Help in Telerik RadGrid Programming Web Development by prashant9928 …;WarehouseBinInpiutList_NeedDataSource" OnItemCommand="gridWarehouseDelete" OnUpdateCommand="gridWarehouseUpdate" OnInsertCommand="gridWarehouseInsert" AllowAutomaticDeletes="True" AllowAutomaticInserts="True… Re: Help in Telerik RadGrid Programming Web Development by LastMitch >here i am showing you the code into which i am getting trouble into "gridWarehouseInsert" command. What i want is when user inser new data into detail table i want to get the MasterTable DataColumn that is "Warehouse_id". so that i can perform insert operation. When user insert master table data that is "warehouse"… Re: Help in Telerik RadGrid Programming Web Development by prashant9928 No, this example is not have add edit delete commands features. Can you please analyse my code that i have mention above and give me your reviews... i want to find the master table column id("Warehouse_id") on "gridWarehouseInsert" command. Re: Help in Telerik RadGrid Programming Web Development by LastMitch >Can you please analyse my code that i have mention above and give me your reviews... i want to find the master table column id("Warehouse_id") on "gridWarehouseInsert" command. I did. The issue you are having is that you can't retrieving primary key field values for selected items which is your column id? Where is the …