C readLine and readWord (like getline and cin >> ... in C++) Programming Software Development by David W … free to use readLine.h (to access readLine) ... or readWord.h (to access readWord) These are freely available at: [For ... readLine and… readWord ... Click Here](http://developers-heaven.net/forum/index.php/topic,… Using classes Programming Software Development by dragon_chick …NewWord, Word, Count, TotalWordCount, DistinctWordCount, MAX_WORD_COUNT); ReadWord(NewWord, MAX_WORD_LENGTH); //Get new word } WriteWords(… longer than MaxWordLength are truncated. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ReadWord (String NewWord, int MaxWordLength) { char Ch… Trying to create a "global" class for windows form application... Programming Software Development by johnysums …, wch, len ) != -1; target = ch; delete ch; return result; } void ReadWord(StreamReader^ sr, string& dest) { Char^ ch=(Char)sr->…=0; !sr->EndOfStream; i++) { ReadWord(sr, globals::test[i].type); ReadWord(sr, globals::test[i].brand); ReadWord(sr, globals::test[i].engine… first time using a class: help? Programming Software Development by ninreznorgirl2 …NewWord, Word, Count, TotalWordCount, DistinctWordCount, MAX_WORD_COUNT); ReadWord(NewWord, MAX_WORD_LENGTH); // Get the next word …(Word, Count, TotalWordCount, DistinctWordCount); } /************************ ReadWord ********************************* DESCRIPTION Reads a word from standard input … Java Client/Server Programming Software Development by chip1123 …false; return readBoolean(); } public String getWord() { errorFlag = false; return readWord(); } public String getAlpha() { errorFlag = false; return readAlpha(); } public…break; ch = readChar(); } return s.toString(); } private String readWord() { skipWhiteSpace(); if (errorFlag) return null; StringBuffer s = new … Array of Strings Problem Programming Software Development by Tellalca … rawWord[20]; public: words(int arraySizeI=1 ): arraySize(arraySizeI){} void readWord(fstream & txtPointer)// member function that just reads the data…"); for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) { test.readWord(file); status=test.checkWord(); if(status==1) { test.editWord(); if… Random Sentence Generation Programming Software Development by martinjcloud …[i]); free(strings); system("PAUSE"); return 0; } int readword(char **pStr) { char buf[256]; int len; printf("Input…(n, sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) readword(&(*pStrings)[i]); return n; } [/CODE] char = string??? Programming Software Development by rootadmen … Scanner(stringToSreachLower); Scanner stringScannerUpper = new Scanner(stringToSreachUpper); String text = key.readWord();//inputs up to white space key.readLine();//Clear input buffer… Re: Parsing Date - Can someone tell me what is going on with this code? Programming Software Development by David W … need to use C string types ... I have a readWord.h with readWord that will parse a C string line into (dynamic…\t ,.;:", &lastChr);//note delimiter str or ... while((word = readWord(FILEp, startChunkSize, delimiterStr, &lastCharRead))) { // do stuff ... } Note 1: select… Re: Write Data Into Excel Sheet Programming Software Development by dlhale …: double; function readInt : integer; function readByte : byte; function readWord : word; end; TMyWriter = class(TMyFiler) public procedure WriteSingleStr(s…; while not(stop) do begin opCode := Reader.ReadWord; strLeng := Reader.ReadWord; if opCode = opCodeEOF then stop := true else… Re: String comparison (string manipulation) and sorting, need help Programming Software Development by David W … )) ) { // process line ... } */ #include "readWord.h" /* readWord.h */ /* this ver 2013-07-11 */ /* http://developers-heaven…&lastChr);//note delimiter str or ... while((word = readWord(FILEp, startChunkSize, delimiterStr, &lastCharRead))) { // do … Re: C++ Assignment help? Programming Software Development by Narue …] class wordInfo { string word; int count; public: bool readWord ( istream& in ); }; bool wordInfo::readWord ( istream& in ) { return in>>…; word; } [/code] Notice the changes. readWord only takes a stream as the parameter, and I changed… Re: Somewhat Simple Java programming Problem. I've tackled harder but am stuck on this. Programming Software Development by kachiraly … terminated by whitespace * @return the 'word' entered */ public static String readWord() { int ch; String r = ""; boolean done = false; while… Re: ".class expected" error. Please Help! Programming Software Development by andrewisthebomb … substring (a word) read from // standard input. