Re: progressBar Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 … occuring and that is on my Form I have a progressbar and a buttoncontrol. When I press the button the…;unactive" as any other application on the computer, the progressbar stops at the position it is and never starts again… depend on. How can it be possible to update the progressbar/Form for each looping. I dont really know the reason… Re: Progressbar Programming Software Development by Klahr_R … reduces value to zero: Form_load ProgressBar.Max = 10 Progressbar.value = 10 end sub private sub commandButton_Click) ProgressBar.Value = ProgressBar.Value - 1 end sub Yes… progressBar Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 I am using a progressbar in .NET to show progress for an operation. In this …) * 100 wich will have a value of 33.33 the progressbar should be on 33.33 % but this is not happening… ProgressBar Programming Software Development by manhthaodn … 2 file). [U]Requirement[/U]: Creat ProgressBar corresponds to an email sent successfully. Ex: [B]ProgressBar[/B]: run corresponding description label below… progressbar Programming Software Development by karthik_cud hi , i've designed a form with a progress bar but it seems to be very fast, i've tried a lot , but i cant get the correct one , tell me how to design a progressbar Progressbar Programming Software Development by LeNenne Hi I have a progressbar and it's going from left to right but what I will it to do that it goes from right to left with full and take one step backwards after pressing commandbutton each time Le Nenne Re: Progressbar Programming Software Development by Klahr_R Could you set your progress bar to Max at load Then subtract values: ProbressBar = ProgressBar - 1 ? Re: Progressbar Programming Software Development by LeNenne Dim iCnt As Integer ProgressBar1.Min = 0 ProgressBar1.Max = 9 ProgressBar1.Value = 0 For iCnt = 0 To 8 ProgressBar1.Value = RunTimes Next iCnt how to do that that the progressbar is full at load and when pressing commandbutton it goes step by step backwards Re: Progressbar Programming Software Development by rishif2 … you can change its orientation and it will fill the progressbar from bottom to top. if you really want to show… progressbar timing Programming Software Development by procomp65 … my application and create graphs. I need to show a progressbar to indicate how long the download is going to take… /1.68); timer1.Interval = tValue; // Increment the value of the ProgressBar a value of one each time. progressBar1.Increment(1); // Determine… Re: progressbar timing Programming Software Development by procomp65 … the time nessecary to download and display that via a progressbar. What I still don't understand is that the progress… /1.68) ; timer1.Interval = tValue; // Increment the value of the ProgressBar a value of one each time. progressBar1.Increment(1); // Determine… Re: progressbar timing Programming Software Development by Geekitygeek … affacted by time. In this case the increment on the progressbar. You can then do the check to see if the… timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Increment the value of the ProgressBar a value of one each time. progressBar1.Increment(1); // Determine… How to show progressbar until an action is completed? Programming Mobile Development by pmark019 …(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); loading=(ProgressBar)findViewById(; login=(Button)findViewById(… website and sends login information. I want to display the progressbar after I click the login button but it doesn't… Re: progressbar timing Programming Software Development by procomp65 … to download over the serial port. I now set the progressbar.maximum to the seconds needed to download and time each… Re: progressbar timing Programming Software Development by procomp65 ….Interval = 1000; progressBar1.Maximum = tValue; //Increment the value of the ProgressBar a value of one each time. progressBar1.Increment(1); // Determine… progressbar and process.start Programming Software Development by casey_sunako Hi guys. I would just like to know if there is a way to integrate a progressbar that shows the progress of the process? I mean when process.Start is activated, that's when the progressbar starts to load until and stops only when process.HasExited. I hope someone can help. Thanks. Re: progressbar and process.start Programming Software Development by Teme64 [QUOTE]the progressbar starts to load until and stops only when process.HasExited[/QUOTE] Process object doesn't raise any events except Exited. So there's no way to know what the process is doing. What sort of process you're dealing with? Re: progressbar and process.start Programming Software Development by NetJunkie You could time the conversion of files and just adjust the speed of the ProgressBar. This wouldn't show in real-time what the conversion is at but it would give the effect of the conversion progress. Of course, I wouldn't do this but if you are dead set on doing this, this would be a viable option. Re: progressbar precentage not properly display Programming Software Development by michel.cote … that changes the state (and thus the colour) of your ProgressBar is what causes the bar to not fully display. When… be caused by the font used when you first created ProgressBar, so to make sure you calculate the MesureString you should… Re: progressbar precentage not properly display Programming Software Development by Xavier_5 I find no way, unless having a class inherited from ProgressBar: Public Class Form1 Dim myPBar As New MyProgressBar Private Sub… If End Sub Public Class MyProgressBar Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar Declare Auto Function SendMessage Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal… Re: progressbar precentage not properly display Programming Software Development by Xavier_5 … Here]( and yours: Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D Public …End Sub Public Class MyProgressBar Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar Dim bBlend As New Blend Dim GradiantPosition As … ProgressBar max. value Programming Software Development by sonia sardana Is there any limit on the value that progressbar hold. Re: ProgressBar max. value Programming Software Development by sonia sardana jx_Man,its a default value. If i want that progressbar1.value=1000000000000000. It is giving error,y so?/Dats y i m asking what is the max value that we assign to progressbar. Progressbar while getting data from server Programming Software Development by softswing Hai, Am using client server applcation, server is in remote machine, while retreving data from client to server , it takes time, for this i want to show the progressbar in between retrieveing time, how can i do this. please help me for this problem. progressbar precentage not properly display Programming Software Development by Karuna_2 … Enum Private Shared Sub ChangeprogBarcolor(ByVal progressbar_name As Windows.Forms.ProgressBar, ByVal progressbar_color As ProgressBarcolor) SendMessage(progressbar_name.Handle, &H410, progressbar_color… Re: progressBar Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 changing int out to double out seemed to solve the problem. Re: progressBar Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 I have googled around and think that I have to activate the Form for each looping but are not sure that this is the approach. The syntax I have seen is: [COLOR="Red"]Activated()[/COLOR] but this is all I know if I am on the right track. Re: progressBar Programming Software Development by vijayan121 [CODE]// .. { this->progressBar1->Value = (out / count) * 100; this->progressBar1->Invalidate() ; this->progressBar1->Update() ; // if immediate repaint is required } // ..[/CODE] Re: ProgressBar Programming Software Development by hericles If the email being sent is the same for each user why don't you just use cc or bcc to send the email once but to many recipients? Then a progress bar isn't really needed. If you want to send the emails sequentially (because the emails are different), count how many addresses there are and max this the max value of the progress bar and then, after … Re: ProgressBar Programming Software Development by manhthaodn I want to send the emails sequentially because the emails are different and attachments for each user is different. Can you provide me sample code for do it?