The Essential Windows 8 Apps Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jsherm101 …tips and tricks for a better Windows experience. **OblyTile** If you want to add life to your tiles… times for applications, folders, or internet shortcuts, which Oblytile helps you bring thel ife back for. An even…richer looking experience oNn your start screen. [OblyTile]( is free and available from… Re: The Essential Windows 8 Apps Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by yanflex How about Craigslist+ Pro? [Click Here]( It rise to #23 top paid app in less than 3 weeks. Re: The Essential Windows 8 Apps Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by epn1 I'm enjoying the new experience with Windows 8. I'm just now really exploring the apps, but I'm certainly finding that it was a worthwhile investment. :) Even the simplicity of using [ebay](… Re: The Essential Windows 8 Apps Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by stevencito8 Tried it believe it best for tablets and touch screens and apps are developing so fast hard to get your breath. Re: The Essential Windows 8 Apps Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Everyauction After installing the free 'Classic Shell' solution, I start to feel like home much more. Ernie Re: The Essential Windows 8 Apps Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by The Mad Hatter The 'must have' application for Windows 8 is Linux. Reformat the drive, and get rid of it. Tried it at the store. Hated it. Totally. Of course I'm not the average user, I'm old enough that I remember when Microsoft was the new kid on the block in the Operating System business. Wayne Re: The Essential Windows 8 Apps Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Reverend Jim Definitely Stardock's [ModernMix]( Re: The Essential Windows 8 Apps Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by LastMitch >These are just a few of the absolutely essential apps you should be getting with your Windows 8 OS. No matter what you plan on using Windows 8 for in the coming months, you should give at least a few of these apps a try, if not all, and see how to better your Windows 8 experience. Feel free to let us know what you think the best apps are for … Re: The Essential Windows 8 Apps Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Laura530 A new favorite of mine is the RealPlayer Cloud app-awesome for video storage and sharing: