Python, Qt4, checkboxes Programming Software Development by -ordi- …def __init__(self): super(MultimediaTab, self).__init__() multimediaGroup = QtGui.QGroupBox("Multimeedia programmid") ''' By default => CheckBox is …QCheckBox("Dragoni") dragon.setChecked(True) textGroup = QtGui.QGroupBox("Eemalda programmi nime eest linnuke, kui sa ei soovi… Segmentation Fault for QPushButton::setHidden Programming Software Development by J-P1988 … du héro et c'est propriétées QGroupBox *optionBoiteStats = new QGroupBox; optionBoiteStats->setTitle(tr("Héro"));… de l'ennemi et c'est propriétées QGroupBox *optionBoiteStatsEnnemi = new QGroupBox; optionBoiteStatsEnnemi->setTitle(tr("Ennemi")); optionBoiteStatsEnnemi-&… (QT) C++ QList<QLabel*> Index out of range Programming Software Development by J-P1988 … héro et c'est propriétées optionBoiteStats = new QGroupBox; optionBoiteStats->setTitle(tr("Héro")); optionBoiteStats->…'ennemi et c'est propriétées QGroupBox *optionBoiteStatsEnnemi = new QGroupBox; // On déclare un QGroupBox qui contiendra les stats ennemis optionBoiteStatsEnnemi->… (C++) (QT) Custom Signal error Programming Software Development by J-P1988 …propriétées QGroupBox *optionBoiteStatsEnnemi = new QGroupBox; // On déclare un QGroupBox qui contiendra …; QGridLayout *layoutPrincipal; QVBoxLayout *layoutStats; QGroupBox *optionBoiteStats; QVBoxLayout *layoutStatsEnnemi; QGroupBox *optionBoiteStatsEnnemi; QPushButton *boutonNord; QPushButton *boutonSud… How to add QMainWindow Programming Software Development by kjiu …; public class Calendar extends QWidget { private QGroupBox previewGroupBox; private QGridLayout previewLayout; private QCalendarWidget calendar…); } private void createPreviewGroupBox() { previewGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Preview")); calendar = new QCalendarWidget(); calendar… Resizing Window Content in QT and Layout Managers Programming Software Development by myk45 … the contents. Here is my code Snippet: QGroupBox *groupBox; QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout; QSplitter *splitter; groupBox = new QGroupBox(this); horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout(groupBox); splitter… Adding forward and back buttons inside a layout Programming Software Development by myk45 … corner. Here is my code: QWidget *www = new QWidget; QGroupBox* _groupBox = new QGroupBox(); _groupBox->setTitle("Info"); QVBoxLayout *_verticalLayout = new… Signal&Slot problem with PyQt Programming Software Development by TheOneElectroni …;/b>") self.CloseButton.setMaximumSize(50, 25) self.infobox = QGroupBox("Info Box") self.infobox.setCheckable(1) self.infobox… I'm new to this forum Programming Software Development by ivh90 …("Form") Form.resize(515, 329) self.groupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox(Form) self.groupBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(330, 30, 161, 81… Re: PyQt Programming Software Development by woooee … sys from qt import * class LineEdits(QGroupBox): def __init__(self, parent = None, name = None): QGroupBox.__init__(self, 0, Qt.Horizontal, "Line… Re: Problem in probagation of close signal to the parent window in PyQt Programming Software Development by woooee ….tr("&Generate Q_OBJECT macro")) self.groupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox("&Constructor")) self.qobjectCtorRadioButton = QtGui.QRadioButton… Re: (QT) C++ QList<QLabel*> Index out of range Programming Software Development by Moschops The error indicates that you're trying to access part of the list that does not exist. For example, if the list is of size 3, and you ask for the object at position 3 (because the objects are labelled 0, 1, 2), this error will occur. Re: (QT) C++ QList<QLabel*> Index out of range Programming Software Development by J-P1988 i'll try to put an predefined size Re: (QT) C++ QList<QLabel*> Index out of range Programming Software Development by J-P1988 finally i'll find an way to get indexes existant Thank Moschops for the clue Re: (C++) (QT) Custom Signal error Programming Software Development by Banfa changerSignal is not a member of QLabel, it is a member of FenPrincipale but at line 173 you try this `QObject::connect(labelAfficherStatsHero[1], SIGNAL(changerSignal()), signalStatsHero , SLOT(heroNomChanger()));` labelAfficherStatsHero[1] is a QLabel and therefore only supports the signals defined for QLabel, that is void QLabel … Re: How to add QMainWindow Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Well, to get rid of that error, don't call methods that do not exist[code]helpMenu = menuBar().addMenu(tr("&Pomoc"));[/code] Re: How to add QMainWindow Programming Software Development by kjiu when I change to : public class Calendar extends QMainWindow it work but the calendar does't work Re: Resizing Window Content in QT and Layout Managers Programming Software Development by myk45 . Re: Resizing Window Content in QT and Layout Managers Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 I think you need to look at [QSizePolicy]( (accessed from [QWidget::sizePolicy()]( Basically, the size policy is what allows you to specify how widgets should grow automatically when their parent widget (with a layout) resizes, and … Re: Resizing Window Content in QT and Layout Managers Programming Software Development by myk45 Thank You Mike. :) you always give me good solutions! Re: Adding forward and back buttons inside a layout Programming Software Development by Banfa At line 24 remove the `this` because that makes the current class (window/widget) the parent but line 36 tries to make the `_verticalLayout` the parent too and causes the warning since the parent is already set. Re: Signal&Slot problem with PyQt Programming Software Development by woooee I added print statements to Opacity() and nothing printed, meaning it never gets called. You might have to test for the location of the mouse cursor when the left button is pressed, or attach something to one particular widget. Sorry, I have never done anything like this so can't help much.[CODE]def Opacity(self): print "Opacity called… Re: Signal&Slot problem with PyQt Programming Software Development by TheOneElectroni Thanks for your answer, I wrote the same question to the PyQt mail list and they answered me that my approach was wrong. I should rewrite the code and implement an event handling system. The solution they suggested me is to forget about signal&slot and write the following function outside the .__init__ function. [CODE=Python] def moveEvent(… Re: I'm new to this forum Programming Software Development by vegaseat I realize that the QT-Designer is tempting to use for a beginner, but the code it spits out is complex and very difficult to troubleshoot. First of all test the module I assume you saved as by adding this to the end of the module code ... [code]# test module if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtGui.QApplication(… Re: I'm new to this forum Programming Software Development by ivh90 thx for the reply the module works great and the frame appears the problem occurs when i hit the connect button the whole program freezes and it doesnt connect to the server socket Re: I'm new to this forum Programming Software Development by vegaseat My problem seems to be that I cannot enter a port value in self.lineEdit_2.text(). I can't get the cursor there. Re: I'm new to this forum Programming Software Development by ivh90 press tab after you enter the ip :D Re: I'm new to this forum Programming Software Development by vegaseat Oh thanks, nothing freezes up since I don't use/know a valid IP. I just get a socket.gaierror.