Problem With date picker text box array Programming Web Development by divyakrishnan …visible";}}else{if(this.popupWindow == null || this.popupWindow.closed){if(this.x<…else{if(this.popupWindow && !this.popupWindow.closed){this.popupWindow.close();this.popupWindow = null;}}} function…else{document.onmouseup = PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows;}} function PopupWindow(){if(!window.popupWindowIndex){window.popupWindowIndex = … I can't connect to mysql of remote server though it works perfectly in localhost Programming Software Development by ankit.pandey3 … BorderLayout()); this.add(invokePopupButton, BorderLayout.EAST); // use frame popupWindow = new JFrame(); popupWindow.setUndecorated(true); popupWindow.addWindowFocusListener(new WindowFocusListener() { public void windowGainedFocus(WindowEvent e… parse error at the end of code line 802 Programming Web Development by dokinah1 …javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- function popupWindow(url, width, height) { if(width == null){ width…(height == null){height =100;},'popupWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no…CENTER"><a href="Javascript:popupWindow('pop_add_img.php?img=10&id=<?=$… spyware has taken control of my pc Hardware and Software Information Security by SYRACUSEVIC …\ return shouldShow; O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [function PopupWindow(url,width,hei] c:\WINDOWS\System32\function PopupWindow(url,width,height) O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ this…\ return shouldShow; O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [function PopupWindow(url,width,hei] c:\WINDOWS\System32\function PopupWindow(url,width,height) O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ this… Hidden Link - Please help. Programming Web Development by rosepleasure …;script language="javascript"><!-- function popupWindow(url) {,'popupWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no…=400,height=400,scrollbars=yes'); return false;} function popupWindow(url) {,'popupWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no… Problem using onbeforeunload in JQuery or Javascript Programming Web Development by vuyiswamb …amp;tc_45f=50.0&sig=fc5cbfe44230"; var popupWindow = window; popupWindow.onbeforeunload = function () { if (Downloadurl != "…} } //open the Popup window, 'popUpWindow', 'height=400,width=500,left=10… Popup Window from parent window Programming Web Development by shanthivarshu …gt; <!-- var popUpWin = null; function popUpWindow(URLStr, ChildwinnameStr) { if(popUpWin) { if(!… if (Modtag==0) { popUpWindow('Adduserform.php', 'AdduserWin'); return false; } if (Modtag==1) { popUpWindow('Modifyuserform.php', 'ModuserWin'); return … Could not create instance of type Programming Software Development by dotnextnewb …="Center" AllowsTransparency="True"> <a:PopUpWindow x:Name="pp" /> </Popup> [/code…] Error at [code=xaml] <a:PopUpWindow x:Name="pp" /> Could not create an… Re: Could not create instance of type Programming Software Development by alc6379 Can you provide more of your XAML? It sounds like it doesn't recognize a:PopUpWindow as a valid type, perhaps. Does your PopUpWindow have a default constructor that's different, or anything? Re: Problem using onbeforeunload in JQuery or Javascript Programming Web Development by Troy III var popupWindow = window; its a hack Call Out Pop-Up should be come outside the browser Programming Software Development by ravikiran_kmca …> <script type="text/javascript"> function popupWindow(o,u) { // o - Object to display. // u - URL to display…" value="Click For POP-Up" onClick="popupWindow('popup1','C:/Users/ravi/Desktop/image.html') ;"/> <… Call Out Pop-Up should be come outside the browser Programming Web Development by ravikirankmca …> <script type="text/javascript"> function popupWindow(o,u) { // o - Object to display. // u - URL to display…" value="Click For POP-Up" onClick="popupWindow('popup1','C:/Users/ravi/Desktop/image.html') ;"/> <… Help with my Registration System. Digital Media UI / UX Design by killa78 …"> <script language="javascript"> var popupWindow = null; function centeredPopup(url,winName,w,h,scroll){ LeftPosition = (screen…='+h+',width='+w+',top='+TopPosition+',left='+LeftPosition+',scrollbars='+scroll+',resizable' popupWindow =,winName,settings) } </script> <script… Calling PHP within Javascript Programming Web Development by RickCJ7 …; type="text/JavaScript"> var popUpWin=0; function popUpWindow(URLStr) { if(popUpWin) { if(!popUpWin.closed) popUpWin.close(); }…</script> <script language="javascript"> popUpWindow(<?php $URLString ?>); </script> </body… wxPython DatePickerCtrl problem Programming Software Development by ihatehippies … user 1.Click the dropdown button, 2.navigate through the popupwindow calendar, 3. Click on a date, have the… help in viewing image in popup window before uploaded Programming Web Development by garyjuano … = document.getElementById('photoimg').value; urla = url+'?img='+img; popupWindow = urla,'popUpWindow','height=700,width=680, left=300,top=10,resizable… Pop Up Script Not Working On IE Programming Web Development by markyeoj …"> // Popup window code function newPopup(url) { popupWindow = url,'popUpWindow','height=500,width=600,left=10,top=10,resizable… Jsp Programming Web Development by jackjuma12 …<script type="text/javascript"> ` function LoginOpen(){` popupWindow"login.jsp", "Login", "…;width = 400, height=300"); popupWindow.moveTo(600,200); } </script> Login page name is… Re: Calling PHP within Javascript Programming Web Development by pritaeas Change line 17: popUpWindow(<?php echo "'$URLString'"; ?>); This is not really referencing a PHP variable. PHP is merely outputting (injecting) the current value into the Javascript code. Re: wxPython DatePickerCtrl problem Programming Software Development by ihatehippies The DatePickerCtrl works really well with what I'm developing. I guess I could recreate a DatePickerCtrl using a CalendarCtrl on a PopupWindow, it just seems unecessary. Calendar window is not coming for the Dynamic rows Programming Web Development by manish Kishore …;/SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="PopupWindow.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="… wxPython woes -- docs, PopupMenus Programming Software Development by jrcagle ….php[/URL], but there are at least two classes (wx.PopupWindow, wx.PopupTransientWindow) that I can't find there, AND the… need u r help Programming Web Development by greeny_1984 hi , i want to kwon the code for a simple popupwindow. can anyone plz share their knowledge with me. bye how to disable X Programming Web Development by brr … or submit , in this way i use all attributes [CODE]"pharma_finance_master_bank_add.jsp?ma="+ma+"&… Need help with Parse error Programming Web Development by sereleg … line 2 CODE: [code=php]<?php define('NAvb script:popupWindow(\\\'' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, 'pID=' . $product_info['products_id']) . '\\\')">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_info… Popup problem Programming Software Development by ksbp … same problem exists with <h:outputLink value="javascript:popupWindow('watchList.jsp')"> <tr:image source="#{msgs… help needed. javascript Programming Web Development by ovidette …, menubar, locationbar, resize, scrollbars, statusbar, left, top, width, height) { var popupwindow =, '', 'toolbar=' + toolbar + ',menubar=' + menubar + ',location=' + locationbar + ',scrollbars… Internet Explorer randomly opening videos in the background. Hardware and Software Information Security by wuxia …:\program files\mozilla firefox\extensions\\chrome\skin\popupwindow.css (Adware.Mp3Tube) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully. c:\program… Checking: file exists Programming Web Development by ivan3510 …;javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"'notexist.php','popupWindow','height=500,width=600,left=30,top=40,toolbar=no… Sample code to download a file by submitting a form Programming Web Development by pavankumarr …; <script type="text/javascript"> function openPopup() {"Form.aspx",'WinName','width=900,height…