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public static String readWord() { String token; try { token = getNextToken(); } catch (Exception exception) { error… Re: detecting a pattern in a line in txt file Programming Software Development by David W … use C++ strings with getline and cin ( readLine emulates getline ) ( readWord emulates cin >> ) ( but remember to free all dynamic… Re: Was this task even more difficult in the early days of C in 1970? Programming Software Development by David W … utilities ... ... function that are in the following files: readLine.h readWord.h split.h // returns a Clist of parsed dynamic C… Re: Using classes Programming Software Development by Moschops A class is a kind of object. You create one, and then use it. Like this, for example: [CODE]int x; // make an object of kind int, named x char y; // make an object of kind char, named y String z; // make an object of kind String, named z[/CODE] int and char are done already for you; they came with the C++ language. What your class definition … Re: Trying to create a "global" class for windows form application... Programming Software Development by Tom Gunn Static members of a class still need to be defined outside of the class, and in a file that will not be included multiple times like a header: [code=cplusplus] // globals.h #include <string> struct car { std::string type; std::string brand; std::string manufacturer; std::string engine; int cylinders; std::string tyres; };… Re: first time using a class: help? Programming Software Development by u8sand I'm sorry, I can't help you if I don't even see the class. Please post the contents of String2.cpp I'm assuming the class is named String? You probably get an error where it says "**** this is where error is ****" because of constructor issues. Anyway please post String2.cpp's contents, I would help you but I'm about to leave. Maybe … Re: Java Client/Server Programming Software Development by masijade So what is your soecific problem? What error are you getting? What effect are you observing that you did not expect? Re: Java Client/Server Programming Software Development by chip1123 I am not sure if my Client/Server is working correctly. I am trying to get them to where they will do what the specs ask. I am not sure if I am even approaching it correctly because I have no experience in this area and was wondering if someone could let me know if it was close to being right or not and what I needed to change. 1) I am unsure … Re: Array of Strings Problem Programming Software Development by Kyle Wiering a char array needs to be assigned to a string. [CODE] //assuming null termination word[arraySize-1].assign(rawWord); [/CODE] Re: Array of Strings Problem Programming Software Development by Tellalca That is true too but i found my mistake. checkSame() member function returns 0 if it is a different from the words in word[] array. So i changed the if(test.checkSame()) to [CODE]if(!test.checkSame())[/CODE] Thanks anyway. Re: Random Sentence Generation Programming Software Development by abhimanipal Line 14 of your code is [CODE] (strings, n, sizeof(char *), compareStrings); [/CODE] What is the purpose of this line ? From what I have understood of your code I think you are taking the input correctly. One way to out put the words randomly would be to use the method given in this link [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%… Re: Random Sentence Generation Programming Software Development by 0x69 Word shuffling pseudocode: [CODE] For earch word in sentence: Random_word1 = Random word from [1..WordCount] Random_word2 = Random word from [1..WordCount] Switch_words(Random_word1, Random_word2) [/CODE] Re: Random Sentence Generation Programming Software Development by martinjcloud I'm sorry, I'm still confused!?! Re: Random Sentence Generation Programming Software Development by abhimanipal [QUOTE=martinjcloud;1204821]I'm sorry, I'm still confused!?![/QUOTE] Did you read the wiki link given in the previous post ? Re: Random Sentence Generation Programming Software Development by martinjcloud Yes I did. I just don't know how I would convert/implement that into my program to output random numbers. Re: Random Sentence Generation Programming Software Development by abhimanipal [QUOTE=martinjcloud;1205057]Yes I did. I just don't know how I would convert/implement that into my program to output random numbers.[/QUOTE] You first have an array of ints. Size of this array will be the numbers of words that you want to display. You initialize all the elements of this array to 0. Suppose your data consists of 4 words that. … Re: Random Sentence Generation Programming Software Development by martinjcloud Not exactly, what I'm trying to do is create a program that based on the words that the user puts in, the program will output those same words in random order. The link you provided gave me a little insight. It has a swap/shuffle function example. The only problem, is that it is in Java..so I would need to convert it to C.