10 Topics

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Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello good day. I am trying to figure out if it is at all possible for me to do but I want to access the area that is outside the JScrollPane's view when my JFrame is resized. Let me explain; I have a LayeredPanewith two layers within a JscrollPane. The …

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx
Member Avatar for Marty1963

I'm pretty new at this still and my boss just gave me a real challenge. Before I get ***too*** stressed about it I thought I'd see if anyone had some ideas. He wants a banner graphic on the top of his e-commerce page to be specific to the region (State/Province) …

Member Avatar for azareth
Member Avatar for asuprem

I'm wondering, is there any way to create a tooltip so that the hovering information always appears in a specific region for all links. I have a vertical navigation menu and I want link information to appear beneath the entire menu.

Member Avatar for georgeoshardo

My uncle is coming to the UK from the US for Christmas, and I've asked him to get me the Kindle Fire, which comes out in November over there, but there is no UK release date. If he buys it for me there, and beings it home to, will I …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for aadi_capri

hello friends, how can i design a region in vb.net form(windows application), such that when i click any point inside a region a new page opens. my problem is that the region which i want to define through it is very complex..its a combination of a rectangle and another shape. …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for spence89

Hi guys, I've just managed to get 99% of a script running for my website. I am creating a system where a user can create an invoice using our billing system, and then download it via PDF. I am using Persists PDF module and I have got it all working. …

Member Avatar for spence89
Member Avatar for kazekagerandy

how can i draw a free-shape (it means no particular shape or sides) and fill it in with the colors chosen from colordialog? e.g. im gonna draw a rounded rectangle and i want to fill its insides with color red. answers will be appreciated :)

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for rockerjhr

ok here are the files [B]globals.h[/B] [CODE] #ifndef _globals #define _globals #define DATA( L ) ( ( L ) -> datapointer ) #define NEXT( L ) ( ( L ) -> next ) typedef enum { OK, ERROR } status ; typedef enum { FALSE = 0 , TRUE=1 } …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for darelet

Hi all, I'm trying to implement a blob coloring/region labeling algorithm to find and label all blobs/objects in a given image so that at the end of it, I can eliminate all but the largest object. I represented the image by a mask matrix (int binary[image size]) where zero co-ordinate …

Member Avatar for sathya8819

Hi, I have a code where I have to use the region class in drawing. When I type using System.Drawing., the region class doesnt appear in the drop down list. I know this is a kinda silly doubt, but I need to include it in my project. Thanks prashanth

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The End.