Re: I need help with java Animation Programming Software Development by Hypnos_16 … A = new ObjectA(); private ObjectB B = new ObjectB(); private ObjectC C = new ObjectC(); private javax.swing.Timer timer; private int width = -1… Re: I need help with java Animation Programming Software Development by Hypnos_16 So three classes ObjectA, ObjectB and ObjectC in those classes i'll have the objects drawn and how i want them to move, then in the "Master Class" have the code to call on the three Object Classes, make them move, then redraw them? It seems i completely shit the bed here, might as well try and start from scratch. Re: I need help with java Animation Programming Software Development by Hypnos_16 I have to call the three class ObjectA, ObjectB, and ObjectC. it's one of the rules in the question. When i try and run it i get flooded with errors that i can't seem to fix, cause they don't make sense