RegOpenkeyEx Error: 87 aka INVALID_PARAMETER Programming Software Development by Abhineet.Ayan … am implementing a recursive registry delete using RegOpenKeyEx, RegDeleteKey and RegEnumKey. **Problem::** Though the code works perfectly fine for Vista x86… Re: Registry Access Programming Software Development by abbajee … Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long Public Declare Function RegEnumKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _ "RegEnumKeyA"… error occurs. ' Do While Not bDone sKeyName = Space$(MAX_SIZE) lResult = RegEnumKey(lHandle, lIndex, sKeyName, MAX_SIZE) If lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then sValues = sValues… Re: How do I get the default action of a specific file type? Programming Software Development by Comatose … world to do, but you would need the API Calls: RegEnumKey, RegEnumKeyEx, and RegEnumValue (For The Values In The Keys). You… Re: How do I get the default action of a specific file type? Programming Software Development by Comatose … N-th key, exit the loop if not found If RegEnumKey(hKey, index, subkeyName, length) Then Exit Do ' add to the… Re: Search the windows registry. Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon call RegEnumKey() to iterate through all the timezone keys. The [b]Display[/b] name contains the timezone offset from GMT. You need to create a string in similar format so that it can be compared to what's in the registry. Re: Reading REG_SZ registry value to char * Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon …(int i = 0; done == false; i++) { char buf[255]; succeeded = RegEnumKey(key, i, buf, sizeof(buf)); if( succeeded != ERROR_SUCCESS) { done = true… Re: Win32 registry functions failing Programming Software Development by caut_baia …=0; char Buff[1024]; unsigned long BuffSize; HKEY Subkey; while (RegEnumKey (Key,Indx,Buff,BuffSize)!=ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { RegOpenKeyEx (Key,Buff,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS… Re: RegOpenkeyEx Error: 87 aka INVALID_PARAMETER Programming Software Development by triumphost Question for you.. Are you sure the following is correct? if( lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( lRet == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { bRet = FALSE ; break ; } else { bRet = FALSE ; //Are… Re: RegOpenkeyEx Error: 87 aka INVALID_PARAMETER Programming Software Development by Abhineet.Ayan Thanks for trying. That if-else condition is My Bad. And again, RegOpenKeyEx is returning the INVALID_PARAMETER ERROR. My first problem is atleast opening the key.