Re: Change the value of config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles Programming Web Development by LastMitch …the value of Change the value of config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles to false. but i dont find where …i can change this Change the value of config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles to false. If you already installed **CKEditor**… correctly then `config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles` shouldn't be a issue at all. Read… Change the value of config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles Programming Web Development by aneeqtariq_143 … by changing the value of Change the value of config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles to false. but i dont find where i can change… where i can change this Change the value of config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles to false. here are some links from i found some…