1,900 Topics

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I’m trying to find out if either VB6 or Delphi could be used to make a simple dialer for Windows XP. A dialer my friend made in VB5 works on NT, but not on XP. By a simple dialer, I mean one that I can use to read a single …

Member Avatar for mrmink
Member Avatar for Loyen

Hi, simple question but maybe with an advanced answer: [B]How do I get Dev-Pascal to read other files?[/B] [B][U]Example[/U][/B] I've tried to make a variable and make it as a text for example ([B]var[/B] test:text;) and then assign(text,'textfile.txt'); but then I want pascal to read it and open it in …

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Member Avatar for dH3ka

how to change RGB to grayscale image processing with delphi?? please give me a source code with delphi programming. thanks :)

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for sura17

i have to do a seven segemtn display for 2 numbers but at the moment it looks like this:- [url]http://i28.tinypic.com/a176ep.jpg[/url] but i want the 1 and 3 to be next to each other but i cannot seen to do this here is my pascal:- [CODE]Program sevensegmentdigit; Uses Wincrt; Var x,y,n1,n2 …

Member Avatar for sura17
Member Avatar for sura17

well i have been told to write a 7 segmet display so when i type in a number the numbers 'convert' and output to a seven segment display basically from 8 to this:- _ |_| |_| like in petrol stations does anyone know how i could do this, i have …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Thew

Hi, I am using this function: [CODE] function GetInetFile (const fileURL, FileName: String): boolean; const BufferSize = 1024; var hSession, hURL: HInternet; Buffer: array[1..BufferSize] of Byte; BufferLen: DWORD; f: File; sAppName: string; begin result := false; sAppName := ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName) ; hSession := InternetOpen(PChar(sAppName), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nil, nil, 0) ; try hURL …

Member Avatar for Thew
Member Avatar for python_dev

hi, i have indy 10 installed on Delphi 7 personal, and am trying to load a simple text file on server using ftp here's my code [code] if ftp.Connected then ftp_Kitten.Disconnect; ftp.Host:='xxx'; ftp.Username:='xxx'; ftp.Password:='xxx'; ftp.Port := 21; ftp.Connect; ftp.Put('c:\ida.txt', 'ida.txt', true); ftp.Disconnect; [/code] and when i run my app, i …

Member Avatar for python_dev
Member Avatar for janevblagoj

Dear Sir/Madam, I’m author of a video game called “Poppy And Rose”. I have made this game in the program language Delphi6, the game belongs in the “puzzle” tip and it is with logical elements. I think that my game with a little adjustment it can attract bigger attention, but …

Member Avatar for Micheus
Member Avatar for Lynxus

I have a petrol pump simulator system and the Price Per Litre is entered through an Edit box and then the Images for each digit is displayed in an Imagebox. That part works fine, but however eachtime the application is closed the Price per litre is reset and It has …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for n_mehdi

hey guys... here's my question i have to read a text file and find some key words in it .... i know i cannot have a set of strings, and i know everytime i find a word i can check the word with a linklist or an array of strings.......... …

Member Avatar for fayyaz
Member Avatar for Thew

Hi, I've got really strange problem. I am using this function [CODE] function Download.GetInetFile(const fURL, FileName: String):boolean; const BufferSize = 1024; var hSession, hURL: HInternet; Buffer: array[1..BufferSize] of Byte; BufferLen: DWORD; f: File; sAppName: string; r:boolean; begin r:=false; if Agent = '' then Agent := 'Server Status Controller, Matej Tomcik …

Member Avatar for n_mehdi

hey guys does anybody know how to use the unit graph if youre using windows vista? because when you do any error comes up saying that the system can not go fulscreen.

