1,826 Topics

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Member Avatar for araldi

Hello, Firstly I would like to say sorry for my low level english. Well, my problem is I am trying to do a program wich read from a xml file. I am programing in delphi 6. This is a part of code where you can see the commands that I …

Member Avatar for revski

hi i have a question about formatting combo boxes. i have 1 combobox on the form with a label and a calculate button, the combo box is layed out like this 180 / 50 like a tyre size. The calculation to be performed is the 1st number X the 2nd …

Member Avatar for revski
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear ALL, Could you tell me how can I do this kind of question if I do not working with the computer and please find the attached document for your reference - it is the answer of the question? [code] Complete the table below to show what each variable holds, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man

Sorry if this is in the wrong section but there really is no category that matches what i need to ask, I only posted here because it seems a lot of Delphi people use DBISAM. Basically, I read the manual and see where I can read the current auto_inc value …

Member Avatar for lapassion

Hello everyone... I'm having a problem with RichEdit and its default scrolling behaviour. When a new line is added to a RichEdit (via a Timer OnTimer event), it autoscrolls to the bottom, which is fine. The problem is, while it scrolls to bottom, it also resets the horizontal scrollbar to …

Member Avatar for lapassion
Member Avatar for prefer

Hi everyone! I think I'll be on here allot from now on, pretty useful forum, well done! Anyways, I'm doing a project for school and it's got me stuck. See I didn't understand the error message the compiler gave me at first, but then I read it on ...some website, …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for havoc433

Hi I'm using the Pascal language and I need help with the following problem. You need to find the most common word read in by a user of arbitrary length and then display the amount of times its found in the input. I placed all the words into a linked …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Jayno4

hi i need to write a logon code for delphi 7 that logs on to someone and then if they get the password wrong 3 time they get locked out. i am completely stuck i have a log on code written but i don't know where to go after that. …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for marygreen

Hello guys and girls. Any idea how to find containing numbers of one specific number. For example number 10: 10 = 9+1 10 = 8+2 10 = 7+3 … … I tried to do something like ‘random(10)’ but got nowhere with that. Cheers to all, marygreen

Member Avatar for marygreen
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear ALL, Could you tell me what is wrong of my program? The problem is the following wording are often restart: "PLEASE RUN THIS PROGRAM IN A MAXIMUM WINDOW..., TONY YEUNG PRESENT... How can I add some music for it? How can I change the colour of the font and …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Kirky89

I am struggling to work out how to use the Round command, I have bolded the area in which I need it. Thanks for the help in advance. Edit: Forgot to add, we have to round the number up. [code]program lab12exc3; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils,ourcrt; var length,width,height,area,litresPaint,metresPaint : real; procedure …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for ahluka

I've just started using Delphi and right away there's one thing I can't do in a VCL forms application: destroy it properly. At the moment I'm calling Form1.Destroy which appears to work, but if I look at the processes list it's still there and Delphi refuses to write the .exe …

Member Avatar for nick01522
Member Avatar for M1cH

How to call C Object (Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0) from Delphi (Borland Delphi 7)?? email me: <EMAIL SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear All, Could you tell me how can I read from the hotseat.txt file all the records and sort by first name. Finally, list the sorted results on the screen. Cheers, turbomen

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for TomRandall

Hi all, I don't use Delphi often so this is probably a stupid question again, but why does Delphi (7) re-index arrays when they're passed to a function, as a simplified example... [CODE]program example; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; var numbers: array[1..5] of Integer = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50); procedure …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for especta

hi i use OverbyteIcsWSocket + DCPcrypt2 i have try to make TCP server with md5 Authentication + 3des crypt example: user name = somtimg pasword = pass and des key = 1020304050607080901011121314 i have got this mesage from client ( Server random key length is 19 and must be 14) …

Member Avatar for Torando

I have an old game written in delphi and the game keeps crashing, the game is an mmorpg so there are constantly people online. To the problem, when we first start the game up, everyone can get on fine and play. The game stores variables into text files for each …

