75 Topics

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Member Avatar for McCurry0x77

What is the best way to assign values to variables of various data types from reading a file (while importing as few things as possible and making use of the simplest code)? I need to write a program which can assign values from a .dat file, if that's relevant. If …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for junioryz

I have a text file with the following numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 How do I read each individual number into an array? It needs to move along each row so read in 1, 2 and then 3 into a array of 6 integers. Then move to the …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for airerdem

Hi everybody, I really need that code, I have a text file 32 4 12 13 4 12 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 3 4 and I want to convert it vector or array like A[2]={32,4} B[4]={12,13,4,12} C[9]={0,0,0,0,0,3,2,3,4} The size of the vector or array can be changed …

Member Avatar for Tellalca
Member Avatar for Firo

Mhm, so, the problem I'm having here is that, once the "while (!boatList.eof())" cycle reads the first line (EDIT: I meant, how should I put it, the first "segment"), it goes on infinite (?) loop reading the other one. [QUOTE]AX 777 Valtis 0 4 500 2007 5.5 -1 50.2 6 …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for hl1202

Hi all, i'm working on some exercises which i have to load data from Image library. I write a load function and it work fine except when the number of images in the library becomes large. At this moment, the limited number if around 700 images. When the number reaches …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

Hi, I have a problem with my instance. I need to do a file read to extract all the numbers in the text file. However, when reading the file, I used String, and hence the file is read as a String. Later on I need to equate the output of …

Member Avatar for vasu d
Member Avatar for redZERO

Hi everyone I have a project that I have created in Netbeans. I would like to deploy it as a JAR file, so i have "build"'ed it and I have a jar which runs nicely in the /dist folder. Problem is, the program in question requires reading from and writing …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for fire_

Hello. I need your help. I need to write program wich will take numbers from other program's edit. I'm pretty sure that other program is writen with C++. Can you help me to write reading from edit part?

Member Avatar for fire_
Member Avatar for avarionist

I'm working on a simple function to read in from a file called save.txt and i need to read about 7 or 8 characters in. 4 characters are numbers that represent North south east and west respectively the other 4 characters are delimiters(i don't know why i put them in …

Member Avatar for avarionist
Member Avatar for yurixzach

Hi... I really have a big problem in this program... I dont know how to properly read a user input from a text file. I will really appreciate your help. thanks. [QUOTE]import java.util.*; import java.io.*; //--------------------------in this part is my problem----------------------// public void openFile() { File myFile = new File("students.txt"); …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for simonsayz27

I don't know what in the world I'm doing wrong but I'm sick of staring at my screen and debugging over and over again. It's been a while since I've used C++ so I'm a bit rusty. I'm working on a database project that is supposed to implement a hash …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for hgill006

Im brand new to C++ & Im having trouble with this program im writing i got all the way to the end of it working im just having problems using the setw function in reading and outputting from a file. I have my code attatched for what mine looks like, …

Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345
Member Avatar for hannon565

Hey am trying to read contents of a text file into memory and will be read later by a different function. This is how i am considering doing it I was thinking of reading the whole file into an array but thought it might be too big seeing as file …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for srikanth48

Type BITMAPFILEHEADER bfType As Integer bfsize As Long bfReserved1 As Integer bfReserved2 As Integer bfoffbits As Long End Type Type BMPInfoHeader biSize As Long biwidth As Long biheight As Long biPlanes As Integer bibitcount As Integer biCompression As Long bisizeimage As Long biXPelsPerMeter As Long biYPelsPerMeter As Long biClrUsed As …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

No longer are the days when people would photo copy a note or a page of a copy. People now a days say "email it to me" or post it on FB. Thus, the other day, I was taking a commuter train from the burbs to NYC and noticed lots …


The End.