Play a specified sound with PySide/PyQT Programming Software Development by vegaseat Uses the PySide GUI toolkit's QtMultimedia module to play a specified sound. You can change frequency/pitch and volume of the sine wave. video file can't be read by media player Programming Software Development by MatuQt Hi, i have a program in qml with qtmultimedia 5.0. in the program i use media player and videooutput. when i refrenced media player 's source by a .mov file. it can't play the file. what's the problem? note: my .mov video files have size 5760 * 1080 Re: Python GUI Programming Programming Software Development by HiHe …a specified frequency sound/tone: ''' explore PySide QtMultimedia to play a sepecific sound modified PyQT code from: http…from PySide.QtCore import * from PySide.QtGui import * from PySide.QtMultimedia import * from math import pi, sin import struct class Window… Re: video file can't be read by media player Programming Software Development by Auroch Where the code?