Member Avatar for farhan386
Member Avatar for safder00

I have installed Urdu (An Asian right-to-left language) on my computer (OS Windows XP) by >Control Panel>Regional and Language Options>Languages>Details>Add. I can change language from language bar on my task bar. In RichEdit I just want to change the reading order to right-to-left and alignment to right. But the language …

Member Avatar for fayyaz
Member Avatar for shado.028

Hey all. Ill put this simply. {assigning 52 jpeg's to 52 different TImages} [U]What i have:[/U] for x:= 1 to 52 do case x of 1: img1.picture.loadfromfile(1.jpg); 2: img2.picture.loadfromfile(2.jpg); 3: img3.picture.loadfromfile(3.jpg); 4: img4.picture.loadfromfile(4.jpg); i think you get the picture. [U]What i want:[/U] some way of programmatically selecting a certain image …

Member Avatar for fayyaz
Member Avatar for marygreen

Hello to guys/girls on the forum. Question I have is following. How to speed this loop? [code] begin var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to 9999999 do begin //do something Memo1.Lines.Add ((floattostr(a1.value))+' + '+(floattostr(a2.value))+' + '+(floattostr(a3.value)); //do something Memo1.Lines.Add ((floattostr(a1.value))+' + '+(floattostr(a2.value))+' + '+(floattostr(a3.value)); //do something Memo1.Lines.Add ((floattostr(a1.value))+' + '+(floattostr(a2.value))+' + …

Member Avatar for jng
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear ALL, Could you tell me how can I write a program that writes to a text file, the 32 people that are in our hotSeat.txt file. Cheers, turbomen (p.s.: 'the question orginally ask me to write a program that writes to a text file, the 32 people that are …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for Levike

Hi, A have a DLL with a header written C: [code] __declspec(dllimport) int ReadData(char* port, int baudrate, unsigned char block, unsigned char nrblock, unsigned char buffer[64], unsigned char* message, BYTE password[6] ); [/code] I want to use the DLL in my Delphi project, but I can't figure it out how …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for johnng815

HI to ALL Bro , Urgently need some advice from bro and sis here. I am totally fresh in delphi. I have an existing dll which wrote and done by ex-coll . All the function is working well with my vb6 or .net program since last few year. Recenlt i …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for SamoaJoe01

Hi, I'm encountering a frustrating problem in Delphi. I've written several very long programs to demonstrate certain things related to neural networks. As such, the program GUI has many things on it that are updated per iteration of the solver: from labels, to memos, to editstrings, etc. The two main …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for yozuca

This is my programm which is to search in the data file. I cannot search the data with key words/character but only the full words. How can I correct my programm to become searching in key words/character? The DATA: 20081231 Betty 03/09/1978 The programm begin write('Member ID > '); readln(tid); …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for mainguy

Hello, I'm using Inno Setup for the first time and just a beginner in Pascal. My code: [CODE] XMLHTTP := CreateOleObject('MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP'); XMLHTTP.Open('GET', myUrl, False); XMLHTTP.Send(); ... MyFileStream := TFileStream.Create(Path + MyFilename, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite); [/CODE] But,I don't know how to use MyFileStream to write XMLHTTP.ResponseBody or XMLHTTP.ResponseStream. Could you please …

Member Avatar for mainguy
Member Avatar for haminoon

Windows 7's new Aero Shake feature isn't working on my Delphi SDI application. Does anyone have any idea why? And what needs to be changed to make it work? Thankyou...

Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, Could you please give me some of the ideas of making the hotSeat game in pascal? The following is the simple mode of my coding:- [code] Program yeungkt1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} { Who wants to be a millionaire. Author: Chris Yeung Version 1 } uses SysUtils, OurCrt; Type hotSeat_record=record …

Member Avatar for turbomen
Member Avatar for daviscooper

- I've used DevExpress Components to develop my App. There's problem when user attach their image to database: it's so big. Of course, it influences my database speed. - Please instruct me some solution to solve them?

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, Please help me on Delphi. Could you tell me how can I do the following question? Calculate and display the sum of the even numbers from 2 to 20 inclusive. Cheers,

Member Avatar for EdFallon

The End.