Re: What's the most unexpected hobby or interest you have outside of coding? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by toneewa … also shown that individuals with celiac disease have a major reduction in their antioxidant levels due to a… Devin Might Be Fake, Yet AI's Threat to Jobs Is Real. Community Center by Johannes C. … of our work, not a replacement**. Of course, the overall reduction of work hours required to realize a project will be… Simple Reduction from Vertex Cover to Vertex Guard Cover Programming Computer Science by cubixguy77 I'm attempting a reduction from the vertex cover problem to the guard cover problem … path of at most two edges? The purpose of the reduction is to show that Guard Cover is NP-complete (I… have anyone done a research about noise reduction Programming Computer Science by lich hi, have anyone done a research or any project in noise reduction. im doing a project in speech recognition. i want to use noise reduction as well. but dont know how the process works. if someone can help me out for that Re: have anyone done a research about noise reduction Programming Computer Science by lich ya i did some. but needed some more support. its bit hard to understand like that. my final year project is about speech recognition. so i need to do some mechanisms in noise reduction also. but dont know how it process stack reduction Programming Software Development by caltiger Hi, Does anyone know anything about stack size reduction? I`ve gone thru the C forum and I did not find anything. Wat r the standard techniques to reduce the stack size? From wat I`ve heard, one of the best ways is to try and avoid static arrays in functions. Is there anything else? Thanks. Gauss - Jordan Reduction Method Programming Software Development by akasekaihime … this. I am asked to create somewhat a Gauss - Jordan Reduction Method calculator but I am having a hard time creating… Re: Gauss - Jordan Reduction Method Programming Software Development by akasekaihime This is how it should is the link about the gauss-jordan reduction method and the procedure of its computation. [Click Here]( Problem on 'new' & 'delete' in c++ Programming Software Development by sdmahapatra … ----------------------------------------- This is the Fibonacci Search Algorithm which gives optimal interval reduction for a given number of function evaluations. This program Operation… (i)(a1 & b1) = Initial Interval (ii) r = Required interval reduction (iii) m = Number of iteration (iv) z = The perturbation applied… Polynomial with rational coefficients Programming Software Development by RayRay1 …n; } else { denominator = d; numerator = n; } reduction(); } RationalNumber::~RationalNumber() { } // returns greatest common divisor int … } // end function printRational definition // function reduction definition void RationalNumber::reduction() { int factor = gcd(numerator, denominator);… error C2664: 'F_Ite' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'double *' to 'double' Programming Software Development by sdmahapatra …Calculate The Number Of Iteration From The Given Interval Reduction : //By Fibonacci Series std::cout <&…lt;"\nAccording To The Interval Reduction"; std::cout <<"\nThe…cout <<"\n"; //Showing The Starting Reduction : //---------------- //---------------- std::cout <<"At … Rational Class Programming Software Development by mike42intn …();//function prototype void printRationalAsDouble();//function prototype void reduction();//utility prototype int setNumerator; int setDenominator; private…() { static_cast<double>(numerator / denominator); } void Rational::reduction() { int largest = numerator > denominator ? numerator : denominator… Program for Rational Class Programming Software Development by Desh2350 …numerator denominator = denominator - c.denominator; // subtracts denominator return reduction(); } double Rational::multiplication(Rational c) { numerator = numerator *…numerator denominator = denominator * c.denominator; // multiplies denominator return reduction(); } double Rational::division(Rational c) { numerator = numerator … Re: Program for Rational Class Programming Software Development by Desh2350 … int numerator; // initializes numerator int denominator; // initializes denominator void reduction (); }; Rational::Rational(int num, int den) : numerator(num…) numerator / denominator; // prints as a double number } void Rational::reduction() { int largest; // initializes largest largest = numerator > denominator … Expected output is incorrect! Programming Software Development by jdbarry …* 1018; } //mutator method to calculate the waste reduction public void calcWasteReduction() { if(Paper == true) {… } //mutator method to calculate the net waste reduction public void calcNetWasteReduction() { netWasteReduction = grossWasteEmission - … Re: RationalNumber class Programming Software Development by RayRay1 …denominator; // private variable denominator void reduction(); // function for fraction reduction }; // end class RationalNumber RationalNumber::…d > 0 ? d : 1 ); numerator = n; reduction(); } RationalNumber RationalNumber::operator+( const RationalNumber &x ) const … Re: Polynomial with rational coefficients Programming Software Development by RayRay1 …; // private variable numerator int denominator; // private variable denominator void reduction(); // function for fraction reduction int gcd( int a, int b )const; }; // end… C++ code does not display correct output when run Programming Software Development by rsantoosa …Rational printRationalAsFloating(); private: int num; int den; void reduction(); }; #endif // #ifndef DATE_H RATIONAL.CPP FILE:…den; t.den=a.den*den; t.reduction(); return t; } Rational Rational::multiplication (const… help with this homework assignment Programming Software Development by nyfan68 …r); void printRational(); void printRationalAsDouble(); void Reduction(); private: int numerator; int denominator;…numerator - r.numerator; denominator = denominator - r.denominator; Reduction(); } void Rational::multiplication(Rational r) { numerator = … Re: Reducing Rational Numbers Programming Software Development by lbgladson … numerator denominator = denominator - c.denominator; // subtracts denominator return reduction(); } double Rational::multiplication(Rational c) { numerator = numerator *…numerator denominator = denominator * c.denominator; // multiplies denominator return reduction(); } double Rational::division(Rational c) { numerator = numerator *… Homework Help Community Center Say Hello! by ladyd33099 … = 1; i <= totalMonths; i++) { NewMonthlyInterest = MonthlyInterest * NewLoan; Reduction = monthlyPayment - NewMonthlyInterest; NewLoan = NewLoan - Reduction; amortTextArea.append(" " + i +"\t"… Homework Help Programming Software Development by ladyd33099 …lt;= totalMonths; i++) { NewMonthlyInterest = MonthlyInterest * NewLoan; Reduction = monthlyPayment - NewMonthlyInterest; NewLoan = NewLoan - Reduction; amortTextArea.append(" " + i +"\t&…"\t"); amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(Reduction) + "\t"); amortTextArea.append(" " +… Re: Rational Number class Programming Software Development by e30rapidic …(); void printRationalAsDouble(); private: int numerator; int denominator; void reduction(); // utility function }; #endif Rational::Rational( int n,…s.numerator; t.denominator = s.denominator * denominator; t.reduction(); return t; } Rational Rational::multiplication( const Rational &… Interview with Intel's James Reinders Programming Software Development by jeffcogswell … a problem. And you want to solve it with a reduction. Cilk plus has a very clever thing where you take… object, and you mention that it's for a summing-reduction. Behind the scenes, it creates separate copies of the variable… machine you're on and it helps you with the reduction. It's a really clever idea. This idea came out… XML feeds Programming Software Development by Shruthi_R …;/name> <eachway> <reduction>/</reduction> <place/> </eachway…;/name> <eachway> <reduction>/</reduction> <place/> </eachway… Re: RationalNumber class Programming Software Development by RayRay1 … int denominator; // private variable denominator void reduction(); // function for fraction reduction }; // end class RationalNumber RationalNumber::RationalNumber( …( d > 0 ? d : 1 ); numerator = n; reduction(); } RationalNumber RationalNumber::operator+( const RationalNumber &x ) const { return … Rational Number class Programming Software Development by e30rapidic …;< (double) numerator / denominator; }// end printRationalAsDouble void Rational::reduction() { int largest; largest = numerator > denominator ? numerator … /= gcd; denominator /= gcd; } // end if } // end function reduction Rational::Rational() { numerator = 0; denominator = 1; }//end rational() [/… Re: Rational Class Programming Software Development by sfuo … commented the code where it was wrong. [CODE]void Rational::reduction() { int largest = numerator > denominator ? numerator : denominator; int gcd = 0… Re: Rational Class Programming Software Development by StuXYZ …;. Arrrhh.... don't do this, they are not needed. Next reduction is missing a few brackets. Yes gcd CAN be zero… Re: Rational Class Programming Software Development by StuXYZ … that gcd cannot be zero. I also think that this reduction method should be deleted and re-written using a better…