Embracing Change: The Linux Paradigm Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess … it a trendy move or a paradigm shift? I believe that it's a true paradigm shift. In the 1980s, there were… our needs. How are you embracing change and the Linux paradigm? OO Paradigm Programming Computer Science by faithful4ever I've been posed a question that goes as such: *"What software constructs would you expect to have in a 2-D model that conforms to the OO paradigm?"* Anybody has any experiences to share or input with regards to this question? Thanks a lot! UML / Visual Paradigm Question Programming Computer Science by rwagnes … be bold in the class diagram. I am using Visual Paradigm to create the class diagram, but I can't figure… Re: What is the programming paradigm of XML? Programming by Jay_24 Oh thank you no wonder I could not find anything about the programming paradigm I completely misunderstood. Re: Embracing Change: The Linux Paradigm Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by John A If there's anything I can't stand about Linux, it's the culture behind it. The GPL would be a large part of it, and, among other issues, is one of Linux's largest flaws. I find it somehow ironic that a license claiming to give 'freedom' to its users and developers actually becomes far more restrictive than many other 'free' licenses out there today… Re: Embracing Change: The Linux Paradigm Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess I understand that and have had similar complaints myself. Re: Embracing Change: The Linux Paradigm Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Ozymandi That's not an article, it's a Sermon. Amen. Re: Embracing Change: The Linux Paradigm Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by kenholmz @John A It is apparent that you disapprove of the GPL and what you call the "culture" of Linux and the "Linux crowd". They are, of course, not the same. The GPL is the brainchild of Richard M. Stallman, as you know. When Linux Torvalds reached a certain beginning point on the Linux kernel he chose to license it under GPL, … Re: Embracing Change: The Linux Paradigm Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess @Ozymandi Not a sermon but an observation. Re: Embracing Change: The Linux Paradigm Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess @kenholmz Wow! What an awesome analysis. Thanks for that--very well thought out and written down. I first learned of Plan 9 several years ago when attempting to learn as many OSs as possible. I'd love to see it take off like Linux has. Re: Embracing Change: The Linux Paradigm Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by kenholmz @Ken Hess Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. And, hopefully Linus doesn't mind being called Linux :) I don't know if you are aware but there is a group that has based their work on Plan 9. Their web site is: [url]http://www.vitanuova.com[/url] It is an interesting effort. Also, Plan 9 makes its appearance in university classes and … Re: OO Paradigm Programming Computer Science by rubberman School work? Analyze the problem and break it down. What are the salient factors that make up a 2-D model? What is the complexity of the model? Arbitrary, or a known model, such as floor-plans, geometric shapes, electronic board layouts (similar to floor plans), etc? Once you have determined the complexity of the model, what classes of objects are… Re: UML / Visual Paradigm Question Programming Computer Science by jerry mcmartins i which i could reply to this but am as confused as u are. sowie... NEED HELP WITH Xpath Quries Programming Software Development by fia …;> <xmi:Extension xmi:Extender="Visual Paradigm for UML"> <attribute/> …gt; <xmi:Extension xmi:Extender="Visual Paradigm for UML"> <returnTypeDocumentation xmi:value…gt; <xmi:Extension xmi:Extender="Visual Paradigm for UML"> <returnTypeDocumentation xmi:… Return to main menu after selecting an option - C++ Programming by MilitantAT …1') { cout << "A programming paradigm is a fundamental style of computer programming, serving as…the structure and elements of computer programs. Imperative Paradigm: The language provides statements, such as assignment …evaluation of mathematical functions. Logic: In this paradigm we express computation in exclusively in terms … Showbiz carousel and cycle problem Programming Web Development by cgull …=top_container; //top_container.append('<div class="paradigm-preloader"></div>'); prepareSlidesContainer(top_container…duration:300,queue:false}); } setTimeout(function() {item.find('.paradigm-preloader').remove();},300); } // AUTOMATIC COUNTDOWN FOR SLIDER … Mixing Static and Dynamic Polymorphism Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … obvious "winner", i.e., there is no paradigm that should always be preferred, even within a single problem…is the fact that when you program in a multi-paradigm language like C++, your software engineering analysis has to … opposed to following the rule book of one or another paradigm (the so-called "pure" approaches, like "… Why Vista is 'Universally Hated' and Other Training Truths Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Techwriter10 … first time that after you struggle to learn the new paradigm, there is not much that is improved. From DOS 1… opinion, Microsoft’s star has crested and the new web paradigm will remake computing for the next period of time. Microsoft… Can Wolfram Alpha kill Google or will it just be the next Cuil? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by happygeek … for many years. Wolfram reckons that NKS provides "a paradigm for understanding how all sorts of complexity could arise from… of lines of algorithms" really can provide a new paradigm for using computers and the web as Wolfram suggests. JPanel and JCombo Box Help Programming Software Development by Ecliptical210 …; } public int getNumOfCuts() { return numOfCuts; } public static double paradigm(double exam1, double exam2, double exam3, double exam4, double finalExam…((hwCompleted/hwTotal)*.15)*100); return avg; } public static double paradigm(double exam1, double exam2, double exam3, double finalExam, double … Re: Lumping C and C++ together.. Programming Software Development by alpha_foobar I'd say C/C++ are different in culture and paradigm.... But I'd not say they are completely different.. for … sometimes even if you don't. And a difference in paradigm is not really specific to a language... you can programme… Re: Lumping C and C++ together.. Programming Software Development by subtronic …]I'd say C/C++ are different in culture and paradigm.... But I'd not say they are completely different.. for… to argue and split hairs. [QUOTE] And a difference in paradigm is not really specific to a language... you can programme… Browser Battle -- Your TOP Pick! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Young Teck 06 … is publicly available. Mozilla's interface employs the standard browsing paradigm with Back, Forward, and Refresh buttons. It is skinnable, meaning… Programming FAQ - Updated 1/March/2005 Programming Computer Science by Iron_Cross …] Object Oriented Programming, or OOP for short, is a programming paradigm that says everything is a unique object. You build applications… Lumping C and C++ together.. Programming Software Development by subtronic These two languages, for the most part, are completely different; especially now. From culture to paradigm. So let's get a seperate C forum going. Re: Lumping C and C++ together.. Programming Software Development by alpha_foobar Sure, they are designed with a different paradigm in mind... but it doesn't necesarily make them completely different. Alot of C++ source code thats around looks exactly like C... and most of the tips and tricks that apply to C++ also apply to C... VC++ .net Build problem Programming Software Development by RogerThomasTan … projects in C++. I have this problem with the OO paradigm when I tried to apply it to my projects. Variables… Re: VC++ .net Build problem Programming Software Development by WolfPack … projects in C++. I have this problem with the OO paradigm when I tried to apply it to my projects. Variables… Computer Science Community Center by jqk … Compression Networks Number Theory 1 Number Theory 2 Object-Oriented Paradigm Personal Security on the Internet Planning Queues Scripting Languages Searching… soap security Programming Web Development by Artemis … how to secure soap and I believe the most secure paradigm is to have an xml/soap firewall and use ws…