1,135 Topics

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Member Avatar for pczafer

Hi all, I was trying to write a query to List all manager's names and how many employees they are managing. all the employees and managers in the same employees table and have a id number and and manager id number. can any body help with this?

Member Avatar for pratik_garg
Member Avatar for thekashyap

Hi, I want to get the count(*) from all tables under a schema. How to can do this using a loop? I'm a noob at PL/SQL. I'm unable to find how to use the loop variable in the select statement. Here is what I've tried so far: [CODE]spool $DD/get_oid_dump.log; SET …

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Member Avatar for Behseini

Hi Guys, Can you please let me know if there is a sql command to list PK , Child and Parent of an identical table in oracle? Lets say I have a table called City , how can I get those information using SQL? Thanks

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for arunmag

An application called DBMS Copy is giving me an error every time I try to connect to an ODBC database. ERROR #1552 : ODBC, Connect Error -> [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified Please help me. I already browsed the internet, there are …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Behseini

Hi every body, Can you please let me know how can I modify following SQL algorithm to Disable/Enable all constraints existing in an specific table? [CODE] alter table (table name) disable constraint (constraint name) [/CODE] For example if I have a table called "GIS_Data" how I can disable all constraints …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Behseini

Hi Guys I have to merge(insert)data from source database into target database(over 600 tables).The good thing is the both source and target tables have exactly same structure and constrains but I have to transfer only data that are not existing in target database/table.Right now I am using this code but …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Famous16

Hi All; I have developed a portal using Oracle Portal Application Server. I have to publish it to internet. What are steps involved in this? How the server should be managed? Regards Famous16

Member Avatar for scope_creep

Hi This may be one for the gurus, or it could be big standard. Don't know. I'm looking for some help in designing a database. The problem I have is related to data aging on Oracle instances. I can't find any help on it. The problem I have is that …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Behseini

Hi guys, I am new at oracle and I just installed the Oracle 10g express. After login to the oracle by SQL Developer I noticed there are lots of tables in table folder which some of them come with $ and some not! can you please let me know what …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Behseini

Hi Guys I am new at oracle(SQLPlus ,as well) I am trying to run a sql file which contains more than 500 alter statement which is suppose to alter all of my tables.After running the @alterTab.sql in sqlplus the result display at cmd command but I can's navigate to previous …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for rizkiapriansyah

Hi everyone, I'm new to this oracle database, and i have a question. first I'm sorry if my question is misplaced. My company recently implemented a new ERP system, but unfortunately the ERP system doesn't have a financial module on it. so we planned to buy an oracle financial. and …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for TeddyBear2155

Need to create a function Hands‐On Assignment 6‐4 with modifications: Identifying the day of the week for the order date The day of the week that baskets are created is quite often analyzed to determine consumer shopping patterns. Create a function named DAY_ORD_SF that accepts an order date and returns …

Member Avatar for pratik_garg
Member Avatar for hannon565

This is old college assignment am doing to sharpen my sql skills, its cat test centre and this funtion is checking if the mechanic is available on certain date which is input from user in the anonymous block. the problem i m having durning testing is that the function result …

Member Avatar for pratik_garg
Member Avatar for rohanvispute

Can anyone tell me what is the difference between case and decode. and which one is more beneficial

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for Arjun_Sarankulu

I have two dataset One contain the input parameter and other doesnt And integrating two dataset into 1 report But Giving error [B]object'xxxx.rem' has been disconnected or doesnot exist on at the server[/B]

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Behseini

Hi Guys, I am trying to make a connection with Oracle 11g which is installed on a server 2008 BUT have problems with the ConnectionString. Could you please let me know how I set a correct connection String while I have parameters like these: Database name: GISData Server Name : …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for atom6402

I am using Oracle for the first time.I installed Oracle SQL*PLUS ver 8.As I had to learn this for an exam. But I am facing the following error after I enter it with the system default scott/tiger ... "ORA-12203: TNS:unable to connect to destination" Sorry ,if this question is already …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Greg8202

Hi I there a way to make a trigger completely independent from the calling table so that even if the trigger is made invalid, inserts can still be done to the table that calls the trigger? I created the following trigger: [CODE] CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER LOCAL.SYNC_TRIGGER AFTER INSERT ON …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for topsege2007

Like the DESCRIBE statement used to view columns in a given table, What SQL statement can i use to view the tables in a database. (Oracle 10g)

Member Avatar for tsfahmad360
Member Avatar for nikhath

Hello everyone, I have installed oracle 9i and iam unable to open sqlplus with scott and tiger. I tried many other usernames and passwords like system/manager, sys/sys as sysdba, sys/change_on_install but iam unable to login sqlplus. With scott/tiger, it is giving TNS protocal adapter error and with sys/sys as sysdba, …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for fadia

Hi guys I newly started learning oracle.I'm working on my assignment and I'm stuck in this step because of a silly error and I'm sure of my syntax. It looks fine to me but I get this error: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis This is the command: CREATE TABLE WORKER ( …

Member Avatar for pratik_garg
Member Avatar for blueangel

How to upload file with oracle database 10gR2?? i can't find how to upload.. i've tried to create a procedure in oracle and execute in netbeans but the file save in directory and then from directory save to database. it means the file save in 2 location, in directory and …

Member Avatar for nychick

Not sure if this is the right forum for SQL statement problems. I've searched all over but don't know how to output formatted SQL queries. Like Selecting the first letter of the first name and then last name with proper spacing.

Member Avatar for pratik_garg
Member Avatar for like_to_learn

hai, My requirement is given below. In my application one LOV is there to show Insured names.In that if we query for the name like ahemd's% then it is showing wrong(junk) data..................So,my question is how to add single quote to already existing single quote.........................I tried in many ways but I …

Member Avatar for pratik_garg
Member Avatar for shruti1210

Create a trigger for insert/update/delete to the table shruti. if insert/update/delete happens then trigger needs be executed.

Member Avatar for pratik_garg
Member Avatar for maichy

hi all, can someone please help out.i am using php to insert data into an oracle 11g database.i have a table bus which has a foreign key franchisee name,i want when i am filling in the form,at the text box containing the franchisee name instead of inputting anything i have …

Member Avatar for pratik_garg
Member Avatar for arunmag

Hi all, I am looking for a Software that Creates SAS datasets from Oracle. Can anyone please help me out in finding this. I am looking for a software not the solution. That software can be free or by buy option no problem. Thanks mAg

Member Avatar for maydhyam

Hi All, I am working in Oracle10g and I have been trying to run the following query, and am getting an error: [B]Query:[/B] [CODE=sql] SET VERIFY OFF VARIABLE emp_salary NUMBER ACCEPT empno PROMPT 'Please enter a valid employee number: ' SET AUTOPRINT ON DECLARE empno NUMBER(6):= &empno; BEGIN SELECT salary …

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Member Avatar for user2030

[B]hello everyone ,,,,, i have an assignment that is difficult on me ,,,, its about ((Normalization)) could anyone help me in doing the assignment ,,,plz plz:icon_sad: "please check the attachment" [/B]

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for naren228

i hav just installed oracle 8i on my laptop but i am not able to open the sql plus what is the user name & password?? i hav tried scott &tiger but not working please reply soon

Member Avatar for bhawna bharat

The End.