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for superseven

Hi there I'm currently using delphi 7 and I need to query a database and based on the database results I need to create a PDF file and email it through using delphi code but the problem is that I want to create the file(PDF) programmatically. How can I do …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for MohammedNgum

I wrote a program to hash logon id as a hash value is required to logon. The problem am having is that the hash value am getting is wrong for some reason. (Confirmed the correct hash value on a sha1 hashing website. This logs me on fine). Please have a …

Member Avatar for janevblagoj

Dear Sir/Madam, I’m author of a video game called “Poppy And Rose”. I have made this game in the program language Delphi6, the game belongs in the “puzzle” tip and it is with logical elements. I think that my game with a little adjustment it can attract bigger attention, but …

Member Avatar for Lynxus

I am working on a petrol pump display, I have read the sticky on homework help and therefore understand and will appreciate all the help that is given to me. Basically when the Nozzle button is pressed I want it to start dispencing the petrol so the litres dispensed will …

Member Avatar for Lynxus
Member Avatar for jase_5254

hey, im really struggling displaying the maximum value in this array, i have managed to get the average and etc but getting it to display the maximum and minimum value in the array is proving to be hard can anyone help? heres what i have so far Program arrayz; uses …

Member Avatar for philhodgkins
Member Avatar for Thew

Hi, I need to resolve this problem: Is there any way, how to replace currently runned application with a new version? Like through uninstallation, when uninstall.exe is removed by itself. I have dialog with AutoUpdate in my application. It's small application so I don't want to make another autoupdate.exe file. …

Member Avatar for Thew
Member Avatar for fayyaz

Dear All I want to Drag and Drop sum objects at Run time. For example I have som buttons, Edits, ... On a form and I want that (after runing the program) I can to Changing their Position By Drag and Drop opration. Please Help me Thanks alot. H.Fayyaz

Member Avatar for fayyaz
Member Avatar for superseven

Can anyone help here? I need to create a PDF file in delphi(Programmatically) without using a third party software so i don't know where that is that possible or what if not wish component can I use for this?

Member Avatar for Olsi009

Hey guys, I study computer science (1st year) and I have an exam after tomorrow but there's one exercise with the linked lists that is impossible for me. [COLOR="Green"][B]Supposing that we have 2 created linked lists, let's create a third one that has the elements of the previous 2, but …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for altzaportu

I have designed the next program. It is the catalogue of a library. The problem is that if I want to find the book "the new world war" the program also finds other books (being the tiltle completely diferent). I want to modificate the code so that if I introduce …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for AKJo

Please you clever guys. I have an old Delphi and get "Code segment too large" when I try to run my program. I don´t even know how I can use "Code segments". After using built in help I tried to insert {$S 50000} in the source code, but with same …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for altzaportu

Well, if I introduce the date 29/01/2008 in the next code, a window appears with the message "Proyect project1.exe raised exception class EconvertError with message “2008/01/29’ is not a valid date’. Process stopped . Use Step or Run to continue." [ICODE]repeat writeln(' Introduce the day'); readln(day1); until(day1>'0')and(day1<'32'); repeat writeln(' Introduce …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Thew

Hi, I have some problem with my application and I've tried anything possible that is possible for me. This is the code: [CODE] type DownloadCategory = class(TThread) private LibHandle: Thandle; protected //none public URL: string; procedure Start; procedure Stop; end; implementation procedure DownloadCategory.Start; var GetHTTPResponse: function (url: PChar; var resp: …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Diddley

I have a set of scores (3), where i have found the average of each. I am not sure how tu turn this score into a percentage. example Child 1 scores: 3 out of 10 on test one 7 out of 10 on test two 8 out of 10 on …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for joshuadlowry

I am able to call masm assembler object from delphi. ( 1995 version). On compillation (with delphi) I try to call object code generated by ms-pascal 3.31, and get compiler error #51 Invalid PUBLIC Definition. I use the line {$L filename.obj} in the delphi code. How do I maake the …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for llrdonv

Hello! I'm new to the DaniWeb, so I'm not sure what I'm allowed to ask, and I don't have enough time to search for all rules right now. I have to write a program for tomorrow, otherwise I won't be able to pass the year. It's a bit difficult to …

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Member Avatar for bob on whidbey

I store in an image in a RES file. Because it is so large, I first convert it from a BMP to a JPG. Then I load the JPG from the RES file, convert it to a BMP, and can now manipulate the image on a pixel by pixel basis. …

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Member Avatar for salaczr

Hi everyone :o) I have one LITTLE problem. I install two set of components in Delphi7 IDE, Zeos and Apro component (Zeos for InterBase/FireBird, and Apro for ComPort communication). And everything was looking fine. But where I try to compile my project with CrossKylix compiler integrated in Delphi7, i have …


The End.