Re: C# Homework help URGENT Programming Software Development by ithelp randomNumber could be equal to playingDeck.Count which will cause arraybound exception. Rodney J-Physics Program Programming Software Development by Rodney J …break; case 15: { double mf = (randomNumber % 1000) + 2; double mi = (randomNumber % 1000) + 1; cout<<…case 16: { double Vf = (randomNumber % 100) + 1; double Vi = (randomNumber % 75) + 1; double t = (randomNumber % 60) + 1; cout … AQADo Programming Software Development by nugnug1616 …pygame.locals import *#Imports all of the pygame modules global randomNumber #randomNumber = random.randint(1,4) redandBlackCounters = [120, 735,…else: Counter_Move(counter) def Counter_Move(redandBlackCounters, move, counter, randomNumber): if randomNumber == 1 and counter == 1 and move != False:… Rolling Dice Programming Software Development by gibson.nathan …quot;); int numberOfRolls = in.nextInt(); int randomNumber = ((int)(0+ Math.random()* 11));…numberOfRolls; numberOfRolls++) { randomNumber = ((int)(0+ Math.random()* 11)); if (randomNumber == 1) { counter1… Re: Rolling Dice Programming Software Development by gibson.nathan …quot;); int numberOfRolls = in.nextInt(); int randomNumber = ((int)(0+ Math.random()* 11…lt;= numberOfRolls; counterTrials++) { randomNumber = ((int)(0+ Math.random()* 11)); if (randomNumber == 1) { counter1++;… Re: Rolling Dice Programming Software Development by gibson.nathan …("Number of Rolls: "); int numberOfRolls = in.nextInt(); int randomNumber = ((int)(0+ Math.random()* 11)); for(int counterTrials = 0; counterTrials… Re: Rolling Dice Programming Software Development by cgeier …the following statements: [code] randomNumber = ((int)(0+ Math.random… Math.random()* 11)); if (randomNumber == 1) { counter1++; } if (randomNumber == 2) { counter2++; } … Having trouble with populating/comparing random integers in array Programming Software Development by mistersalty …(21-1) Dim QuestionNumber As Integer = RandomNumber If questHistoryArray.Count = 0 Then RandomNumber = QuestionNumber questHistoryArray(j) = RandomNumber Question(RandomNumber) j -= 1 Else For indexCount… Re: Rolling Dice Programming Software Development by gibson.nathan … problem?[CODE]for(int side1 = 0; counterTrials <= numberOfRolls; counterTrials++) { randomNumber = ((int)(0+ Math.random()* 11)); if… Problem with do while loop Programming Software Development by StaticX …to check user guess answer = checkUserGuess(userGuess,randomNumber); // tell user if guess was right or…} // Generates random number int generateRandomNum() { int randomNumber; // generates random number between 1-100 srand(static_cast&… Java Swing Guessing Game Programming Software Development by jtresue … setBackground(Color.ORANGE); userMessageLabel.setText(""); randomNumber = new Random().nextInt(1000) + 1;…Color.GREEN); } else if (userGuess > randomNumber) { userMessageLabel.setText("Too high"); … Having a problem with playing the game over Programming Software Development by ndb1995 … { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { int RandomNumber; int number = 0; int useramount = 500; int bet = 0; int… int guess = 0; // brings the random number into RandomNumber RandomNumber = (int)randomnumber(); System.out.println(RandomNumber); // betting System.out.println("You have $"… Re: Guess Computers number program that i need help with Programming Software Development by strongguy12345 … + " was exact to my number!"); } else if (guess2 == randomNumber){ if (guess2 == guess1) System.out.println("Please do not…); System.out.println("Guess#2:" + guess2); if (guess1 == randomNumber) { System.out.println("Good job! Your first guess:"… Program wont execute properly Programming Software Development by daemonlies …;= 100 ) { if ( countGuess == 1 ) { lastDistance = Math.abs( usersGuess - randomNumber ); if ( usersGuess > randomNumber ) message.setText( "Higher than correst guess."