Re: Vector trouble Programming Software Development by _Nestor /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MD /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc80.pdb" /W3 /nologo /c /ZI /TP /errorReport:prompt Re: Session in ASP Programming Web Development by code739 > od in Notepad. <% Session("TimeVisited") = Time() return_session(Session("TimeVisited")) Sub return_session(session) Response.Write(session) End Sub %> Bind AD to OD Master Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by gn0m3 … the authentication for AFP/SMB etc to come from my OD server. So far I have hit a brick wall and… Re: Multiple object records forming one query Programming Databases by dickersonka …,date_added,date_updated,data,title,business_contacts_id,address_string, USERID (SELECT od.cat_id,od.obj_id,od.date_added,od.date_updated,,bc.title,bc.business_contacts_id,gde.address_string…bc.geo_id WHERE od.uid = USER_ID AND od.cat_id = 8 ) as query1 inner join (SELECT od.cat_id,od.obj_id,od.date_added,od.date_updated,,bc.… your basic calender Programming Web Development by rahimah … line to fix date bug when current day is 31st oD.od=oD.getDay()+1; //DD replaced line to fix date bug …() : 0 //DD added dim[1]=(((oD.getFullYear()%100!=0)&&(oD.getFullYear()%4==0))||(oD.getFullYear()%400==0))?29:28; var…;=42;i++){ var x=((i-oD.od>=0)&&(i-oD.od<dim[m-1]))? i-oD.od+1 : '&nbsp;'; if (… Re: Multiple object records forming one query Programming Databases by Phrenetic …, even though it is 3 queries. [CODE] SELECT od.cat_id, od.obj_id, od.date_added, od.date_updated,, bc.title, bc.business_contacts_id, gde.address_string FROM… Multiple object records forming one query Programming Databases by Phrenetic … is considered connected to the user. [CODE] SELECT od.cat_id,od.obj_id,od.date_added,od.date_updated,,bc.title,bc.business_contacts_id,gde.addre ss_string… FROM ol_obj_data od INNER JOIN ol_obj_2_business o2b ON od.obj_id = o2b… Progress bar when execute method Programming Software Development by manhthaodn …;Comment"] = o.Comment; table.Rows.Add(rows); foreach (var od in o.SalesOrderDetails) { var rows1 = table.NewRow(); rows1["SalesOrderID… Re: Progress bar when execute method Programming Software Development by samsylvestertty …;Comment"] = o.Comment; table.Rows.Add(rows); foreach (var od in o.SalesOrderDetails) { var rows1 = table.NewRow(); rows1["SalesOrderID… Re: Multiple object records forming one query Programming Databases by Phrenetic …records where there exists either A Review (od.cat_id = 8) or a Rating (od.cat_id = 9) What i need …select those records when, there exists Review (od.cat_id = 8) and Rating (od.cat_id = 9) But you obviously cant use… "WHERE od.uid = USER_ID AND (od.cat_id = 8 AND od.cat_id=9) " because that … pls read this i need a litle beginers help Programming Software Development by bladethebric …) //pritoa vo ednata struktura se izdvojuvaat informaciite od hederot za slikata a vo drugata struktura samite bitovi… pogodeni 4, 5, 6, i tn bukvi od zborot togas se iscrtuvaat ostanatite delovi //treba da …Stojanov 10111"); //vcitaj ja slikata za pozadina od eksteren fajl //ovaa slika moze da ja sodrzi… not clear code explain in demo telrik grid controle site Programming Web Development by menukadevinda ….Bound(od => od.ProductName).Width(233); columns.Bound(od => od.Quantity).Width(200); columns.Bound(od => od.UnitPrice).Width(200); columns.Bound(od => od Re: Undefined Sybmol 'min/max' in function Programming Software Development by daviddoria …mx) { int max=mx.ev[0]; int min=mx.od[0]; for (int i=0;i<10;i++)…j<10;j++) if (mx.od[j]<min) min=mx.od[j]; cout<<"The biggest… #include <iostream> struct ma { int ev[1]; int od[1]; }; void maxmin(ma mx); int main() { return 0; …mx) { int max=mx.ev[0]; int min=mx.od[0]; for (int i=0;i<10;i++)… Re: Undefined Sybmol 'min/max' in function Programming Software Development by endframe … { int max=mx.ev[0]; int min=mx.od[0]; for (int i=0;i<10;i…<10;j++) if (mx.od[j]<min) min=mx.od[j]; cout<<"The…include <iostream> struct ma { int ev[1]; int od[1]; }; void maxmin(ma mx); int main() { return 0;… { int max=mx.ev[0]; int min=mx.od[0]; for (int i=0;i<10;i… Re: Multiple object records forming one query Programming Databases by dickersonka i'm not sure of your table structure but would you be able to achieve it with this at the end [code] WHERE od.uid = USER_ID AND (od.cat_id = 8 or od.cat_id=9) [/code] Undefined Sybmol 'min/max' in function Programming Software Development by endframe … ma mx) { int max=mx.ev[0]; int min=mx.od[0]; for (int i=0;i<10;i++) if…=0;j<10;j++) if (mx.od[j]<min) min=mx.od[j]; cout<<"The biggest even… ma my) { int max2=my.ev[0]; int min2=my.od[0]; for (int i=0;i<10;i++) if…=0;j<10;j++) if (my.od[j]>min2) min2=my.od[j]; cout<<"The smallest even… DataGridView Custom Cell/Column problems Programming Software Development by kmh72756 … As OrderDetail.ProductItemDealerSplitType) itemcount += 1 linecount += 100 Dim od As New OrderDetail(linecount, "ITEM" & …splittype) m_OrderDetails.Add(od) linecount += 100 od = New OrderDetail(linecount, String.Empty, splittype) m_OrderDetails.Add(od) linecount += 100 od = New OrderDetail(… Trying to understand Inheritance/Polymorhism Programming Software Development by Syrne …bool overDraft; double loan; public: Checking(bool oD = false, double lN = 0.0);…Set Mutator Function declarations============================================= void Checking :: setOverDraft(bool oD) { overDraft = oD; } void Checking :: setLoan(double lN) { loan… Count the total and group clause Programming Databases by shayankhan …or not but guide me here [CODE]Select sum(od.unitprice * od.quantity) as Amount, (Select ContactName from Customers …from [Order Details] as od inner join orders as o on o.orderid = od.orderid inner join customers as …CODE] here if i use [CODE] Max(sum(od.unitprice * od.quantity)) as Amount[/CODE] i get error can … as NPR has uncovered the entire Community Center by Little_2 …Mac_Miller_New_Album_Leaked_Free_Download https://www.wattpad……… Re: Multiple object records forming one query Programming Databases by dickersonka then use two selects the first one you have above, the second is the same just change od.cat_id = 9 do an inner join on these on uid and then you will have the uid's that are both 8 and 9 Totaling multiple sums in one array Programming Web Development by zeusofolus …, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $query = 'SELECT o.OrderID, o.OrderDate, od.DetailItemName,od.DetailItemID,od.DetailQuantity, od.OrderID FROM orders AS o INNER JOIN orderdetails AS… od USING(OrderID) WHERE TO_DAYS(OrderDate) = TO_DAYS(CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 DAY) … NullPointer with Event handler problem Programming Software Development by jaku78 …;-"); os.setBackground(Color.yellow); Button od = new Button("/"); od.setBackground(Color.yellow); Button om = new… op.addActionListener(new MyButtonHandler()); os.addActionListener(new MyButtonHandler()); od.addActionListener(new MyButtonHandler()); om.addActionListener(new MyButtonHandler()); oe.addActionListener… Re: Count the total and group clause Programming Databases by urtrivedi [CODE]Select sum(od.unitprice * od.quantity) as Amount, ContactName as customername from [Order Details] as od inner join orders as o on o.orderid = od.orderid inner join customers as c on o.customerid = c.customerid group by o.customerid,ContactName order by amount desc limit 1 [/CODE] Help Postioning Sidebar on screen. OPEN ME! Programming Web Development by Confused@JS ….cn[0];} function awmas (ct,swn,swr,shw,ud,sa,od,cs,ts,tn,ttt,ti,tia,dbi,ew,eh,jcoo…)?shw:(shw>2)?2:shw,ud:ud,sa:sa,od:od,cs:awmsc[cs+awmsoo],ts:(ts!=null)?awmsc[ts+awmsoo….layer;var pil=this.pi.layer[0];this.lod=this.od;if (this.lod==0){if (… Running progrmas simultaneously Programming Software Development by dchunt …h> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream od,od2,od3,od4,od5,od6,od7,od8; ifstream odd,odd2…exe");system("CLS");"r1.txt"); getline(od,line); num[nu]=atoi(line.c_str…()); nu++; od.close();"r2.… How to format XSLT for nested data? Programming Software Development by pauljhester …quot;1307127797249" VALUE="+2½"> <Od FRACTION="10/11" Line="-110" …1307148604196" VALUE="189 (-105)"> <Od FRACTION="20/21" Line="-105" …1307148604196" VALUE="189 (-115)"> <Od FRACTION="20/23" Line="-115" … exception thrown whilst loading an xml doc Programming Software Development by discovery-power … e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoadQuotes.Click Dim od As New OpenFileDialog od.Filter = "XML Files(*.XML;)|*.XML"… If od.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then FileName = od.FileName QuotesXmlDoc = New XmlDocument() QuotesXmlDoc.… What's wrong with this? Programming Software Development by VIEBlitz … = " - "; String om = " * "; String od = " / "; String e = " = "; } System…(op1 * op2)); break; case 4: System.out.println(op1 + od + op2 + e + ((double)op1 / op2)); break; } }… Re: What's wrong with this? Programming Software Development by VIEBlitz …os = " minus "; om = " times "; od = " divided by "; e = " equals ";…quot; + "; os = " - "; om = " * "; od = " / "; e = " = "; } System.out.println("…