12 Topics

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Member Avatar for berserk

SO Basically i have this problem with this test build of a little project im rewriting and so far its not looking to good I have multiple tables that are all the same, they have been set up this way for simplicity as far as i can tell. Tables +----+----------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------+ …

Member Avatar for Traevel
Member Avatar for mutago

I need to prevent direct access of all the php files but allow only files pass.php how can i do that <Files ~ "\.php$"> Order allow,deny Deny from all Allow from </Files> the code only allow access to localhost. now what if i want to allow access only to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jerry717

Hello, So I have a PHP page where I can enter my name, address, phone #, etc. I have some of these fields designed to be required information. If I do not enter something in the required fields, then information I have in other fields are lost when I submit …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Its a Requiredment, i have a asmx service that returns a list<dataset> and the schema defination keeps on repeating foreach dataset in the List. How can i prevent. Thanks

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for JameB

I'm making a website where users select one of the four options - A, B, C, or D (for simplicity) and press a button to be redirected to a different page (page 2) that uses the selection to display one of the four images at the top. The selection is …

Member Avatar for JameB
Member Avatar for Octet

I am creating a website although during a trial run with a couple of friends they uncovered a bit of a major issue.... the ability to spam. I have added a hidden box e.t.c. to attempt to prevent bots from spamming but my friends where able to post twenty messages …

Member Avatar for nielsep
Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

Hi I am running the following SQL (extract shown below) INSERT INTO users (user_id, username, username_clean) SELECT member_id, username, lower(REPLACE(username, '.', '_')) FROM members The problem arises when lower(REPLACE(username, '.', '_')) produces a duplicate that already exists in username_clean as the users table does not permit duplicates. Is there a …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for anton24

I have a form which action is a php script. That script returns a header('Location: whatever.html'); Now my question is, would be a way through ajax/javascript to do that only the form were sent, but avoid or prevent the redirection to whatever.html? Also, if would be possible know the page …

Member Avatar for hddrepair

The network of South Korea's biggest bank Nonghyup broke down for 3 days after a suspected cyber attack, leaving tens of thousands of customers unable to access their money ,AFP reproted. I am in charge of a bank Internet department work which our side will be held responsible for all …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for ryanoman0

Ok. i have a python program launch in the windows command prompt window after you log in to increase security. (its simple, it asks three questions and if you answer all of them right the program ends) is there anyway to make it so that you cant just hit the …

Member Avatar for WildBamaBoy
Member Avatar for smarty_t2

Hello everybody. I am running windows xp. I was just exploring everything inside gpedit.msc and found an interesting option there. It says something like " Prevent users from running applications " or run only specified applications or something like that. I enabled it and added only a few in its …

Member Avatar for SaintThomas
Member Avatar for Menster

Hi guys, Bit of a strange problem here. I've been working on a CMS for a client where they can preview work that they've done in a div-tag which is inside the "Admin" template for the back-end. My problem is this: After the user styles all of their content accordingly …

Member Avatar for MJ Pieterse

The End.