… return string in int public function Programming Software Development by asaidi …println(getRandomNum()); // Both prints and generates the value for randomNumber int guessResult = 1; int randomGuess = 0; while(guessResult…t effect the global variable named randomNumber randomNumber = (int) (Math.random() * 51); return randomNumber; } public static int checkGuess(… add a JLabel to a panel Programming Software Development by hany-h …(300); Color color = new Color(randomNumber.nextInt(256),randomNumber.nextInt(256),randomNumber.nextInt(256)); /* Initiate Shapes */ shapeType =randomNumber.nextInt(3); if (shapeType==0){ // Line… Re: add a JLabel to a panel Programming Software Development by shyla …(300); Color color = new Color(randomNumber.nextInt(256),randomNumber.nextInt(256),randomNumber.nextInt(256)); /* Initiate Shapes */ shapeType =randomNumber.nextInt(3); if (shapeType==0){ // Line… Gui problem!!!!!!!! Programming Software Development by surfdude167 ….parseInt( gField.getText()); if (userGuess == randomNumber) { userMessageLabel.setText("You are correct,…Color.GREEN); } else if (userGuess > randomNumber) { userMessageLabel.setText("Too high"); }… Guess Computers number program that i need help with Programming Software Development by strongguy12345 … System.out.println("Guess#2:" + guess2); if (guess1 == randomNumber) { System.out.println("Good job! Your first guess:"… < guess2) { System.out.println("The number was: " + randomNumber + " ." + " Your second guess was closer."); } } }[/… GUI Guessing Game help, not displaying Programming Software Development by fin4424 …event) { counter++; if (userGuess == randomNumber) { userMessageLabel.setText("You are …Color.GREEN); } else if (userGuess > randomNumber) { userMessageLabel.setText("Too high"); … Random generation of numbers - what's wrong with my code? Programming Software Development by roachic …{ return FALSE; } } } int CBlah::GenerateRandomNumber(void) { int randomNumber; srand ( time(NULL) ); randomNumber = rand() % 10; return randomNumber; }[/CODE] What I am doing in the… Re: Random generation of numbers - what's wrong with my code? Programming Software Development by roachic …NULL){ randomNumber = GenerateRandomNumber(); isTaken = CheckRandomNumber(randomNumber); if (isTaken == FALSE){ randomNumberVector[i] = randomNumber; …}[/B] } } } BOOL CBlah::CheckRandomNumber(int randomNumber) { int length; int j; length = randomNumberVector… Guess My Number program Programming Software Development by jason.craft.5439 …As Single 'Dim answer As Single 'answer = randomNumber If Not Single.TryParse(guessTextBox.Text, guess) … ONLY remove or comment out guessTextBox.Text = randomNumber.ToString() End If End If End Sub Private… Re: Guess Computers number program that i need help with Programming Software Development by Taywin …condition of what would happen. [icode] 1)if (guess1 == randomNumber) { } This is OK because you are testing whether the… guess1 is a correct answer. 2)else if (guess2 == randomNumber) { } This is again OK but is not really completed… will need to memorize. 4)else if (guess2 > randomNumber && guess2 > guess1) { } else if (… Password Generator Problems Programming Software Development by TaP1227 …print ("Password: " + (password)); } else if (enter==2) { Random randomNumber = new Random(); char password[] = new char[pass]; for (int i… ("Password: " + (password)); } else if (enter==3) { Random randomNumber = new Random(); char password[] = new char[pass]; for (int i… Logic Problem With Hi-Lo Program Programming Software Development by justme_nick …nextInt(); while(guess != -1) { if(guess != randomnumber) { if (guess > randomnumber) { System.out.print("Hi!"); times++; } …else if (guess < randomnumber) { System.out.print("Low!"); times++; } } … Help with java guessing game Programming Software Development by scottyg95 …numberguess + " number of guesses"); int randomnumber; int userguess; randomnumber = 1 + (int)(Math.random () * (… scanner.nextInt(); int count = 0; while ( userguess != randomnumber && count <= userguess ) { if (count… Re: Problem with do while loop Programming Software Development by K0ns3rv Fixed it. Change your checkuserguess to this [CODE] bool checkUserGuess(int userGuess,int randomNumber) { if(userGuess == randomNumber){ return true; } else{ return false; } } [/CODE] Also you had forgot to initialize attempts as 0 like so. [CODE]int attempts=0;[/CODE] //K0ns3rv Re: Problem with do while loop Programming Software Development by bennie22 …++] //What you did else if(answer==false & userGuess>randomNumber){ cout << "You guessed incorrectly,too high!"… should be else if(answer==false && userGuess<randomNumber){ cout << "You guessed incorrectly,too high!"… Re: Guess Computers number program that i need help with Programming Software Development by Taywin … be... [CODE] else if (guess2!=randomNumber && (Math.abs(guess2-randomNumber)<Math.abs(guess1-randomNumber))) { System.out.println("The number… was: "+randomNumber + " ." + " Your…