Datet of Birth Validation - JS or PHP? Programming Web Development by ghost_from_sa … guys, I was wondering if there is possibly an "onBlurr" or "onChange" way I can check using… it would be very handy if i could do it onblurr like i said). Thanks in advance Re: Datet of Birth Validation - JS or PHP? Programming Web Development by sv3tli0 onChange onBlur are for javascript. there can be made a date check without any problems Re: Datet of Birth Validation - JS or PHP? Programming Web Development by ghost_from_sa which one of the two is faster/More reliable? atm im doing it in javascript Re: Datet of Birth Validation - JS or PHP? Programming Web Development by sv3tli0 Its depending what will be the inputs which(select boxes or text input) you will use and when you will make the check while selecting date, or when submitting your form Re: Datet of Birth Validation - JS or PHP? Programming Web Development by ghost_from_sa Ok so this is the code I have a.t.m However it only works on form submission. This is the exact code I would like to implement "onChange". Any help would be GREAT thanks again :) [CODE] function check(theForm) { //======================================================================= // Variables to check correct issuement … Re: Datet of Birth Validation - JS or PHP? Programming Web Development by jbennet I merged this thread with the duplicate one in the PHP board.