alkane You could use the old C way with fopen() and fread() to parse each line, it's not too difficult. Also, check out this demo for .obj loading and rendering with OpenGL: - perhaps you could derive your own version from this. Re: .obj to .exe using CodeBlocks Programming Software Development by finston ….o obj\Debug\SIPPLOT.o obj\Debug\Sipprt.o obj\Debug\sipwnd.o obj\Debug\Sipdlg.o obj\Debug\SIPFILE.o obj\Debug\Comm32.o obj\Debug…\tabdial.o obj\Debug… Re: .obj to .exe using CodeBlocks Programming Software Development by finston ….o obj\Debug\SIPPLOT.o obj\Debug\Sipprt.o obj\Debug\sipwnd.o obj\Debug\Sipdlg.o obj\Debug\SIPFILE.o obj\Debug\Comm32.o obj\Debug…\tabdial.o obj\Debug… obj 3D viewer... need help Programming Software Development by Tcll …initialdir=os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0], filetypes=[('OBJ','*.obj *.tab'),('All Files','*.*')]) self.frame.update_idletasks() if fn…: if fn[-4:].lower() in ['.obj','.tab']: return drawWireframe(self.canvas,(scX,scY,scZ),fn… .obj to .exe using CodeBlocks Programming Software Development by finston … including symbian and wonderware. By using IDA pro on the .obj files that I have, I have been able to obtain… a way of using CodeBlocks to purely link the existing .obj and .res files. I created a project and added the…\lib\libopengl32.a" -lkernel32 -lgdi32 -luser32 mingw32-g++.exe: obj\Debug\USR\BC\CWIN\OUT32\sipadv.res: No such file… Re: .obj to .exe using CodeBlocks Programming Software Development by finston …2011sip/SIP/sipwnd.c:471: undefined reference to `Analyse_Data' obj\Debug\sipwnd.o: In function `PlotWndProc@16': C:/2011sip…SIP/Sip32.c:215: undefined reference to `PlotStatWndProc@16' obj\Debug\Sipdlg.o: In function `DialWndProc@16': C:/…/SIP/Sipdlg.c:310: undefined reference to `bStData' obj\Debug\Sipprt.o: In function `Print_Data': C:/2011sip/SIP… Re: .obj to .exe using CodeBlocks Programming Software Development by finston … have been unsuccessful in using GoLink.exe to link my .obj files, as it does not support the OMF format that… my .obj files are in. This means that I will try to… Re: .obj to .exe using CodeBlocks Programming Software Development by finston … files that I found by using IDA Pro on sip32.obj (from which my working sip32.exe came) into the Project… to recompile with Code::Blocks using the source code and .obj data that I have inherited without specifically being told which… .obj's in .exe Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by smithss …++ executable which was a simple program created by linking 2 .obj files. Can i now get this information from the exe… which .obj files they were? I have used 'ldd' command to find…