quotient in loop Programming Software Development by Johan__ … it to be every time the 2 numbers have the quotient of 5 the 2 numbers will com up on the… Why does my quotient keep coming out to 0? Programming Software Development by Fenrir190 … ; Holds the dividend divisor word ? ; Holds the divisor quotient word ? ; Holds the quotient Remain word ? ; Holds the remainder ;==================Main================== .code main … call readint mov divisor, bx CWD div bx mov quotient, ax mov dx, offset Display call writestring call writeint… Assembly - Detecting negative value and adding quotient and remainder Programming Software Development by ming1 Hi, i have been googleling around the solution for this but dunno how. Following is my problem: 1) I will like to check which 2 integer value is negative and which is not. 2) After doing division, i will like to have the quotient and remainder , together in a floating point unit? By the way i am using MIPS architecture. 10x in advance How to get a quotient & a Remainder Programming Software Development by K.Vanlalliana If you can help by giving guide to write this using VB, I shall be very glad: I want to get the quotient and a remainder when one number is divided by another one number, Can you please give/show me the Coding to this problem? Re: How to get a quotient & a Remainder Programming Software Development by selvaganapathy Hi, In vb, MOD is an operator to find Remainder Ex [CODE=VB] Dim iRemainder As Integer iRemainder = 2008 MOD 10 'Here 8 is the Remainder [/CODE] If you divide one number by another number you get quotient. synthetic division for loop Programming Software Development by jspence29 …]+"/x+"+Math.abs(divisor)); else System.out.print(quotient[quotient.length-1]+"/x-"+Math.abs(divisor)); } else …lt;0; q--) { if(q == 1) { System.out.print(quotient[quotient.length-2]+"x + "); } else { System.out.print… dec to hex converter Programming Software Development by rocketman03 …;= 1) { b[j++]=((remainder-10)+'A'); count++; convertHex(quotient); } else if(quotient <= 0) { (remainder <= 9 ) ? (b[j++]= remainder) : (b[j…;= 1) { printf("%c",((remainder-10)+'A')); convertHex(quotient); } else if(quotient <= 0) { (remainder <= 9 ) ? printf("%d"… Re: dec to hex converter Programming Software Development by mapla … } else if(remainder > 9 && quotient >= 1) { printf("%c",((remainder-10…quot;,(remainder-10)+'A')); strcat(sh,sh1); } else if(quotient <= 0) { if(remainder <= 9 )… dealing with bad input simple C prog Programming Software Development by Hitman Mania … -must have 4 arguments corresponding to: x, y, quotient, and remainder -must use pointers to insert the correct values… into quotient and remainder **-return 1 if y was non-zero,…0 (in the latter case, the values put into quotient and remainder are unspecified). -must not crash if y… converting iostream to fstream code...need help Programming Software Development by number87 …RatNo [20]; }; struct RationalInfo { RationalNo rational; int quotient; int remiander; float value; }; int main() { srand…RatNo [20]; }; struct RationalInfo { RationalNo rational; int quotient; int remiander; float value; }; int main() { … please help me i am a programming newbie Programming Software Development by 1337h4x0r … BEGIN leap year = false quotient = yyyy/400 remainder = yyy - (400*quotient) If remainder = >…year = false else quotient = yyyy / 100 remainder = yyy-(100*quotient) If remainder = > 0 quotient = yyyy / 4 … Decimal system to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal system Conversion.. Programming Software Development by campuzcrazyness …; float rem; char mark_magic; clrscr(); do { clrscr(); quotient = 1; binary = 1; gotoxy(32,3); printf…number: "); scanf("%d",&deci); quotient = deci / binary; for(bin=1;bin>…for (ctr = 1; ctr<=deci; ctr++) quotient = deci / hexa; gotoxy(28,11);printf("… Re: Decimal system to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal system Conversion.. Programming Software Development by Adak …, binary,octal,hexa, gar; float rem; char mark_magic; do { clrscr(); quotient = 1; binary = 1; gotoxy(32,3); printf("-=< MAIN…;enter decimal number: "); scanf("%d",&deci); quotient = deci / binary; gotoxy(28,11);printf("Equivalent in Binary… Re: Decimal system to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal system Conversion.. Programming Software Development by campuzcrazyness …, binary,octal,hexa, gar; float rem; char mark_magic; do { clrscr(); quotient = 1; binary = 1; gotoxy(32,3); printf("-=< MAIN…;enter decimal number: "); scanf("%d",&deci); quotient = deci / binary; gotoxy(28,11);printf("Equivalent in Binary… Segmentation fault during execution of code. Programming Software Development by arun_lisieux … it,it1; do { if(nc<100) { quotient = nc/10; remainder = nc%10; sx = (quotient*quotient) + (remainder*remainder); tx.push_back(sx); nc =…; remainder = nc%100; q = remainder/10; r = remainder%10; sx = (quotient*quotient) + (q*q) + (r*r); tx.push_back(sx); nc = sx; }… Re: dec to hex converter Programming Software Development by ddanbe I am assuming you are working with positive integers. Tell me how can quotient = num/16 ever be negative? You are testing for it in both functions. Re: converting iostream to fstream code...need help Programming Software Development by number87 …RationalNo { int RatNo [20]; }; struct RationalInfo { RationalNo rational; int quotient; int remiander; float value; }; int main() { srand(time(NULL));…; "Quotients of integers" << endl;//Quotient for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++) {… Help with funtions! Programming Software Development by juangalvez4 …endl; cin >> number2; int sum, //CALCULATIONS difference, product, quotient; sum = number1 + number2; difference = number1 - number2; product = number1 *… " << product << "\n quotient = " << quotient << "\n" << endl; … The clear button is not working properly......... Programming Software Development by akasekaihime …); pane.add(AddClearExit[2]); AddClearExit[3] = new JButton("Quotient"); AddClearExit[3].setLocation(370,399); AddClearExit[3].setSize(150…4].setText(temp);} else if(ae.getActionCommand().equals("Quotient")) {temp+=quotient(fn,sn); textJT[5].setText(temp);} if(ae.… Would you like to continue? Programming Software Development by jethro28 …;ctype.h> char c,ch; //choosing long int dec,quotient; // long int *pdec; // int bin[100],i=1,j; //…(8,8); scanf("%ld",pdec); quotient = *pdec; while(quotient!=0) { pbin[i++]= quotient % 2; quotient = quotient / 2; } gotoxy(20,8); for(j=i… exception handling and throw clause Programming Software Development by Violet_82 … denominator; // possible division by zero } // end method quotient public static void main( String[] args ) { Scanner scanner…: " ); int denominator = scanner.nextInt(); int result = quotient( numerator, denominator ); System.out.printf( "\nResult: %d… Reversing an answer Programming Software Development by yann.bohbot.9 …: "); scanf("%d", &number); quotient=number; while (quotient!=0) { quotient=quotient/2; rem=quotient%2; rem = rem%10; printf("%ld"… Re: Reversing an answer Programming Software Development by yann.bohbot.9 … int quotient, rem; printf("Enter a number: "); scanf("%d", &number); quotient=number; while (quotient!=0) { quotient=quotient/2; rem = quotient%2… error message when compiling program Programming Software Development by lost_c++_dude …integer by the second and then display the resulting quotient and remainder. #include <iostream.h> … main() { //Declare the variables int il, i2, quotient, remainder; // Obtain the data from the user cout<… "; cin>>i2; // Do the arithmetic quotient= i1/i2; remainder=i1 % i2; // Output the results… Base converter Programming Software Development by Asif_NSU … place here int i = size -1; for(int quotient = actual_number; quotient > 0; quotient = quotient / base, --i) *(*number + i) = quotient % base; return (int)size; } [/CODE] big integer calculator Programming Software Development by POW … using vectors and calculate the sum, difference, product, and quotient o the two integers. The main file is: [code]#…; * Precondition: numOperand1 & numOperand2 is not empty * Return: the quotient of the operand1 & operand2 ***************************************************************/ double divide(vector<double… help with square root finder Programming Software Development by mym … tolerance: "; cin>>tolerance; while(divisor!=quotient) { quotient = number/divisor; // Using the method of averages divisor =… (divisor + quotient) / 2; if(quotient == divisor) { cout<<"\nThe Square Root is… Re: help with square root finder Programming Software Development by Rashakil Fol … floating point approximations, you are running into cycles where the quotient flops back and forth between two very close approximations. Instead… of testing (divisor != quotient) and (divisor == quotient), you need to see if they are sufficiently close… Unsigned Division Programming Software Development by newassemblyuser …divisorMsg: .asciiz "The shifted divisor=" remainder: .word 0 quotient: .word 0 dividend: .word 0 divisor: .word 0 repetitions: .…# and place the sum in the remainder register # Shift quotient register to the left setting # the new least significant bit… Need help with T/F and Multiple Choice Programming Software Development by sayso36 …divisor = console.nextInt(); System.out.println(); quotient = dividend / divisor; System.out.println("quotient = " + quotient); } catch (ArithmeticException aeRef) { System.out.println…